Chapter Five

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Nari's P.O.V

I tried sitting up but the handcuffs around my wrists and ankles restrained me from doing so. I looked around. I'm in a basement. How original. I roll my eyes and pull at the handcuffs on my wrists. They rattle and make plenty of noise. I hear the basement door open. I carry on rattling the hand cuffs. A tall slender man enters the basement. I look at him and tilt my head to the side. "Whats wrong?" He asks squatting down to be my eye level. "I don't like these. I don't see the need for them" I say pushing my wrists out and showing him the handcuffs. He smiles at me. "If I take them off you might run away" He says laughing slightly. I shake my head "Just my wrists. Leave the ankle ones." I say and give him a slight pout. He strokes his chin a little thinking. He smiles giving in and unlocks my wrists. I smile at him. "Thank you!" I say. I quickly scratch my arm. "Ugh! I have been needing to itch my arm for lord knows how long!" I say laughing. The man laughs too. He has a beautiful smile. I tilt my head a little and smile at him. "Whats your name?" I ask looking into his eyes when asking. "Hoseok." He says offering me a handshake. I gladly accept it. Something about him makes me happy, he seems sweet and innocent. But then again he is one of the men that took me and fought with me outside. "You are Kim Nari?" He asks. I nod "The one and only" I laugh. "You don't seem as bad as your father made you out to be" Hoseok says. I just start laughing. "My father is an inconsiderate asshole" I say whilst smiling widely. Hoseok just laughs a little at my words shaking his head a little as he laughs.

After a while my throat begin to feel dry, when was the last time I drank something? "Could you please get me some water?" I ask coughing slightly. Hoseok nods and leaves the basement. Using my now un-cuffed hands I grab my ankles and mess with the cuffs. Loosening them. I pull at them and smash them into the ground slightly. I do this fast and full of strength till they break loose. Standing up I stretch and look around. All I see is a washing machine and some boxes. I look at all the boxes and there isn't anything of interest. I hear the door opening so I sit on the floor. Hoseok walks up to me holding a glass of water and some toast. I smile and thank him. He sees the broken hand cuffs next to me and stares at me wide eyed. "How did you?" he asks pointing towards the broken hand cuffs. I just shrug and stick a slice of toast in my mouth. He just stands there eyes darting between me and the broken hand cuffs. "Jimin!" He shouts loudly. I tilt my head a small bit. Which one was Jimin? The door soon opens and a smaller man runs in with a bat in hand. I laugh as he sees me sat eating toast legs crossed and sat on the cold concrete flooring of the basement.

After I finished my toast and glass of water Jimin stayed in the basement to make sure I wouldn't try anything. It was cute they thought he could stop me if I really wanted to leave. They all fought me yesterday, it took all 7 of them to take me down. The entire time Jimins been down here he has just stared at me. Not wanting to take his eyes off me. "Can you stop staring so intently, its creepy" I say sighing and looking at him. He smiles a little. "Gotta keep an eye on you". I just sigh a little and lay down on my back, staring at the dark ceiling above me. "You look nothing like your Dad" I hear Jimin say quietly, but I still heard him. I sit up quickly and stare at him. "I'm nothing like my father either. Id like too keep it that way too" I say with a monotone voice, still hearing the slight venom I spit when speaking about my father. Jimin looks at me confused slightly. "You hate your dad?" Jimin asks confusion in his voice. I laugh a little, before a serious look appears on my face. "I despise him. Hate him to my very core" I say crossing my legs. "That man should be burned to ashes for what he has done, and for what he has tried to do" I say staring at the floor as memories of my childhood flash into mind. I hear Jimin move slightly, sitting in front of me, crossing his legs slightly too. Tilting his head to me slightly, asking for me to explain a little. "That man deserves so much pain and hatred. Hes a sick bastard. Always has been. Always will be" I say seriousness in each word I speak. I don't feel the need to explain my views to anyone right now. That's my truth, hes an evil man. That's all Jimin needs to know as of now.

After trying to get me to explain, Jimin brought Hoseok down to me. And another man by the name of Jin. I just sat there. Not speaking. Only nodding and shaking my head slightly. These men only took me so my father could get me back. Why should I tell them what I think of him, all they would do is tell him. They all sighed knowing I wouldn't tell them by own will. And even if they tried to make me I wouldn't. I have an iron will, I was raised that way.

"Maybe we should bring the rest of they boys when there back. See if that works" Hoseok says, smiling to me slightly. Jin and Jimin nod there heads. I just sigh and lean my head back. There not getting anything from me. Why do they even care?

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