Chapter One

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Nari's P.O.V

This was it, my fresh start. A clean slate. Somewhere my past hopefully won't come back. I looked up at my new apartment building. It was in the outskirts of Seoul. Not the safest place to live, but it was all I could afford for now. I didn't have time to steal more money when I ran from Daegu. I packed lightly and left. I smiled and walked in, keys in hand. Unlocking the door the smell of dried blood and dirt flooded my nostrils. I shut the door behind me dropping my bag on the floor. I walked inside fully and looked around. Liveable. I walked to the window and opened the curtain letting in natural light. I looked around there was dust and stains all over the floors and walls. I just shrugged before walking through a door. Bathroom. I tried another door. Bedroom. I walked back into the main room. The kitchen must be somewhere. I walked and saw another door. I opened it and saw what looks sort of like a kitchen? I walked in and saw a fridge, old cooker and a sink. Good enough. I walked back to the main door and grabbed my bag. Grabbing the instant noodles from inside. I walked back into the kitchen, cooking my instant noodles and sitting on the floor of my empty apartment, I began to eat. Planning how I was going to survive in my head. Theft was always an option. So was being a hit man and mafia boss but the was the whole reason I left my old life behind. To escape the reason I was born. I wasn't born like most kids, out of the love of two people. I was born to become a machine, something that couldn't be stopped. A killing machine. My entire life I was raised this way. Kill on instinct. Trained ruthlessly. I was pretty much a walking killing machine. But I refused this life. I wanted to be 'normal'. I wanted to the person who had nothing to run from, someone who could live a happy life and do what they wanted. Not be made into what I am. or the thing my father really wanted, his heir to the mafia. Sighing I look at the dirty floor I was sat on. Maybe I couldn't escape my past. But I wouldn't let it ruin my life. I had escaped and made it out. I'm willing to do everything to avoid the life I was told I had to live.

Just looking around this apartment is saddening. It's so empty, except for the fridge, oven and a dirty mattress that was my bed. Maybe I would have to avert to my old way... just a little. Just till I get a job and get on my feet. Theft was the only option I could think of. Steal now until I make it later. Sounds like a plan to me, at least for now. No one has everything when there pretty much at rock bottom. In reality I should be careful, my father will have his men looking for me. But I highly doubt they will try anything, they know what I'm like, they know what I'm capable of.

I pulled the hood on my hoodie tightly, making sure my face was covered. Sighing slightly I hid the knife in my pocket before walking into the corner store. I walked down the isles, grabbing necessities and throwing them into a bin bag I had. I was shoving so many things in before running to the cashier. I pulled out my knife and stuck it to there neck. "Money now!" I shout. The cashier clearly not believing I would hurt him just laughed. "No" he said laughing. On instinct I dropped the bin bag leaning over the counter, grabbed his hair and slammed his head onto the counter. "I SAID MONEY NOW YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I screamed. This time he obliged and handed me all the money he could grab. I grabbed my bag and shoved the money in before running out of the shop.

Panting slightly I stopped running and caught my breathe making sure I wasn't being followed. I pulled the hood down and let my hair flow again. I checked my bag and laughed. Easy. I carried on walking home. Proud I got what I needed but still angry I had to use violence to get it. As I walked I heard someone whisper. Quickly I picked up my pace. Hearing rushing footsteps I started sprinting. Refusing to loose what I had just stolen I held onto the bag tightly. Running as fast as I could, I ran through an alley way and pushed a bin over, slowing whoever was behind me down. I carried on running and pushing things over. As I saw my apartment building I smiled running to the doors and opening them quickly. I locked them before rushing up he stairs to my floor. I ran into my own apartment locking the door and dropping my bag. I wiped my head. Laughing. Whoever was behind me didn't do a good job at being stealthy. I could hear them talking and running. Amateurs.

After unpacking everything I stole and counting the money I looked at it all. This should be enough for now. I yawned heading to the bedroom and falling onto the dirty mattress that I called a bed. I closed my eyes hoping tomorrow would be better, and that this whole mess was just a dream. 

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