Chapter Ten

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Nari's P.O.V

I woke up and stretched I have work again today, looking at the clock on the wall it read 6:34am. I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes before walking into the shared bathroom. I locked both the doors and got into the shower. I quickly got changed and dried most of my hair with the towel. Unlocking both doors I headed back into my room and looked at the clock, 7:12am. I walked out of my room and walked to the kitchen. Proud I remembered where it was I made a bowl of cereal and ate it. "Nari, Jimin will be taking you to work today" Jin says walking into the kitchen smiling. I nod and smile. "Eaten?" Jin asks opening the fridge. I nod, "I had cereal" I say, Jin nods and hands me a small brown bag. I look at him confused. "For lunch today at work, you have to eat something" Jin smiles pouring hot water into his coffee. I smile. "Thank you" I say bowing slightly. Jin looks slightly shocked. "You don't have to bow Nari. Your part of the family" Jin says smiling. He really is like the Eomma of the group, the boys weren't wrong. To say these boys kill people and such for a living they don't act or seem like it. They all seem sweet and caring, and that like life hasn't ruined them all yet. But they may just be hiding there pain, and I wouldn't have the slightest idea. Jimin walks into the kitchen and grabs an apple and a drink from the fridge. "Ready for work?" Jimin asks I nod. We walk to the front door and I grab my shoes and pull them on. 

We get into a nice black car and Jimin doesn't cover my eyes, or tell me to. "Jimin should I cover my eyes yet?" I ask as I put my seat belt on, "No. When your driving with me you can see where we are going" Jimin says smiling, pulling his seat belt on as well. I smile and look out the window as we drive away from the house. I feel Jimin place his hand on my thigh lightly, "Want me to sit with you at work today?" I look at him and feel a slight blush on my face. "No its okay, everyone knows I don't allow thieves" I say smiling, his hand on my thigh making me want to blush even more. Lets just say I'm not accustomed to guys touching me anywhere apart from my arms really. I tried to go back to focusing my thoughts on the drive to work. But Jimin still had his hand on my thigh, very lightly but I could feel it. 

The drive was quiet but peaceful. The travel didn't feel very long and the scenery around was beautiful. I got out of the car and looked at the market, I patted my back pocket feeling some money, I grabbed it confused. 

~Buy some clothes for yourself. You hardly own any. Maybe a dress incase as well.-Yoongi~

How did he know I was going to wear these jeans? Whatever. I smiled and placed the money back into my pocket. I waved to Jimin as I walked to Mrs Kims stall. I took my seat and smiled to her as she waved. And the day of work began. Time went slow like usual, many people came and looked at her stall. None dared to steal knowing I would catch them in seconds. I saw some kids who recognised me and they all said hello and bowed. They were cute and made my day. I felt a small tap on my shoulder, I turned quickly and saw Jimin smiling, he handed me the brown bag Jin had packed for me. "Oh thanks" I say smiling and taking it from him. "Welcome, you left it in the car this morning" Jimin says smiling. For some reason the area around me and Jimin went very still and quiet. I looked around and saw horror on peoples faces when they looked at Jimin. "Why do they all look so scared?" I ask looking at Jimin, he just rubbed the back of his neck slightly. "They recognise me from the gang. They know we aren't the best of people. We most likely killed some of these peoples family members" Jimin says quickly. He pulls a hood over his head and rushes off, out of the market. I just sigh looking into my paper bag grabbing some food out of it. "Nari!" I hear Mrs Kim say loudly. She rushes over and grabs my arms and head. Checking me over and over. "Did he hurt you?" She asks quickly. I shake my head. "No. Why?" I ask confused. "That man is dangerous! I've seen it with my own eyes. Him and his friends are not good people!" Mrs Kim says her eyes wide. I smile to her, "Its okay, I can take care of myself. If need be I could fend him off" I say laughing slightly. Mrs Kim smiles lightly, knowing it was true. 

Mrs Kim let me leave early so I could go buy some clothing and other things I would need. 

I walked into some shops and bought a couple outfits. Yoongi said a dress. Maybe I should try some on? I grabbed a couple nice looking dresses. I went into a changing room and began trying them on and checking myself out. One dress had a zip and I was struggling to get it open. A light knock on the door made me stop struggling. "Nari?" I hear Jimins voice whisper slightly. "Yeah I'm in here. How did you know?" I ask laughing, "I asked the women behind the check out. You okay?" He asks, I smile knowing he cares. "I can't get this zip up!" I whine slighty, still struggling, Jimin breathly laughs, "Need help?" He asks. I open the door, he smiles zipping the dress up. "That looks really good on you" Jimin says smiling, I blush lightly again. I looked into the mirror. It was a small black dress with lace detailing, it was tight fitting and showed the way my body looked. I don't really like showing my body off, it feels weird to me. "I don't know Jimin, dresses aren't my kind of thing" I say wrapping my arms around myself slightly. Jimin smiled to me, "You look great you should buy it" his voice was calm and soothing. I smiled at him and nodded.

After some more shopping I had lots more clothes, coats, shoes and other necessities. Jimin helped carry bags while having a hood and mask on. Trying to protect us from anyone who would try anything. I was glad he was being so nice to me, it made me feel more welcomed and actaully part of their small family. It was peaceful. 

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