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                                                (CLICK ON VIDEO COVER FOR A MUSIC THEME)                                           

                                                                              (WHISPER'S POV)

     I stood, horrified at the site.  She's... dead.  

     "Whisper is that you?"  Asked a familiar voice.

     I looked over at the tree stump to see Floe crawl out of it.  We stared at each other with sad, pitiful eyes.  She then ran to me and we connected heads.

     "I'm so sorry.  Your mother loved you very much."  I said.

     I then returned my stare back to the dead Terrible Terror.  She was a beautiful purple mixed in with blood stains.  It was their mother.  

     Then Ocean emerged from the tree stump.  She looked at me with tear filled eyes.  I pulled her close to me with my  paw.  They both just lay under me, cold, wet, miserable, grief stricken, and fearful.  

    I looked up at Toothless who touched his nose to mine as an unspoken 'sorry'.  He then lay down with me. 

     Thunder stuck and Rain began to fall.  I covered Ocean and Floe with my head.  And Toothless spread out his wing out over their dead mother to keep her out of the rain.  Floe and Ocean looked at Toothless thankfully.  

     We stayed like that for a very long time.  No one wanted to move.  

     After a few hours I looked down at the two sisters huddled together.  They had fallen asleep.  I nudged Toothless then looked back at the sleeping dragons.  He trilled at me.  Then he got up.

     "We should get them somewhere warmer."  He whisped as he stretched his wing out.

     I nodded and stood up.  I grabbed them both by the scruff and looked at their mother once more.  Toothless saw me starring and went to go pick her up.  I gave him a slight nod then we both walked towards the cave from before .  

     As soon as we got there I stopped and sniffed around for any boars. I could barely smell anything because of the rain.  Toothless went in first and set down the dead Terrible Terror so he could use his sonar roar.  It echoed through the whole cave.  We both listened for the response, but the cave was empty.

     I walked far into the cave.  I only stopped when I reached a wall that blocked the way.  I laid  them down and warmed a spot.  Then I laid down on it and pulled them close to my body to keep them warm.  

     They were still asleep, they had never woken up.  I couldn't leep, I had to much to think about.

     How did this happen?  When did this happen?  It's all my fault, that I know for sure.  Because, if I hadn't left so quickly then maybe I could have kept all those boars away.  It's all my fault their mother is gone.  They saved Toothless but I couldn't save  their mother.  I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry.  

     I lay awake like that for another hour before I finally drift off into  deep sleep...


     I woke up someplace very warm.  I stood up and realized everything was pitch black.   So, I let my eyes adjust to the blackness and within seconds, I could slightly see my surroundings.  Right next to me was Ocean, still asleep.  As I looked at the 'walls'  I realized I was under Whisper's wing, pressed against her body.  The hard ground beneath was slightly scorched and I realized that she must have warmed the spot with fire before bringing us here.  

    Hmm...  Where are we anyway?  I thought, trying to remember what happened.

     Then, all at once, everything came flooding back to me.  Mom...  The boars...  The pack...

     I yawned and stretched awake, then nudged Ocean up.  It took her a second to figure out where she was and remember what Mom did.  But she did, eventually. 

     I lifted Whisper's wing up with much difficulty.   Outside I saw her two, big, indigo eyes starring at us as we crawled out.

     "Wh-Where are we?"  I asked as I looked around.

     "Your cave.  Don't worry, the boars are all gone."  Answered Whisper.

     I looked around to see the familiar ledges in the cave walls.  That is where we used to sleep.  Mom and us sleep, uh... slept on the far left ledge that was higher up then the rest.  

     "I'm glad Toothless is okay.  You must have been really worried about your mate."  Said my sister, Ocean.

     "WHAT!?  Toothless is not my mate!  I barely even know him."  She said, flustered.

     "Oh...  We're sorry.  It's just the way you acted around him, it kinda hinted towards that."  I said, a bit confused.  

     We all heard a smug little chuckle then Toothless appeared from behind Whisper.  He gave Whisper a big toothless grin. 

     "Oh!  How were you acting around me, huh?  I mean, I really can't blame you.  My looks are quite hard to resist!"  He joked.

     "Shut up!"  She hissed at him.  

     "Wonder why you're blushing so much?"  He teased her.

     Me and my sister giggled.  It was the first time we laughed since our mom... you know.

     She growled and pushed him down.  "You're just making me red with anger!"

     She then pushed him down a bit harder and jumped off him.   He cast her one more glowing smirk.  She rolled her eyes turned her back to him.  Then rested her gaze on us.

     "Can you two tell us what happened?"  She asked, her voice now gentle and sad.

     "Okay"  I said.  I don't really want to talk about it but, Whisper deserves an explanation, she's been so kind to us. 

     "It all happened right before you two got here..."  I began to tell the story.  "Me, my sister, and a few other young terrors were playing right outside the cave when we first heard them.  We were playing Tackle  when we saw the bushes begin to move.  We all told her not to, but Ocean went to go check it out.  Before she got to close, a giant boar roared out of the bushes and charged at her.  she, along with the rest of us, ran back towards the cave.  When we were inside the cave we all stopped and looked back at the boar.  usually, boars will not enter our cave.  But there were about 6 boars this time and most of our pack was out hunting.  Only the mothers stayed behind.  So, like 4 Terrible Terrors.  There was no way they stood any chance against the boars.  so we all fled.  Most of the young Terrible Terrors couldn't fly, like us.  So we had to find shelter.  Mom told us to follow her.  She brought us to the old, rotten, hollow, tree stump.  It was our birth place actually.  She hid us there for 3 long minutes before we heard a boar approaching.  Mother pushed us behind her and hoped it would not smell us.  But, as luck would have, it was tracking us from before and still had our scent.  It starred at the stump for a few seconds before  it smashed its horns into the soft bark.  Mom and the boar both knew the stump would not hold out for much longer.  I guess Mom thought that if she sacrificed herself then the boar would not think her  fledglings were with her and continue on or that she could kill it.  Then... I...   she left the stump...  It looked at her with such an evil glare.  But she never backed down.  She got ready to fire at the boar but it acted on her to quickly...  It... She died right in front of us...  And there was nothing we could do about it.  The boar just left her like she was nothing!  Then, after about half an hour, you guys came." 

     "She was a hero.  Our mom was a hero.  And she had a hero's death."  Said Ocean, finally speaking.

     That's it for now.  Sorry I had to upload it so late at night!  I just hope you liked it.  If so, please: vote and follow!  Thank you, bye!!!  

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