Chapter Sixteen

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Nari's P.O.V

The smile on my lips never left. I felt some arms grab me. I grabbed one of the arms and punched the guy in the nose. The other had his arms on my waist trying to pick me up. I kicked him in the stomach. Being dropped slightly I was on my knees. I turn and see Hoseok with a knife coming at him, I run and jump over his shoulder, tackling the guy. It looked like I was straddling him but in reality I was smashing his face in. "DON'T YOU TOUCH MY HOPE!" I screamed punching him repeatedly in the face and neck. I jumped off him and ran to Jimin grabbing his bat and hitting another guy on the head. Handing the bat back I ran to Jin and jumped on the other guys back. My arms around his neck and strangling him. "Don't lay a finger on my boys" I say into his ear as I snap his neck violently. I jump off his back landing on one knee. Panting slightly I look around and see blood and people on the floor. 3 dead. 2 alive but very injured. The boys all came up to me freaking out. "NARI YOUR BLEEDING!" Jungkook shouted, I looked down and saw blood pouring out from my side. I lifted my shirt slightly. A stab wound. I looked at the boys with worry across my face. "Is everyone else okay?" I ask quickly, feeling much more blood pouring out my open wound. "I...I" I tried to ask again but my legs gave up slightly and buckled. Taehyung caught me quickly. "Get her inside!" Yoongi shouts. My eyes start closing slightly. "Nari! Stay with us!" I hear a voice shout. But I couldn't tell who it was anymore.

My eyes open slightly seeing bright lights on me. I look around and its a white room filled with artificial lighting and a few needles attached to random bags were in my arms. Where am I? I blink slowly, looking around. It looks like a hospital room. "Miss Kim?" I hear a voice say. I look over and see a man I don't recognise. "I'm Mr Lee. I've been hired to make sure you are okay" The man said. I nodded. He must be a doctor then. "You lost a lot of blood Miss Kim. We managed to stitch up the wound and give you a blood transfusion luckily the wound missed all your vital organs and only got under your skin" Mr Lee said smiling, I weakly nodded along. "I am going to give you some medication for the pain. Don't put to much pressure on your side and nothing to physical. You should be back to normal in about 2 weeks" Mr Lee handed me a piece of paper with some instructions and side affects. I smiled to him weakly, "Thank you". He just nodded and smiled. He opened the door and left.

I took a better look around the room I was in. It had a few paintings and some chairs. I heard the door open slightly. I looked over quickly and saw a face. Blinking slightly I tried to make out who it was. "Your awake Nari!" The voice said, confused I tilted my head slightly. I think these lights are making my eyes not work. The person walked closer to me. "Nari?" The voice said worried. I blinked again... "Jungkook?" I asked quietly. He smiled quickly. "Yes its me!" Jungkook said happily. I smiled a little. "Where are the others?" I ask quietly. "There getting us some food" Jungkook replies happily, pulling a chair next to my bed. He looked at the many needles inside of my arms and pouted slightly. "You look really pale" Jungkook said putting his hand on my head checking my temperature. "I did get stabbed and loose a lot of blood Jeon" I say laughing slightly. Jungkook quickly hugged me. "We thought we were gonna loose you, especially when I saw all that blood" Jungkook muffled into my ear whilst still hugging, I smiled and hugged him back. "I'm fine now! I was protecting my boys" I say smiling as Jungkook pulled away from the hug.

All the boys came and visited me, cheering me up and giving some food to eat. Turns out I was in a small building just outside of the main city. They had hired Mr Lee who was a specialist in weapon wounds to help me. Which was sweet of them all. "Did anyone else get hurt?" I ask, drinking some water. Namjoon raised his hand showing a bandage. "What the hell happened?" I ask staring at his bandaged hand. "I grabbed the blade I was about to be stabbed with" Namjoon says laughing slightly. I just smiled glad no one was badly injured. Jin and Hoseok thanked me for helping them out, whilst Jimin was mad saying how he could do it himself. It was cute. "When can I go home?" I ask no one in particular. "Well we could take you right now, but we would have to take the drips with us" Yoongi said pointing at the many needles still in my arm, I just nodded. I wanted to get home, hated this place it was eerie. The boys all helped me get up and to the car, getting the drips in and making sure I wasn't in any pain. We drove back home, I just watched the scenery go by, enjoying the beauty. When we arrived home the boys yet again helped me and got me into the house. Jin rapped a bandage around my stitches to avoid them rubbing on my clothes and causing more pain. Taehyung and Jimin helped me up to my room, I was going to be on bed rest for the next 24 hours. I laid on the bed sighing. Pulling the drips closer to my bed so I could lay down without ripping them out. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.

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