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     After seeing that mysterious... Viking, we had gone to search for the Snaptrapper. It was just me and Astrid on Stormfly and the twins. We had gone north, on the other side of the island.

     We flew low above the island.  Who was that girl? What has she done to the Snaptrapper? And, where is she?  Do I even have time to be doing this right now... with Toothless still gone I just don't know. 

     Suddenly we all heard a familiar roar. 

     "Snaptrapper, that way!" I yelled as Astrid and I lead a nose dive towards a small cliff.

     As we flew around the cliff I spotted an opening where another roar came from. Astrid pointed at the cave then motioned for everyone to be quiet. Stormfly had latched herself to the side of the cliff and began to shift towards the cave opening. When we had reached it Stormfly stuck her face in, so we could see without being seen.

     It's the girl from before! She's-she's trying to tame the Snaptrapper!

     We both watched curiously as she attempted to reach out and touch the Dragon. Then I realized the twins weren't with us. I looked around and found them... flying right at the cave!

     "No! Wait, stop!" I yelled as I saw barf open his mouth for gas to escape.

     "Fire in the hole!" Yelled Tuffnut.

     Gas now filled the entrance to the cave and the Snaptrapper flew out in fear. Yet the woman retreated to the back of the cave.

     The gas exploded and the entrance began to collapse. There was crashing for only a moment... now only quiet dust. As the dust and smoke cleared we could see that the entrance was completely buried.

     "Ruff! Tuff! What is the matter with you two!?" Shouted Astrid.

     "What?" Said both Tuffnut and Ruffnut, cluelessly.

     "We'll talk about this later! Right now I want both of you to go get that Snaptrapper and bring it back to our campsite. Astrid, you and I will clear away all the boulders blocking the entrance." I said in my 'chief-like' voice, as Astrid had described it.

     The twins turned and left without a single objection, muttering all about being "Under apprcieated..." and "No respect!"

     Stormfly was strong, able to clear enough rocks away for us to squeeze through in only a few minutes.

     "Let's go!" Said Astrid as she walked through the hole, clutching her ax in her right hand.  Stormfly was too big and had to stay back but she kept digging.

     I followed behind.

     "A bit dusty." I coughed out, squinting my eyes through the burning dust and smoke.

     Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw I figure. 

     "Here!" I yelled to Astrid as I ran towards it.

     She was apparently unconscious and still covered in her cloak. When Astrid was by my side, both of us kneeling, I pulled her hood away. She had dirty blonde, extremely curly hair, a round face, a few scattered freckles, and a small strand of white hair mixed in with the curly. She seemed to be in her late thirties or early forties.

     Covered in soot and dust, she made a painful moan, but did not move.

     "Let's get her back back to the others!" I said to Astrid as we carefully picked her up and lifted her on to Stormfly's back.

     We both hoped on and flew towards our makeshift camp on the island. When we arrived the Snaptrapper was already there. It was playing with Barf and Belch.

     A soon as we landed Fishlegs ran up to see the woman and picked her up. He took her to one of the sleeping mats and used a wet cloth to clean the soot away from her face.

     Ruffnut and Tuffnut came over to me and Astrid with hopefull expressions. We gave them cold stares.

     "Ok, so... I see your still mad about, the 'incident' earlier. But, we can make it up to you! See?" Said Tuffnut as he and Ruffnut stepped aside and showed the Snaptrapper.

     "We brought it back! And, gave each head the best name ever!" Said Ruffnut excitedly.

     "And what exactly is it's name?" Asked Astrid, annoyed.

     "Chocolate, Iz, Da, Best!" They said in unison as they pointed at each head from left to right.  "You know, cause of the chocolate smell!"

     "Really?" Said Astrid, obviously unimpressed.

     Actually, it's not that bad of a name. I kinda like it!


     The Zippleback called Barf and Belch had brought us to a small camp with vikings near the ocean. The silly vikings on top of Barf and Belch fed us fish, so we like them now.

     "Sorry about before, with the explosion." Said Barf.

     "No worries! Wasn't the first, won't be the last!" Said Tulip, the sister to my left.

     "Your supposed to be Iz, right?" Asked Belch, looking at Tulip.

     "I'm not Iz, I'm Tulip." She retorted.

     "Our riders gave you new names! Your Chocolate! Your Iz! Your Da! And your Best!" Said Belch nodding to each of us in turn.

     "Ha! I always knew I was the best! That being my second name and all." Said Lily, boastful.

     Great, now she's got an even bigger ego! If that is even possible.

     "Well, those aren't our names! I'm Rose, not Chocolate! And this is Tulip, Daisy, and Lily." I retorted, looking at my sisters.

     "You will accept your new names eventually. We did!" Said Barf.

     "What were your old names?" Asked Tulip.

     "We don't even remember!"  Said Barf, completely unaffected.

     "Oh, umm, okay then." I said.

     I guess they don't mind not knowing some stuff. Or alot of stuff for that matter!


     As I flew away from the island and towards the Whispering Falls, it became sun high. I was quite hot and tired from the long trip. But, we were almost there! If I sleep tonight, we will arrive by this time tomorrow.

     I very much miss Floe and Ocean, but I'm grateful to them as well. I wasn't lying to them earlier, I will bring Toothless back.

     I'll rest on that sea stack up ahead.

     As I dove down to the small sea stack, I realized it had a cave inside. I swooped into the cave entrance. Then heated up a sleeping area for Toothless. I wrapped my tail around him and fell asleep.

     It has been a long day. But I've only just begun. Tomorrow will be better, always.

     That's all for now! Just want to say thanks to NeonPinkBlackRose for letting me use Chocolate, Iz, Da, Best. (Which came from her story, "I Ran Away")  Bye now!   

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