Chapter Forty Six

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Nari's P.O.V

After a heated argument Jungkook stood down and agreed on the four that had been chosen. Namjoon was happy with the selection and elected Hoseok to speak to the four and tell them what they would be doing. I wanted to speak to all four as well, but I wanted to give them time to prepare themselves for their tasks as well. With the meeting done I was heading back to my bedroom, hoping to catch a few hours sleep and feel some what refreshed. I climbed the stairs and headed into my room, laying down and sighing. Reality kicking in that my babies would be here soon, and be put into this environment. I know everyone here was willing to put there own lives at risk for the mafia, and my children. It brought me some kind of peace, knowing thousands would help in anyway they could. Even other mafias sending gifts for the children, and saying how they approve and would love to welcome them. I closed my eyes and turned over wanting sleep to take me away.

I woke up and looked at the clock. 8:45am. I managed to sleep the whole night? That was amazing to me, I felt so much better with that rest. I yawned sitting up and turning to see a sleeping Jungkook. I smiled and ruffled his fluffy hair a little bit, before kissing his forehead gently. I got out of bed and decided to have something to eat. Walking into the kitchen I could see Taehyung stood talking on the phone. "Okay we will contact you soon" His deep voice rattled through the kitchen slightly. He turned and smiled at me before coming and giving me a hug, "just business" he said quietly before pulling away and walking out of the kitchen. I shrugged my shoulders slightly and began looking for something to eat.

A few hours had passed as I was watching the clock slowly tick by. Just hitting 1pm. I sighed out of boredom. The boys were all training and I needed to leave them to it. Boredom was setting in fast. I need to find something to do, just to get time to pass by faster. I wandered the halls just looking at whatever caught my eye first. Every so often I'd walk into one of the rooms and have a little look around. I may technically own the place but I still don't have a clue to what some of these rooms are used for. That's when I started to pay attention and realised I had reached the basement.

I walked slowly down the stairs, seeing the room. "Hello father" I said loudly. He turned to face me. Tilting his head ever so slightly at my bump. It was rare I would personally come down and see him. I would mostly speak to him through the cameras. "I thought you had forgotten about me" he said, a disgusting look on his face. "I see your being well treated" I say looking at his belongings down here. He went quiet, and breathed a little heavier. "Why did you keep me alive?" He asked, his voice seeming stone cold. "Slow torture. Your trapped under my rule. In a basement. You may have all you need, but you have no authority. No daylight. No friends. It's just you and your thoughts. And I know that it drives you insane" I said, tilting my head at him a little. "I want you to have a slight glimpse at what you did to me for far too many years. Your barely handling yourself when it hasn't even been that long" I smile and turn around. "Don't worry. Your death will come soon enough. Goodbye father" I walked back up the stairs and locked the basement door. I know I seem cruel, but that man deserves far worse than he gets.

After my little visit to see my father I had decided on eating. Just to replenish myself and feed the babies. One thing I was certain of was that these children shall never meet that man. Or have to live the life I did. I sat down at the table, pasta and chicken on a plate in front of me. I was slowly eating whilst looking at my phone when I heard talking. I turned slightly to see Yoongi and Jin. They both nodded to me and sat down at the table. "You should have texted me, I would have cooked for you" Jin whined a little as he watched me eat. "You were training, I'm not going to disturb that" I say smiling at him. "Plus I do know how to cook myself, you just don't let me" I say laughing a little. "You know how he gets when someone else cooks for you" Yoongi said a ghost of a smile on his face. I nodded giggling slightly, "he always whines and complains that he's the chef in the house. When we own multiple chefs" I say shaking my head smiling slightly. "I'm still your elder! Respect me" Jin mumbled whilst crossing his arms a little and pouting.

The day passed but it felt like I had spent years sitting around. Not knowing what to do with myself. But this is what my days are going to continue to exist like for a long time. Finding everything boring and not being able to do everything I would want too. I sighed a little and rubbed my stomach, the TV was on a random show just for the background noise. I closed my eyes, feeling the little ones kicking and moving. It was somewhat peaceful to feel them move around, just to prove they are okay. I smiled and let myself relax. Feeling at peace.

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