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     We went in the direction that Whisper had flown.  Whenever we passed an island we would spend hours searching it.  Yet still, nothing.

     I let out a deep sigh.  Astrid cast a worried look back at me.  She then looked down at Stormfly's saddle, as if she were thinking of something to say.

     "Look, Hiccup. We'll find them, I promise."  She said not looking at me.    

     "Will we, though? I mean, what if she went to bring him to a final resting place?  Or if he does survive, but can't fly back to me. Or, what if-"  I was cut off by Astrid.

     "None of that will happen. As I said, I promise we will find them."  She said, this time looking me in the eyes.

     I couldn't imagine life without Toothless.  If you're out there bud, please let me know.

     But my thoughts were interrupted when Fishlegs spoke.

    "Hiccup, I know you're worried, but don't you think we should rest the dragons for the night?"  

     I then realized how dark it was getting.  I looked around to see everyone almost falling asleep on their dragons.   And Meatlug's eyes keep closing, only to be jerked awake again.

     "Yeah, we can land on that island up ahead."  I said pointing to a small island.

     We set up camp on the beach. Which was really just a fire pit. Stormfly squawked, then ran to the water.  5 minutes later she came back with fish.  She dropped them on the sand in front of us.  Astrid picked them up and cooked them.  After the food was done, we all ate in silence, no one daring to speak.  And after food, we all lay down next to our dragons. Except me, I lay on the cold, lonely, white sand.  Even in my sleep, I could not escape the pain of losing Toothless.


     Me and Toothless were resting under a large oak tree, deep in a forest. When suddenly a roar echos out, and Toothless gets up.  I hop on him and we take to the sky.  He happily follows more roaring sounds.

     When out of the cloud cover, comes Whisper.  He purrs and they rub heads together.  Suddenly Whisper turns to me with a deadly look.  Toothless also turns his head to glance at me, growling. I was shocked to see him act this why.  But even more shocked when he rolls over all the sudden, causing me to fall off.  I plummet towards the earth.

     "Toothless! Help me, please!"  I yell. 

     Only to look up and see him fly away with Whisper.  I hit the ground with a deadly THUMP.


     I awoke quickly, only to realize it was a dream.  It was still dark and everyone was sleeping. I looked up at the moon. Tears began to form in the corners of my eyes.  Please come back to me, bud.  Don't leave.


     I flew as fast as I could, which with all the extra weight, wasn't very fast.  It was getting dark, and I was growing tired.  I flew towards a small island, that was part of a little chain of islands.

     As I got closer, I spotted a cave, and landed in it, gently laying him down.  I then warmed a spot on the ground and dragged Toothless over to it.  I left him, to go get some fish from the ocean. When outside the cave, I gave a sniff to make sure nothing was near that could harm Toothless.  All was quiet.

     I didn't waste any time running towards the ocean.  When I got there I dove under the waves. I looked around to see a school of small fish swimming near. I silently swam towards them. When close I snapped.  But the fish were to fast and swam away. I swam up to the surface and flew out of the water.  I have a better idea!

     I then flew up higher and searched for more fish.  I spotted a group of large fish, farther out to sea. I positioned myself right above them, then dove down.  As I broke through the water's surface the fish tried to scatter, but I managed to catch about six of them in one mouthful.   Seeing as how large they were, it was quite hard to not drop any.

     When I arrived at the cave, something seemed off.  I dropped the fish next to Toothless and listened intently.  I heard quiet scattering.  I immediately let out a hiss, showing my teeth.

     "Who's there?!"  '

     The noise was coming from deeper in the cave. It came nearer and I got a plasma blast ready. Then out of the shadows came a purple Terrible Terror.  That's it? That's what I was so worried about?!  I scowled at myself for being so foolish.

     I watched as it tried to sneak towards the fish.  

     I let out a little growl,  "Go away, you thief! This is my catch."

     "Please? Just one." It pleaded.

     I looked her over.  She looked tired and skinny.  It looked as if she had not eaten for days.  I felt pity for her.  I let out a low growl, yet still tossed over a fish.

     It could not even pick up the whole thing in its mouth. Being unable to carry the fish, she let out a little grunt. And from the shadows came two more little Terrors.  Except they were just hatchlings.  Not much bigger than a rat. One was a greenish-brown but the other was blue and dark purple.  Both sisters.  They slowly approached the fish, not taking their scared little eyes off me. When they began to eat, the mother just watched. But only once her children were full did she eat.

     They remind me so much of how life used to be when me and my sister were younger.  I started to tear up at the thought.

     Then I was jerked back to reality when I heard Toothless grunt.  I turned to him and pushed the fish closer.  He slowly opened his mouth and ate three of the fish.  Nudging the last two towards me.  I swiftly snatched up the fish and ate them.  I will have to go hunting again in the morning.

     My stomach growled. One of the hatchlings walked up to me slowly.  It was the blue one. It must be quite bold to walk up to a dragon of my size, a Night Fury no less.  And at such a young age!  It stopped three feet away from me.  I lay down, watching it.

     "Th-Thank you."  It said then scurried back to its mother. 

     They soon sank back into the deeper part of the cave.

     The next morning, when I awoke, there were a couple of berries in front of me. Where did these come from?  I thought as I gave them a sniff.  They smelled of Terrible Terrors.  And out from the shadows, I saw two sets of small gleaming eyes.  Oh!  I turned back to the berries and licked them up.  They weren't very filling and tasted bitter.  But I appreciated the thought.

     "Thank you."   I whispered to them.

     So, how'd you like it? Hiccup has fears of Toothless never returning and... There are cute baby Terror's! 

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