Chapter Thirty Three

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Nari's P.O.V

I stood in front of him now. Smiling widely. "Oh how I have missed you" I say circling the now shaking man. "I don't remember you shaking so much when we last saw each other" I said pressing the gun into his head, as I carried on walking around him. "But even then, the last time I actually saw you was when I was around 14? So around six years now" I said smiling, I pushed him into a chair sitting him down. "You look old. Tired. Weak" I say staring into his eyes. "Maybe that's why you trained me so quickly. You already knew you were becoming weak. You needed someone stronger than you to take over." I said contemplating. The wrinkles on his face were defined now, the grey hairs, his eyes drooping, the freckles to show age coming through. He was truly an old man now. "After all the pain you made me endure, I feel like its time for payback" I said smiling, I walked over to the desk, opening a draw and pulling a letter opener. I felt the blade in my hands. I walked back over to him, I slowly dragged the blade across his leg. The door swung open, the boys and Sora walked in. The looked at the bodies on the floor before looking at me. "Nari don't do this" Hoseoks soft voice called, I looked at him. "You don't need to do this. You have already killed so many, you don't want to be like him" His voice was soft and calming. "After everything I ever felt because of him, he deserves everything" I said turning back to my father. I cut his thigh deeply with the blade. His blood pouring quickly. I soon follow with a cut on the next thigh.

I was suddenly stopped by a hand when I went to another mark. I turned to see Yoongi holding my wrist tightly. He looked at me, his eyes showing pain. "Don't do this" He sounded almost like he was pleading. "Stop it before he dies" He said, I looked down at myself. The blood that covers my entire body. And no of it is my own. I dropped the blade and looked up at Yoongi with tears in my eyes. "I'm just like him, aren't I?" I whispered slightly, tears spilling slightly. Sora ran to me hugging me tightly. Her being taller than me my face was shoved into her shoulder slightly. I hugged her crying into her shoulder. "You are nothing like him" She cooed into my ear. The boys all surrounded us, hugging us tightly. "You are nothing like that man" Taehyungs deep voice muttered. My father groaned in agony. I moved out of the hug and looked at him in the eyes. "You are one sick bastard and I hate your guts. You ruined my life. But... I need to thank you" I said squatting down slightly to stare into his eyes properly. "If you hadn't of sent these men after me, I wouldn't have had the best months of my life. And I wouldn't have met the love of my life" I said standing up and grabbing Jungkooks hand tightly. "I wouldn't have met my new best friend" I grabbed Soras hand. The boys all locked hands with one another. Awaiting my next statement.

I breathed in deeply. "This mafia will be taken over... by us all" I said staring at my father, his face stared straight up at me. "I will run it all. And have everyone help me, they are definitely well trained enough to help" I said smiling at them all. My father laughed slightly. "You cannot take over while I still run it" He said laughing. "Oh that's where your wrong" Namjoon said, I looked at him slightly confused. "In the time it took Nari to come here and find you, Sora contacted me and we both destroyed your reputation. Everyone that ever supported you now hates you, they have decided to overthrow you completely. They already said they would prefer your daughter" Namjoon said smiling. I ran and hugged him, pulling Sora into the hug. I turned to face the old man, my smile as wide as it could go. "Now personally. I think I have a good place for you to go when we get the palace back in order" I said smiling at him, his eyes pleading for help. I heard some shuffling as Sora moved towards my backpack pulling out my first aid kit, bandaging my fathers legs. Before standing up and facing me smiling. I nodded to her. She smirked turning around and punching him straight in the jaw. "Thats for my family you ass hole" She said spitting venom in her words. I high fived her laughing. I stood still just smiling, I mean some may call me a psycho I did just kill a lot of people myself. But then again I was trained to do just that.

After we left and dragged my father with us we went back to the main building. We kept my father on the interrogation floor. Sora was offered a floor of her own which she gladly accepted seeing us all like family to her now. I didn't expect it to play out the way it did. But i'm glad it did. I now have the boys, and Sora. Soon I will be running one of the biggest mafias in Korea. But that didn't bother me much. I had the boys all to help me through it all. I smiled at my ceiling yet again, and closed my eyes, music blasting in my ears. I hugged a pillow whilst slowly falling into a deep sleep.

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