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Jesus Chrimmy, I actually did it with Ellis. He was surely no virgin as he was the one in control the whole time. He sat me on the wall on the showers as we were finished with the deed and I looked him in the eyes to see him smiling sincerely to me. Making me blush I just adjusted the wet towel over me as we dropped them on the floor so we can have a better place to do it on. I felt cleaner over everything that's been happening to us even though it was on the floor. Ellis grabbed at my ass, to make me press my chest against his head to hold him closer to me.

"Gosh, yew're more beautiful when I know yew've climaxed on me." He teased as I then pushed him away. "'Ey, I was enjoying that." He sadden only for jokes as I leaned on his shoulder. "Well... are you ready for a kid? Now that we've done it."

Too caught up in the sexual activity, I completely forgot that this was a step to make a baby. I wasn't even sure if I wanted a baby, but it had to at one point. For fucksake sakes I'm going to be the one to repopulate the islands that we're going to. I huffed, knowing that this baby was going to be the start of a long list of children. "I'm gonna have to have kids with everyone once they know about this."

Ellis instantly frowned as the truth finally came out, because as soon as I started showing the people would be wanting me to produce more and more til I basically replace the whole god damn team. "Well, yew' don't have ta'... maybe we could find more people!" Ellis winked as my eyes rolled knowing damn well that the chances of a women is slim.

"Ellis... chances are it's not gonna happen. I'm probably going to have to give birth... and it can't only be with you." I told him, making him slightly annoyed that I would have to be shared. "Well... I'll definitely want more kids with you then one" I mentioned as he seemed to be in deep thought.

"Incest ain't right, my cousins tried it n' their baby got like an extra toe with some holes in the baby's skull." Ellis muttered. "I was lucky I turned out fine, my ma' was in love with my uncle and they did one." He started, taking off his hat. "I didn't have a choice and it's not like I can change who I came from... it's weird to call yew'r uncle 'dad'." Ellis admitted as I'm pretty sure I've never heard about him... coming from incest. "Everyone maked fun of me, cause I ain't right... when most kids from incest came out more wrong then I ever could.

"Ellis... we don't have a choice..." I admitted.

"Let's stop talking about babies." Ellis spoke calmly as I frowned since baby talk is basically off limits.

Bashing Brains - Ellis X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now