Twenty Six

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Nari's P.O.V

I really wanted to know what they were talking about, but no matter how hard I tried they wouldn't tell me. And as I told Taehyung I didn't mention to anyone that he had told me about. I didn't want to loose his trust. No matter how bad I wanted to tell them all I can look after myself, I kept my restraint. Them doing this just shows me how much they care for me. Its comforting knowing they all care for me so much. Although them sticking to me like glue is starting to annoy me, they resorted in what they used to do. One or two of them would follow me everywhere. Even when I'm in the shower one of them would always be outside the bathroom, but they would claim they just need the toilet when I catch them. There excuses always being plain stupid and hardly believable.

I called a meeting in my living room with all the boys. They all showed up and sat down waiting for me to start talking. "So. I want to know whats going on" I said crossing my arms and staring at them all. They all looked at one another, almost looking to see if it was okay to even say anything to me. "Im being dead serious, what is going on? You guys haven't been this stuck to me since we first met" I said still staring them all in the eyes, apart from Taehyung obviously but I didn't want them to notice that. Namjoon sighed. "Your farther wants you back. And he knows we are all here. We didn't want to tell you and get you worried, that's all" Namjoon smiled weakly when speaking. I just smiled at him, "Thank you for telling me. But that's ridiculous. Honestly boys. You all know I can damn well look after myself, and I know my fathers men very well. I grew up with them. Hell I trained with them all. I know there moves inside and out" I said laughing slightly, they all looked at me like realisation had smacked them in the face. "You know them all?" Yoongi asked, I nodded and smiled. "My farther would have them attack me at random points to see how I would react. So I know there moves very well. I mean at one point I knew there scents, they used to try sneak up on me. There strong sprays was a massive give away to who was there. So I knew what move to do before they even tried to make a move" I uncrossed my arms and smiled.

Hoseok smiled at me and gave me a small thumbs up, he looked kinda proud of me. "Wait does that mean you know which one of us near you at all times?" Jin asked laughing slightly. I laughed a little embarrassed and nodded. "You all have distinct smells that follow you around" I said feeling a little shy admitting this to them, it does sound a little creepy. But I couldn't help it, it was natural for me now. "Who smells the best?" Jimin asked laughing. I touched my chin lightly trying to think. "Hmm. I would say Jungkook. Not to be rude to any of you. But Kook doesn't wear strong smells. So it doesn't hurt my nose" I say rubbing my arm lightly, I could feel my face heating a little. I could see Jimin look at Jungkook and smirk slightly. "I smell amazing too!" Taehyung said pouting and crossing his arms. I walked up to him and tugged his arm slightly, "You smell good to Tae" I pulled his sleeve and he kept pouting slightly.

After the meeting we all sat and played some games together. But seen as there was 8 of us some games are hard to play, so we paired up. I was with Yoongi. Namjoon and Jungkook. Taehyung and Jin. Jimin and Hoseok. We decided on trying to play monopoly in that form. Me and Yoongi were undefeated, I guess we are a good pair. Namjoon and Jungkook were catching up. "That's cheating!" I shouted at Jin. Yoongi stared at him. "I'm the oldest. I make the rules" Jin said grabbing some money. I pouted and crossed my arms. As me and Jin were arguing over him cheating everyone was checking there phones. I heard a chuckle. I looked and saw Yoongi chuckling. "What are you laughing at?" I asked suddenly sitting next to Yoongi, he showed me his phone screen.

Me (Yoongi): We should do a bet. Who ever looses has to get another tattoo.

Namjoon: Your on.

I laughed a little and nodded. "We really should, I wanted to get some more, I really like the look of them" I said smiling, "I could take you to the place I got all mine from" Yoongi said still looking at his phone. "You have more than one?" I asked, Yoongi nodded. He lifted his shirt slightly, I looked and saw some beautiful ink designs. I smiled. Everyone seemed to notice what we were talking about and were looking at us. "Namjoon your on" I said smirking.

After a couple hours of playing games and keeping scores me and Yoongi won. Taehyung and Hoseok lost. I smiled and clapped my hands slightly. "We will all go tomorrow, and decide what the losers get. And Nari wants another one too" Yoongi said yawning, I nodded and smiled. I was already thinking about what tattoo I wanted and where.

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