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     The young girl ran over to Tawnya. Tawnya was already off her dragon and rushing towards her. They embraced each other as tears streamed from their eyes. Tawnya lifted her daughter up and swung her around.

     "I missed you so much!" Tawnya wailed.

     "Please, promise me you'll never leave again!" Elanor was sobbing.

     "I promise... I love you." Said Tawnya.

     "I love you too... Mom."

     They finally broke away and stared at each others tear covered faces. Tawnya used her thumb to wipe her child's eyes as she held her face.

     "I-I thought I was never going to see you again." Elanor spoke softly.

     "I promised you I would come back didn't I?"


     For the first time Elanor realized we were there too. Her face seemed to be confused at first.

     "You... You ride dragons?" She asked her mom.

     "Well, uh... yeah."  Tawnya replied.

     "That is so frickin' awesome!" She yelled.

     "Wha- I tho-" Tawnya and the rest of us were surprised.

     But, as I looked around I realized that all the villagers were staring at us with large curious eyes. Yet no one looked hateful or fearful. Most eyes were narrowed at me.

     "Who are you?" Asked a squeaky yet somehow deep voice as well.

     A large, plump man appeared from behind the crowd. He must be their chief.  Some of the villagers gave him bows while others rolled their eyes.

     "My name is Hiccup Haddock III, from the Hooligan tribe. We come in peace." Said Hiccup, firmly.

     "My name is Aloysius Vlahakis, chief of the Northern Stone tribe. Are they Night Fury's?" He asked looking at Toothless and me.

     "Yes. We mean your tribe no harm."  Answered Hiccup.

     He nodded his head then stepped closer to me. I hissed a small warning for him to back off but he continued to come at me slowly. I did not want to shoot at him but he kept coming closer to me. I hissed again, this time louder. I was about to try warning him off with a shot but Toothless stepped in. He growled and snapped at him. The man did not stop until he was only a few inches away from Toothless's face. Toothless stared at him straight in the eyes. After a moment he stepped back.

     "Your dragons should learn some respect!  Yet, you are allowed to enter our village" He said.

     I growled to myself,  "Why don't you learn not to stick your face where it doesn't belong!"

     The man then walked into the village and everyone else followed.

     When I walked through the gates I saw many things. Huts were lined up in rows with a large path running between them. The huts seemed to lead up a hill towards a large, decorated hut. That must be the chiefs. It was also where the chief was leading us. As we continued upward I started to realize that the huts farther up the hill were larger and more decorated.

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