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I woke up right as the sun began to rise out of the forest. I stretched out my arms then sat up. My hair was sticking out in every way. Once I was on my feet I headed towards the ocean. I washed my hair down a bit the went to check on the dragons.

Stormfly, Hookfang, Meatlung, and Barf and Belch were all asleep with their riders. Tawnya and the Snaptrapper were nowhere to be seen though.

They left. Guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Maybe Astrid was right.


"Come on! Get up you lazy dragon!" Whispered an angry voice.

I walked down the beach a bit until I came upon a large boulder. I climbed up it and looked at what was on the other side. There I saw Tawnya on top of a laying down Snaptrapper.

She was trying to make it fly.

"Come on! Please, I've got to go find my daughter!" She begged.

The dragon just growled and rolled over, still wanting to sleep. She tried to jump out of the way but it was to late and her legs were stuck under the Snaptrappers body.

I jumped off the boulder and landed soundlessly on the soft sand. She didn't notice me yet.

"Ugh! Dumb dragon! Just a giant pile of useless-" She said as she pulled herself out from under the dragon and stood up to see me.

"Mornin' Sunshine" I said, giving her a slight wave.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me as she brushed herself off.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her with a smug smile.

"Trying to find my daughter!" She said, angrily.

"Well, I don't think your gonna find her under there." I said, glancing at the upside down dragon.

She let out a frustrated sigh. "It won't listen to me! Can you- uh, could you... help me?" She said through gritted teeth.

"Sure." I said with a shrug.

She was a little surprised that I had agreed so quickly.

"Okay, so first off, you can't control a dragon. You have to earn it's respect. And I think your having so much trouble with them because, their still sleepy. A dragon will only work when it's ready." I said.

"What?! But, it has to get up now! I can't waste one more second here. My daughter needs me!" She said as she tried to push the dragon up.

"Fine... Try this." I said.

I started scratching her belly. The dragon's heads began to purr. She stopped trying to command the dragon up and started copying me.

All of the sudden the dragon got up and stretched. Then it started rubbing all four of it's heads on Tawnya in thanks. She seemed extremely surprised that it actually worked.

"Wha- But, how? I have been trying to wake this dragon up all night!" She exclaimed.

"I told you, she'll only do what you want when she wants. You just have to ask." I said. "Now, you still wanna learn how to fly? you'll have to listen to me."

"For my daughter." She said as she stretched out her hand.

"For your daughter." I said, taking her hand and shaking it.

After that we began her training as everyone started to wake. Fishlegs helped Tawnya learn facts about the Snaptrapper. Like, What it eats, how long it can fly for, and how to make sure all four heads our always happy. Astrid was still disapproving, of course.

Only after the day was over did I realize how long we've been here. I had Tawnya land her dragon.

"We'll be leaving in the morning. You should be okay if your just flying around with her. I hope you find your daughter." I said as she dismounted from C.I.D.B.'s back.

(C.I.D.B. --> Chocolate, Iz, Da, Best)

"OK. I think I'll be leaving right about now anyway. I Hope you find your dragon. And, thank you for all your help. You may have just helped me find Elanor." She said.

"Allies?" I asked with my hand out.

"Allies." She confirmed with a handshake.

She then mounted onto C.I.D.B.'s back and gave her a pat. Immediately the dragon took off. I watched her fly off towards the sun.

Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder and I spun around in alarm, ready to defend myself! There, behind me, was Astrid's shocked face.

"Erh. Sorry." I said.

Her only response was laughter.

"Yes, laugh at me." I said, sarcastically.

"Sorry. I just didn't expect that sort of reaction from you." She giggled.

After she was done laughing we were immediately swallowed by an awkward silence.

"Look, I just wanted to say-" We both said at the same time.

"Sorry, You first." I said.

"I just wanted to say sorry for the way I acted." She said.

"No. Don't apologize. I should have been more cautious. She could have tried to steal our dragons like you said." I said.

"And I should have been more trusting. She didn't want our dragons. She was only thinking of her daughter." She said.

"I guess we both learned something." I said.

"Yeah, I guess we did." She said.

We held hands and watched the sunset.


After we buried their mother, Ocean and Floe asked if they could go back to the stump.

"Of course." I said.

We made it there in a matter of minutes. Ocean was looking around the stump. But Floe went straight to the small stream.

"Y'know this is where and how I got my name."

Me and Toothless both trilled in confusion.

"It happened only a few days after we were born. Me and Ocean had snuck out of the den for the first time. The sunlight was so bright. And we were so exited that we decided to play chase. I got a little over excited and accidentally fell into the stream. Mom must have been terrified when Ocean told her what happened. When she ran up to that stream bank she saw something she never expected. I was swimming slowly with the water. I was flowing down the stream. Ever since then the stream has been my favorite play area."  Finished Floe, a sad smile on her little face.

That's all for today folks. So, you may have noticed that I'm way early with my update. Well your wrong! Because I will be updating every Saturday and Tuesday!  Yay!!! 

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