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     We jumped off Whisper's head and scurried into the bushes. I gave Floe a swift nod and we went in different directions, looking for the Water Berries. I stuck my nose to the ground and sniffed rather intensely.

     I feel so bad for those Night Furys. Poor Whisper, she might lose him. I'm pretty sure the other one is her mate. She must love him very much. I have to find these berries! For the Night Fury's!

     I intensified my searching even more.


     Wait! I smell something... Water Berries!

     I saw a scrawny bush up ahead with some dark blue berries attached to it. I began to confidently walk towards it, proud that I had found them first. But, just as I snapped the branch holding the berries away, a boar pushed it's way through the branches of the bush and stared at me.

     It had bloody eyes, ferociously sharp tusks, and pointy, devil like hoves. It charged at me, I did not move though. I couldn't move, fear had me frozen on the spot. I closed my eyes as it's terrifying body rushed towards me. It's tusks pointed straight at my heart.

     Then, I felt it. I had indeed made contact with me, just not the way I would have thought. I opened one eye as it's tongue swept across my face. I then opened the other to see it come in for another lick.

     "Ewwww! That's disgusting! Get off me right now!" I yelled at the boar. It immediately backed away, as if I had hurt it's feelings. It sat down and stared at me sadly. We were about the same height too.

     Wait a second... the same height? That's impossible, boars are much larger then Terrible Terrors. So, that means... this one's a baby! And if it's a baby then where is it's mommy?

     I looked back at the baby and realized that it's 'bloody eyes' were infact just brown, and it's 'ferociously sharp tusks' are really just little stubs, and it's 'pointy, devil like hoves' were perfectly rounded.

      I scoffed. "I can't believe I was afraid of you! Your just a puny little runt!"

     It began to cry. 

     "Go ahead, see if I care!" I said.

     Which was a very big mistake. Because just then it's mother thundered over the bush and let out a grunt of anger.


     I backed away slowly.  The mother charged at me and the baby giggled innocently.   I ran. I ran faster then I ever have.  Dear god, what have I done...

     I still had the berries on the branch in my mouth. I ran back the way I came, hoping to find a way out. It was gaining speed quickly. Up ahead in the bushes, I saw Floe searching the brush.

     "Run! Run now! There's a boar!!!" I yelled at her.

     She immediately looked up, frightened.

     "No... Boars, as in plural!"  She squecked out in a whimper

     I looked behind me and, to my horror, more boars had joined the chase.  Soon we were both running for our lives. Floe, however, was faster and told me to follow her. She made a few sharp turns until keeping straight. She was heading right between two bushes.

     "This is the way out!" She shouted back to me. We burst from the bushes to see a rather depressed looking Whisper.

     "We found some!" I said.

     "But, something found us too." Said Floe as the raging boars burst out from behind us.


     The boars anger turned to fear as it saw me. I let out a threatening growl as they all scurried back. I then turned down to Floe and Ocean.

     "Are you two okay?" I asked.

     "Yep."  They said as they nodded their heads.

     "Thank you."  Said Floe gratefully. I lowered my head for them to climb on.

     As I ran back to Toothless, I had time to think about that dream.

     So, there are more Night Furys! This is incredible. After all this time, I was never alone. As soon as Toothless is better, we will follow the moon and find them!  Speaking of Toothless, his parents must have brought him away as an egg as well...  This is all so strange and wonderful!  I can't wait to see more Night Furys, and Toothless will feel the same I'm sure!

     When we reached the cave I saw all the Terrible Terrors sitting watch. I let Floe and Ocean down to go meet their friends. But first Ocean had dropped the berries at my feet. I grabbed them up and rushed to Toothless. I was about to give them to him, but Floe stopped me.

     "Stop! You must mix them with water first!" She yelled in a high-pitched, squecky voice.

     "Ah! Yes I-I'm so sorry. I forgot."  I said, embarrassed.  Idiot!

     The large leaf filled with water was still there. But my large claws could not dislodge the small, delicate berries without breaking them, so Floe had volunteered to help me. She swiftly broke away all the berries from their branch and then... ate them!?

     I let out a grunt of alarm. 

    "It's okay! She is just chewing them up. She will spit them out in the water for mixing." Said Ocean. 

     I nodded.  And, just as Floe had said, she did indeed spit them into the water filled leaf. Then stuck her claws in and began to mix.

     "Quickly Ocean! We must give it to him immediately. Before the berry juice separates from the water!" Said Floe. 

     And, at that, Floe and Ocean picked up the leaf from separate sides, careful not to spill any.

     I walked over to where Toothless lay. "Wake up... you have to. They have something for you. Something that will help heal you." I said, trying to sound hopeful. 

     He opened his eyes... He opened his eyes!  He let out a small roar then opened his mouth as he saw the mixture. They then dumped it in his mouth and he swallowed. I let out a shaky sigh of relief. He then shivered and lay his head back down.

     "He is still too weak. We must leave now!" I said. Floe and Ocean looked at me with disbelief.

     "Why must you leave? There is nothing else to be done. All you can do is wait." Said their mother. 

     I told them about the Whispering Falls and how I knew it would heal him.

     "I have to take him there... It's his only chance."  I said as I looked back at him.

     I looked down at Floe and Ocean, both were looking slightly dissapointed.

    "Goodbye... I'm sorry we're leaving so soon."  I, too, was sad to be leaving but Toothless needed this.  We muzzeled for a moment and I was smiling soon again.

     It's not often I get to make friends.  I flew over to Toothless and picked him up with my claws. I rose a few feet away then stopped and looked back.

     "When he survives, I'll come back, so he can properly thank you. He might not make the journey without those berries, so... thank you!" I said before turning away and leaving.

Sorry it's late, but the first draft I made got deleted :( Anyway, I hope you all like the chapter, thank you!   Byeee!!!!     

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