Chapter Twenty Eight

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Nari's P.O.V

After showing everyone my new tattoo I decided on sleeping, I was tired from the day and needed to rest. I climbed into my bed and fell asleep instantly. I heard a noise coming from somewhere. I sat up instantly. 2:03am. I jumped out of my bed and grabbed the bat I keep near my bedroom door. I slowly walked towards the noise. I looked round the corner and saw 2 very tall figures. I quickly sneaked to the hallway and pressed the small button Namjoon showed me. Its a panic button. Its silent to my floor but its an alarm to all the boys. I walked back into where I was before, keeping out of sight and watching these dark figures. They weren't any of the boys, these men were far too tall and broad to be any of them. But how did they get here? And know where to climb in? I sneaked back into the hallway hearing light noises. I saw the 7 boys stood there holding various items and missing most of there clothes, but now was not the time. "Whats wrong?" Namjoon whispered. "There's two men in my kitchen" I whispered. Signalling them all to follow me.

We sneaked into the room and stood in the kitchen doorway. Yoongi flicked the light on startling the men. "Who are you?" Namjoon asked calmly, they looked at one another before staring at me. "Jung-Il and Byung-ho" I said spitting venom. "I'm guessing my father sent you" I said standing straight holding my bat tightly. The 7 boys around me all tensed slightly upon realising I knew these men. "That he did sweet cheeks. I'm glad you remembered me" Jung-Il walked towards me putting his hand on my chin and pulling my head closer to him. I grabbed a knife off the counter and sliced his fingers. Straight.Off. His now severed fingers fall to the ground as he screams in agony. "What did I tell you a long time ago Il? You don't touch me. We don't want a re-take of what happened to your man hood do we?" I asked, evilness seeming to be all over my face. Byung-ho ran forward to try get to me. What he seems to forget is I am trained highly. And surrounded by 7 strong and well trained men. The instant he got close enough I hit him in the head with my bat. He dropped down knocked out.

Jung-Il was still screaming about his fingers, on his knees holding his hand close to his chest. I looked at the blood on the knife in my left hand. And the now dented bat in my right hand. I dropped the bat and walked closer to Jung-Il. I squatted down a little. "Remember that little incident in the bathroom?" I asked staring at him in the eyes. He looked at me scared. "I remember it so well. What did I tell you Il? Don't try peeping on girls" I could feel the 7 men around me tense again at my words. I heard one of them stomp over fast. A swift kick was blown to Jung-Il. Knocking his head against my fridge. A couple punches were thrown at him. I looked up and saw a very mad looking Jungkook. Hoseok and Namjoon pulled him away after a while. "What did you mean by the bathroom?" Jimin asked I turned and faced them all. "When I turned 16, I caught him sneaking into the bathroom while I was showering. What he didn't know was I already hiding in the closet in my towel, once he came in he took his clothes off expecting me to be in the shower. I left my shower running to trick him, and so I grabbed a razor and sliced his... thing. Clean off" I said turning and facing the bleeding man on my floor. "Jesus" I hear Yoongi say, I turned to face them all and shrugged. "Sadly they saved it just in time and the hospital sewed it back on. But then again he never messed with another girl ever again" I said looking at them all.

After that whole ordeal the boys moved the men from my room. They didn't tell me where they moved them. I was fine with that, I didn't mind not knowing. As long as they were gone and away form my sight. The only thing on my mind now was my farther would realise they wouldn't be coming back to him, but then again he would have known I would of killed them on the spot. He knows me well, he only sent them two together. No back up. He probably needed evidence of me being here and staying with the boys. And this was his evidence, his proof. Something to let him know I am here. My minds full of worries and thoughts. What if he sends people after the boys and I'm not there to help? I shouldn't be so worried, there all highly trained and have good skills. Hell there job is based on there abilities to basically look after themselves. I sighed shaking those thoughts away, I didn't want to stress myself.

I heard a small knock on my door as I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling, my music playing on a speaker. "Come in" I shouted still looking at the ceiling. I heard my door open and close. The person laid next to me, I still didn't look at them I was more focused on the music that was blasting. I could feel whoever it was staring at me. I slowly turned and saw Jungkook looking at me. I looked and saw his hands, they were red and bruised. Probably from all the punches he threw. Without realising I had already grabbed his hand and was inspecting it closely. I frowned slightly at the marks, he hurt himself protecting me. Even though I had it under control. He just seemed to go psycho. "Why did you get so mad?" I asked looking at Jungkooks hand still. "I-I felt... Something in me just snapped" Jungkooks said kind of quietly. I looked at his face, turning my whole head to see him, I looked at his face this close up and eyed all the details noticing small things I had never seen up so close before. I smiled at him, "Thank you" I said hugging him. As my arms snaked around his neck in a hug, my heart started to beat a whole lot faster. What the hell? Tell me he can't hear my heart freaking out.

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