Chapter Seventeen

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Nari's P.O.V

It had been about 2 weeks since I came back home and I felt back to normal the boys looked after me and helped best they could. The boys also let Mrs Kim know I was quitting work. I really did not want to, but I had no choice. My father would soon want me back and most likely send his men around to try find me and to see If the boys had found me yet. I suppose it was for the best.

I sat up in bed yawning and stretching. Namjoon has set a timer for me to get changed in my own room. The camera turns off for 8 minuets every morning at 8:32. I got up and checked the time. 7:58am. I walked into the bathroom and got in the shower, brushed my teeth and dried my hair. My stitches scar is fading already, but it is still evident across my skin. I walked back into my room with a towel around me. 8:33am. I rushed to my wardrobe grabbing todays clothes and changing into them quickly. It was a basic outfit, jeans and a sweater. I stretched and walked out my room and towards the kitchen. Something felt different today, not anything around me. But something inside of me? I felt... different? I don't know, it just felt odd. Like something I haven't really felt before. Sighing a little bit, I opened the kitchen door and walked in pouring myself some cereal. I sat at the island in the kitchen and slowly ate my cereal, trying to contemplate what it could be making me feel different. But I still couldn't figure it out. I mean it could be to the fact I have been locked up for 2 weeks due to my injuries but I don't think that's it.

I laid in bed, headphones in. I was gifted a phone from Hoseok and Jin. They decided it would be for the best If I ever needed help. I've downloaded songs and games to keep me occupied. The music was some what... Sexual? it felt different, but not in a bad way? It was weird at first, but it also made me feel, confident? To keep my own space I threw a blanket over the wooden posts of the bed, creating a curtain like effect. I felt more alone and at peace this way. I could listen to my music, and not worry about Namjoon thinking I was weird for smiling along or being sad. I laid in a small ball headphones full blast. I was enjoying my music when I heard a noise, sitting up quickly I saw a shadow in my room. I moved the blanket slightly seeing Jimin stood smiling. "What are you listening to?" He asked sitting on my bed pulling the blanket back down a little bit. "Oh, just a couple songs" I say feeling myself blush a little, I paused my music so he couldn't hear it playing. "Oh come on, tell me. I might know them" Jimin said smiling. I just shook my head a little, feeling myself blush even more. "Oooh! Were they sexy songs Nari?" Jimin said smirking, I quickly shook my head. "What! Nooo!" I say laughing a little bit, trying to play it off. What is it about these boys that I can never just pull my poker face! I have been trained to never show emotion! But its impossible with these people! Ugh! Jimin just smiles a little, "I get it if you are, we all do it" Jimin said laughing a little. I smiled still a little flushed. "I just didn't expect you to. You are pretty innocent" Jimin said smirking a little again. I smacked his arm. "Yah! Shut up" I say crossing my arms and pouting. "Not my fault I was locked away my whole life" I say sticking my tongue out at him. He smiled and grabbed my phone. "Oooh, nice playlist" Jimin said scrolling through the songs. I tried grabbing my phone back but Jimin jumped up and ran out of my room. "Jimin!" I shout jumping up and running to chase him. I run after him for a while before catching up to him and tackling him to the floor. I grab my phone back and punch him in the arm. "Stop being an ass!" I say huffing out slightly. I put my headphones back in and play the music loudly, putting my phone into my front jeans pocket.

Jungkook and Taehyung found the whole situation hilarious that I tackled Jimin for stealing my phone. Jungkook wanted to know why Jimin had my phone, but I threatened Jimin not to tell anyone or else I would beat his ass. So he didn't. But Jungkook was very curious, he really wanted to know why Jimin stole my phone and why I got mad over it. I mean I trust Jungkook, but its embarrassing to admit I was listening to sexual songs, and got embarrassed over Jimin looking at my playlist. I walked into my room Jungkook walking behind. "But why did you get mad?" Jungkook whined, "No reason Jeon" I say sighing walking into my room. I moved the blanket and threw myself onto the bed. Jungkook walked in and laid on my bed next to me. "Why can't I know?" Jungkook pouted, "Do you not trust me?" Jungkook said. I looked at him and smiled, "Course I trust you Kook. Its just embarrassing to me" I say already feeling a little flush on my face. "I won't judge" Jungkook says smiling, his bunny smile coming through. "I was listening to sexy songs and Jimin saw my playlist" I say feeling my face turn red. "That's not even that bad Nari" Jungkook said smiling, chuckling a little. "Everyone does it" Jungkook said smiling. He pulled out his phone and showed me all his play lists. 'Kinky' Stood out amongst them all. I quickly grabbed his phone and pressed it, looking at the song selection. Jungkook just shrugged and let me have a look. "I have this one!" I said pointing to a song. Jungkook had a look at it. For some time we compared songs, I listened to some of Jungkooks and downloaded them for myself.

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