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"Would the following people line up, starting with the girl." It was a call to start lining up all the people against the wall. It made me nervous, I figured I'd be spared because of all the stuff we did. I grabbed onto Ellis' hand and slipped away as we walked further away. Scared, as we didn't know what to do. They usually like people up to shoot them right? More and more people joined. "Coach." They called as it was still ambiguous. He walked over to me, as I worried to Nick and Ellis. "Ellis Carson." They said, as now I figured they were taking us to a safe place. "Nick Murdock." They said, as the team laughed when Nick and Ellis walked over.

More people called over and Nick leaned in. "Why are we lining up,  girly?" Nick asked, as the guards left half of the people on the other side of us. "They gonna go fire squad on us?" He huffed out in anger. They pushed us into a room. "Or maybe, they'll gas us!" Nick smiled, as we walked into the room with everyone on the other side of the choices smiling. "Smug bastards."

"Release the infected!" The guy yelled and followed us, walking into a room with one sided mirror.

Several hunters jumped into the room, and a witch was running wildly through the survoirs running through the swamps. They did all of 'every man for themself' and displayed no creditable source of protecting people or anything an they all started to die out in less than no time. We all watched and none of us bothered to turn around or cover our eyes. We observed and even some made jokes on how they made the right choice.

A bloody hand hit against the mirror glass, and it held a chunk of hair in a braid. My hair, I walked up closer to the window to see half of the guy's head missing anx his eyes dropping out. Glaring, I watched him die slowly having a tiny regret watching this but nothing phased me as I've seen worse on the start of the day.

A hunter jumped at the widow causing me to back up in a shock, it cracked and it was trying repeatly to get into the room. 

"Everyone, move this way." The guard said, as I fell back with the crowd and had nothing to say. Ellis held my hand and Nick was glancing at the zombies. "Torch them." One more command came in and suddenly a room of fire hit the entire room with a quick flash, and everything was ashes or crisps of things and made everyone scared.

"Now what was that about gassing us?" I looked to Nick as he looked to me. "You welcome bixsexual solider." I laughed, trying to lighten up the mood. "Just remember, act like I said or you could've been in that room." I warned him.

"Everyone here is either immune or have experienced the outer world." He explained, as we walked into a department of lunch tables and we all sat down. "You will be divided into team of tens. Will the following please walk up to me." He said. "First the girl." He said as I walked up to him. "Now, Coach." He said, we assumed we'll be in the same team. He called seven more and stopped. "These are your leaders, we expect you to follow them."

"But that's a girl!" One shouted.

"Her buddy report she uses the environment for the advantage, and killed two tanks this way."

"So what?"

"Also survived a hunter attack to be left behind with a medkit and opened wounds after getting defibulated. She then killed a tank with a crate after only using a baseball for fourty minutes." He said blankly. "She cannot reproduce, please don't think of her as a way like that." He adjusted himself. "Please pick your leaders, they would choose if they want you."

I glanced at Ellis and Nick as they already walked over. "Nick, try Coach's team. He needs someone." I told him, he shrugged did so.

Bashing Brains - Ellis X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now