Chapter Thirty Four

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Nari's P.O.V

(A/N Its been around 8 months since they have been running the mafia)

Things were going smoothly for us all. We moved into the palace I lived in as a child. All getting our own rooms again and closer to one another. The mafia took us well. Even with the deaths of so many people. We had power, but we sure all hell wouldn't be using it for the worst. I learned that watching my father as he abused his power.

I walked into my room, breathing out slightly. I stretched and yawned. I needed to get ready for a meeting with a mob boss. I walked into my bathroom putting on some makeup and brushing my teeth. I straightened my hair and wore a tight black dress that showed off my B8 tattoo and flowers. These flowers had somehow become a symbol to everyone. Each boy had a flower tattoo somewhere on them. Along with B and there number. Sora had been tattooed as well. B9. She was so happy when we told her. Her next tattoo was flowers. And she was happy to be welcomed to the family.

I walked out of my room and was accompanied by a guard. Even if I requested not to be escorted, everyone insisted. I walked into the room, seeing a group of 5 men sat at my long table ready to discuss. I sat down and smiled. "So, what would you men like?" I asked clasping my hands together on the table. "We would like to discuss the joining to the mafia" One said, I nodded slowly as I was handed a file. I opened it slowly and saw it was full of papers, each one describing the men in front of me. I read them all and placed them down. I stood up and stuck my hand out. "Welcome to the mafia boys" I said shaking the leaders hand. They all smiled to me, "You are now under our protection. We do not take kindly to traitors and slackers. You work as hard as you did when you were not under our protection" I said smiling. "May I say you look extremely beautiful" One said. I laughed slightly and shook my head. "I would keep those comments to yourself. My boyfriend would not appreciate it" I said smiling. Speaking of Jungkook walked into the room and put his hand around my waist, kissing my cheek. "I recognise you" The leader said, pointing at Jungkook. "Don't you work with the gang Bangtan?" He asked, Jungkook chuckled slightly. "I am now in the mafia, I work as Miss Nari's bodyguard and personal assassin. Along with the rest of Bangtan" Jungkook said smiling pulling my body into his slightly.

I walked back into my room and sat down on the bed. I heard my door open and close, I smiled as Jungkook kissed my cheek. "This mafia is growing so fast already, Japan and America just agreed to working with us" Jungkook smiled as he pulled me into a tight hug. I giggled hugging him back. "What can I say? We are good at what we do" I say smiling, kissing his lips. "We should go visit him" I said sighing, standing up. Jungkook nodded understanding. We walked hand in hand to the basement. I unlocked the door walking in. "Father" I said blankly, he turned and faced me. I looked around the basement. It was covered in pictures of my mother. He put them up himself. Always swearing it was his worst regret, and that he should have married another woman. But I can see straight through that, he loved her. Just in an awful way. He loved her up until the day she had a baby girl, not a boy. "Have the staff been treating you well?" I asked, my father stared at me angry before nodding. "Good. Maybe one day you will break down and understand what you did to me. The good in people will make you understand how awful you were to everyone around you" I said smiling, "And when that day comes and you beg for death to end the guilt you feel... maybe I will end it all for you" I say smiling, turning and leaving with Jungkook.

Something had been on my mind all day, I was worried. I walked into my bathroom and locked the door. I sat on the toilet seat with my head in my hands. I quickly got up and opened the draw under the sink. I pulled out a pregnancy test. My hands were shaking slightly. I un-boxed the pregnancy test, reading the instructions clearly. I breathed heavily. I had missed my last two periods and was getting worried. I had decided on taking a test to make sure. I sat waiting for it to reveal if I was pregnant or not. Two lines meant yes. One line meant no. I sat shaking my legs up and down, I had a five minute timer on my phone to let me know when to look. My heart was beating so fast, thoughts of Jungkook rejecting me If I was pregnant. Me and him have only been dating for around seven months now. What if a baby will scare him away? He is one of the best things to happen to me. Before I knew it the timer on my phone was ringing. I ended the timer and stood up shakily. I closed my eyes breathing out heavily. I looked down and picked up the test. Two lines. Two visible lines. I was pregnant. Jungkook is the dad to our child. I stood there shaking, feeling like I was about to faint. I'm carrying a baby with me.

Loud knocks made me jump and drop the test on the floor. "Who is it?" I yell quickly grabbing the test and breathing heavy. "It's me" Taehyungs voice called from behind the door. "Whats wrong Tae?" I asked breathing out slightly. "You have been in there for a while. Are you okay?" He asked, I could hear his worried tone already. I smiled at his caring heart. "I'm fine Tae" I shout back. "Could you unlock the door and let me see? I'm worried still" I could hear him whine slightly. I quickly hide the test in the draw and go unlock the door for him. "See I told you I'm fine" I said laughing, he hugged me. "Good" He said smiling. "Now lets go play some games!" He shouts happily dragging me to the gaming room, I just laugh and agree.

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