37. "can you please accompany me to a dinner tomorrow night?"

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-2 weeks later-


Last night we had flown back from our shows in Russia and one in Helsinki, then one in Sweden, and now we were back in Berlin heading to the venue. The two weeks were alright, aside from the death glares Jaime would give me while I was in his sight. I swear I could feel the scars forming. I had a few breakdowns, but nothing too major since I had Tony and Jordan there for me now.

Tony and I had hung out a few times, just talking about life and doing things together like coffee and food runs. I even helped PTV set their stage a few times since their manager decided to not be present for a few sound checks.. but only because Tony asked me to and stayed by my side the whole time. Thankfully I knew some of the venues well enough from mini tours in the past year that I could just stay at the sound board and do it myself so I didn't have to speak to the band or their crew. I did this all while being scared and terrified that Jaime would talk to me. All he did was stare at me and stay away from me. I didn't know what his thoughts were, although it wasn't hard to crack.. It was driving me mentally insane. I mean, I wanted to talk to him, I really did, but then again I didn't. He would probably just turn around and walk away anyways so what was the point? I tried to subside the gut feelings I had, but there was no shaking them.

Every time I looked at him, my brain would hurt and heart would turn to mush, I would break all over again. The resentment I felt radiating off of his body, killing me softly.

I pulled on an act around everyone around me, I acted like I was okay. Hannah and Jordan saw right through my act though to my dismay. I did party and socialize more outside of the bus, but when Jaime would show up I retreated back into my confine of the back lounge with my laptop and guitar...

I avoided fans at all costs since they had figured out who I was as well, screaming at me for 'breaking' Jaime. Over and over when I was on stage setting up Bring Me's stage. Whenever this happened I usually just retreated back to the back room of my road-home and played lee's acoustic or messed around with Jordan's mini keyboard. Austin, Jordan, and Alan would come and hang out with me, making random songs and putting lyrics we wrote on the spot, making crazy harmonies and weird songs that definitely made my time being on this tour worth while.

Austin and I even got matching Tigger Onesies (that Alan promptly stole from me.. freakin gingers..) that he wore on stage one night just to humor me.. I mean come on.. who wouldn't love a 6 foot 4 inch tall screaming Tigger on stage?

I love that my friends are such weird little shits.

I felt the bus rattle around, and eventually decided to get up. Obviously this was going to be a day I was going to run on jet-lag and no sleep. Fab.

I listened out side of my bunk for a few moments, hearing people in the front room talking amongst themselves, and Jordan fighting with Nicholls on what flavor gummy bear was better. “Everyone knows the white ones are the best!” I yelled poking my head out, then I swung my legs around and muffled though my suitcase, finding my grey leggings and a flowy ladies muscle shirt tank top with low cut sides that had ACWIFEY printed across the front. I knew Austin would get a kick out of me wearing it.

“No! The red ones are the best!” Nicholls retaliated, throwing one at me. I glared and picked it up, throwing it back at him. But instead it landed straight into Oli's coffee he had in his hand accidentally.

Falling Into Place (Jaime Preciado) (*PTV* Fanfic 1)Where stories live. Discover now