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     After we saw the plasma blast fire into the sky Toothless and I immediately turned around and,  instead of running back to tell Astrid, started running for the source of the blast.

     She's in trouble!  Krogan might have her, or she was attacked by one of our dragons!  Gods, let us be there in time!  I thought frantically as Toothless and I swerved through the forest.  She was. after all, the only other Night Fury besides Toothless that we have ever seen!  She is far too important to let leave.

     We ran into a clearing.  There was a smoking tree and the ground seemed to be disturbed as though there was a fight here.  This was defiantly where the blast came from...

     Toothless had his large, scaley ears pinned to his neck, his teeth were showing as a low growl slowly flowed out, and he constantly glanced around for danger.  He had a foreboding sense about the place, and so did I. . .

     "I know, bud.  Keep your eyes open, she couldn't have gone far."  I said placing one hand on my dragon blade and the other on Toothless as we slowly crept into the opening.

     Toothless, all a sudden, hissed at something left on the ground after the fight.  It was a small net shooter.  I shot a petrified look down in worry that I would see Krogan's seal on the deadly contraption.  Oh no . . .

     "Krogan was here, and I think he took her,"  I whispered with wide and fearful eyes.

     I heard a screech and a few seconds later Astrid and the rest of the riders appeared in the sky and flew down towards us.

     "Hiccup,"  Said Astrid as she jumped off Stormfly to get a better look at the smoking tree.  "What happened?"

     "I'm not too sure, I just got here but I think-"

     "What do you mean?  We saw the plasma blast, we thought you were in trouble."  Snotlout narrowed his eyes.

     "That wasn't Toothless."  I began.

     "Hiccup, what are you saying?"  Asked Fishlegs, curiously.

     "I'm saying that there is another Night Fury on this island.  And I think Krogan took her."  I said holding out the net shooter.

     Everyone gasped, completely stunned.

     "Wha- Wait a second!  I thought that Toothless was the only one!"  Exclaimed Snotlout.

     "So did I!  Until, I freed a beautiful, dark blue, Nigh Fury from an old dragon trap!"  I answered.  "Look, I can explain what I saw later, right now we need to catch up to Krogan and free the Night Fury!"  I spoke in a rushed manner while I jumped on Toothless, followed by the rest of the riders.

      We flew up and straight away from the village, on the far side of the island, where it's most likely Krogan had docked his ships.  


     Okay, think Whisper, think!  How do you get this bloody thing off without ripping your scales??

     You can't.

     I need to think harder, I can do it.  Alone!

     You need the Vikings.

     No, I don't!  I can do this by myself!  I'm not going near that village, I'm like this because I was too close to a Viking and got distracted enough to not run sooner.

     I argued with myself, reason against my own fear and stubbornness.

     I heard boots clicking on the stone behind me and swung around.  I had hidden in a small cave to hide from Krogan and his men but it seems a failed and feeble attempt at escape.  They must have found me already!

     When I had turned around I saw a large, gruff, and heavily bearded man.  He held a sword in one hand and a shield in the other.  

     "Well, you're not Krogan...But it looks like you did have a run-in with him."  He said, shaking off the shock."

     I backed up against the wall with my ears flattened back.  A small hiss moved through the room as I warned him to stay back.  But what could I really do to protect myself?  This man looks like a fighter, someone who I wouldn't get away from.  If he wanted, he could kill me, right here, right now.

     He hesitantly placed the sword on the ground and looked at me cautiously.  I returned the look and stopped hissing once he moved the weapon away from him.  

     "It's alright.  I'm not a threat to you.  Now if I take the net off, you won't shoot me right?"  He growled, still clutching the shield in case I suddenly attacked.

     I lowered deeper into the corner, I didn't want him anywhere near me.

     But he obviously didn't get the hint and walked closer.  I tried hissing again but accidentally showed my teeth, which caused the hooks to pull on my scales a little.  I let out a muffled yelp of pain and clenched my eyes shut.  

     "How can someone even make a thing like this?  It's horrible.  Ah, ye poor beast."  He stood tall and took a few more steps closer, only feet away now.

     I stopped hissing and stood up.  I made myself look tall and intimidating.  But it didn't trick him.  He knew that I was bluffing, that I couldn't take him.  And although it scared me I was also kinda glad that I would be able to get the horrible contraption off.  If that is what he was really trying to do.

     "Steady now.  This will only take a second, then you're free."  He said in a soft, yet still gruff, voice.  

     I froze when his hand moved over my head and he slowly released the hooks, one by one.  I felt helpless and hated it.  Until finally, the small net fell off my mouth and into his hands, he then proceeded to drop it to the side.  

     Now that I was free I could protect myself.  I opened my mouth to reveal large fangs and snarled at the man loudly.  He backed up and gave me my much-needed space.  I stopped making noise and opened and closed my jaws a few times, just to feel better before I returned my gaze to him.  

     I moved towards him on the ground and slithered around his body, checking him for any other weapons, but there were none, I did realize though that he had some fresh wounds around his arms, and fresh sword marks through his shield.  My guess is that he also had a run-in with Krogan or at least some of his men.  

     A large sound from outside and a silhouette appeared.  I blasted three shots in their direction and the large man picked up his sword and pointed it to where the blasts were headed for.

     See you next chapter!  Stay cool ~

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