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"What's up with you?" Mina asks while walking in the room you share, and finds you sitting on your bed with wide, sunken eyes. "You look like you just witnessed a murder."

Staying silent, you register her words in your overly-crowded mind.

Tell her. Tell her everything. Now's your chance.

"I-" What did you do? Tell her. "I was just having a staring contest with myself. See?"

Laughing nervously, you point at the mirror that sits across from you that you were sure enough looking into. Your mouth forms a smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes.

You lied.

"Okay..." Mina says skeptically while looking in the mirror. "Anyways, where were you? I heard when I got back that you didn't make it to the next shoot in the bedrooms."

Coming up with the first excuse you can think of in your head, you reply. "Oh, I had a stomachache, but I'm better now."

You fake another nervous smile before shifting your attention to the open windows that reveal the darkness of the night that slowly consumes and drains out all of the light.

"Funny..." She trails off while shaking her head. "Jungkook was late and said the same thing."

Taking a gulp, you wait for Mina to connect the dots.

But she doesn't.

"I guess something is going around then, huh?" She sighs. "I just hope I don't get it."

Releasing a breath of relief, you slide back on the bed and onto your side. "Yeah I think I caught something on the way over," you lie again.

You want to tell her the truth, you want to tell her everything.

But how could you?


"Just this once," he chants out again while kissing you lightly.

His hands fist and tug at the material of your shirt that hangs below your waist, as if he's scared to let go.

At this point, even your hands have made their way up to the firmness of his shoulders.

His soft, tender lips make work to your slightly chapped ones. You feel as he tastes tentatively with his tongue as he traces it across the bottom of your lip.

As he continuously shifts his head, his actions prove to counter your own, as you stay completely still; paralyzed under his touch and letting him take control.

Every sense seems to be heightened within you, and you the taste the smooth, vanilla gloss you applied to his lips earlier that's surprisingly still there.

By now all sense and logic is completely gone from your body. You're completely and utterly enraptured by this boy in front of you, and there's nothing in you that tells you to stop.

That is until you curl your toes and feel warmth that radiates off of the powdery sand below your feet.

Until you squint your eyes that are still being affected by the setting sun that's ever as bright.

The Makeup Artist | j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now