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Clear on our way to Mexico, I stood next to Ellis and saw his eyes on the road which was a good thing. I turned back to see the last person finishing the food and handed the plastic plate to the guy in front and repeat til it was in the bag up front. I held onto the two seats up front and saw every one look towards me.

"That was half of our food, and the next time we stop we're gonna have to get food." I told them all and some groaned but with understanding it. "We have a lot of gas, but the weight might drain it faster, so thank you all for carrying all the gas you've all found." I announced, making some cheer as we shook heavily on the body litter road. I went to sit down, but Nick pulled me down to his seat before I even could. "What-"

"I was out there with em' and some of them don't seem happy that you forced them to leave the 'safe place'." Nick quoted with his fingers as I glanced back to see some playing cards they found. "They wanted someone else to be leader." Nick then gritted his teeth and dusted off his suit. "I think we should threaten them-"

Suddenly the bus came to a screeching halt, I jumped up to see a tank holding rocks in its hands. Ellis already decided to back up, and held his arm out to me so I wouldn't fall down with the momentum.

What do we do?

What do I do?

What do I say?

I looked to Nick already grabbing our guns, and handing it to me and himself. "Don't break the glass, we need this bus in shape on the road." Nick warned, but it's not like we can shoot it out the window! By the time we tried backing further down the road, a rock hit our bus and caused us to stop as it seemed like the tires were hit. "Great! There goes our run away plan!" Nick yelled, as he opened to door to try and shoot at them like that. Another rock hit against us blocking off the door.

I looked to Ellis trying to fidget with everything to make this bus go, nothing worked. My body already started moving as I was unaware of it, my eyes scanned th area, back door is probably a way to get everyone out... but we can't use it due to all the zombies gonna be running after a pack of twenty people. I looked to the ceiling, the hatch! "Nick, give me a boost!" I told him, as he already picked me up so I can undo the hatch.

Climbing out, I brushed my hair out of my face as I saw it coming faster. It hates fire! "Give me a gas can!" I yelled, already being tossed one. I chucked it out the the road, and shooting it to make the tank stop before walking through it. "This isn't gonna last long, what's the strongest weapon we got?" I asked, looking down to see Nick being passed a grenade launcher.

"Just start shooting, we need fire on him." Nick commanded, I nodded. Opening fire on the damn thing, I kept myself to aim, fire, and reload repeatly. Nick got a boost up here, as he held a scar in his hand to start a fire on him as well.

The thing walked through the fire, already tossing a rock in our direction and having it hit the bus out of the stuck gravel in the wheels. The bus started backing up again, and Nick and I fell down to our stomachs.

Both of us stood up again, feeling the wind behind us as the tank rushed in faster. This tank was killing us, but the fire helped as he continued to burn.

I reloaded the gun once more, before aiming right at it's feet to let it bounce off the floor and onto it's feet. With that, the tank fell and the bus slowed down. Looking back to Nick, he grinned with a chuckle. "Well if this doesn't prove you're a great leader, then I don't know what will."

Bashing Brains - Ellis X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now