Osaka it is

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You tilt your head up to reveal the ebony-haired male standing in the aisle to the left of you. He wears a white mask that covers his mouth and slightly muffles his words as he speaks.

When your eyes meet his own fully, you attempt to calm your frantic breathing, as well as wipe away the few tears that have regrettably escaped your eyes. "J-Jungkook."

"You're crying," he states bluntly.

You look away nervously, "I'm f-fine really, don't worry about me." You attempt to steady yourself once more, giving him a faint smile that you're sure he can see through.

"Noona," his brows furrow, "come here."

"No, really, I'm-"

"Come," he demands, interrupting you in the process.

"Okay," you say quietly. "Excuse me, sir." The man blocking you from the aisle sighs with a scowl before getting up.

"Are you coming back?" He asks, his tone showing his irritation.


"No," Jungkook interrupts.

Surprised at his response, you look up at him. It's hard to read his expression, as the mask is taking up most of his face. "Good," the man rumbles, "cause' I won't be getting up again."

Following Jungkook's instructions, you get out and into the aisle after the man, and grab your bag from the overhead compartment.

"Where are we going?" You ask Jungkook, who hasn't said a thing to you since you started walking back further into the plane. He doesn't respond or even look at you, and continues his path back until you reach the rest of the boys.

It looks like all of their seats were placed next to each other, only one seat left between Yoongi and Jimin in one of the rows that they take up. That seat being Jungkook's. "Hyung," he says, looking at Yoongi. "Can Y/N Noona have your seat?"

"What?" You ask, " I never-"

"Hyung, please," he says, completely ignoring your protests.

A low groan erupts from Yoongi. "As long as I get to sleep," he sighs groggily.


"You alright?" Jimin asks. You look over at the brown-haired boy who now sits next to you.

You nod your head slowly. You once again sit in the middle of the row of chairs, but on either side of you are Jungkook and Jimin this time around as you wait for the plane to take off. "Yeah, I'm feeling better."

As his eyes meet yours again, you think he gathers why Jungkook took you back here.

"I've been on many planes," he shares. "At first, I hated them. I was quite terrified, but once we left the ground for the first time and we were flying, everything was alright. After going on planes so often, I've gotten used to them."

"I hope I'll be able to say the same," you smile lightly.

"We are now turning on the seat belt sign, and getting ready for takeoff."

The flight attendant announces over the intercom. Your body tenses at that, and your breathing begins to become irregular as it did earlier.

"Noona?" Jungkook whispers from your left.

You turn your stiff neck to face him. "Yes?" You respond.

"I'm sorry," he whispers. You can hear him more clearly now that his mask is lowered to around the base of his neck.

"Why?" you ask, confused.

He too has his head turned to face you. His posture becomes more relaxed and he leans his head flat against the back of the seat so you have easy access to look into his eyes. "I didn't ask you earlier if you wanted to come back here. It just worried me when I saw you up there, I-"

"Don't apologize," you interrupt involuntarily. "I-I should be thanking you anyways, so-"

"We are now preparing for takeoff. Please make sure all seat belts are fastened and tables are up, as well as any carry-on bags stored under the chair directly in front of you. Thank you for flying with us and enjoy the ride."

You know exactly when the plane starts because a loud rumble comes from either side of you, immediately making you tense up once more.

The plane starts at a low pace, but once you round a corner on the runway, the speed gradually picks up. Your grip onto the armrests beside you as a source of stability.

You can hear the engines running on the wings of the plane, and shut your eyes when the speed gains even more.

As the speed picks up, so does the noise. You shut your eyes and lean your head back onto the seat. Suddenly, the noise becomes overwhelming in your brain, and you can only focus on the mechanical sounds that resonate from the engine and come from below you and all around you.

Then you feel the presence of another hand above your own. You're forced to finally open your eyes and are met with Jungkook's brown ones that stare into your own.

He looks at you with eyes open, eyebrows up in worry, but somehow he still looks calm. You focus on his face for a moment longer before exhaling a breath of relief and shifting your head back to the front.

Though you don't look at one another, his hand remains on top of yours for minutes longer until the plane is up in the air and stable.

You stare aimlessly at the seat in front of you, wondering how a complete stranger who made you so nervous in the previous days could calm you down so quickly now.

The rest of the flight is short and you're fine.

You don't miss it, however, when Jungkook's hand moves closer to your own on the armrest as the plane begins its descent.


Hi, my wonderful Ramies! Thank you for sticking with this book and putting up with my slow updating. As you can see, a lot is changing in these beginning chapters... As I've said before, the plot will remain the same, but I just find some of these early chapters almost unbearably unrealistic and dramatic! I hope that the experience will remain close to the same, and maybe even a little more enjoyable!

Please stay healthy and get a lot of rest!

Here's my question for today:

What chapter(s) are you looking forward to the most for me to republish?

- Ichiranramen <3

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