First Day (Pt. 1)

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. 'The first day of school.....great.' I thought as I looked at my alarm and realized I only had 10 minutes to get ready.  I hurry turn off my alarm and rush to the bathroom and take a quick cold shower to wake me up. 

I get dressed in my favorite black ripped skinny jeans and black shirt with my patched hoodie. I run downstairs grab a banana and eat it quickly, then I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and put my bangs in my face. I finally get my stuff and go sit on the couch waiting for Patton to drive me to school.

Patton walks out in his pajamas and a tired look on his face. "What are you doing up Kiddo?" He asks. "School Pat it's 7:50 now we got to go." I say with an irritated look on my face. "Oh Kiddo I forgot." He says tiredly and grabs a banana walking upstairs to get ready.

A few minutes later he comes out excited and says, "Come on it's the first day of high school, we can't be late!" He grabs my arm and pulls me out the door.


We pull into the parking lot and I start shaking a little bit. Patton noticed and started rubbing my back soothingly. "Hey Virgey it's ok, calm down. " I start calming down a little bit but then I start panicking more. "Virgil, I'm here for you if you need me at all just text me I'll run out of class and help you." I start calming down until I'm fully ready to head inside. "O-ok, but you don't know my schedule." I say worriedly. He takes my schedule from my hand and takes a picture of it. "There now I do." He says getting out of the car.

I put my earbuds in then pulled my hoodie over my head. I started my music then stared at the school trying to get confidence to get out. I finally get enough courage to get out. I open my door and walk out bumping into a guy. 

"Hey, sorry man." He says. He had a white dress shirt, black slacks, gold earrings, and red converse on. I avoided eye contact and quickly got up slamming the car door and ran to the school building.

When I get to the doors I slow down and walk inside. A teacher rushes up to me and starts talking. "Huh?" I ask taking my earbuds out. "Hello, I am Mr. Jensen and you need to take off your hood." He says unamused. I sigh and take it off then put my earbuds back in.

 The bell rings and I try to find my class. I start walking around and look at my schedule. "Room 208, where is that?" I say in frustration. Someone takes my arm and pulls me down the halls. "Wh-what are you doing?!" "208, I'm taking you to class." He says and  I recognize who it is. "Patton let go of me!" I say trying to pull away. "Kiddo, you don't want to be late so, you aren't going to be late." He says making it to my class. "Have a nice day." He says with a small smile before rushing off.

I walk into class and all eyes are on me. I quickly walk to the back my eyes to the ground and I sit down. "And who are you?" The teacher asks. "V-v-virgil." I stutter. "By god he speaks." I look up and see it's the guy I ran into this morning. "Roman be quiet." The teacher says. "Well Virgil welcome to my class my name is Mrs. Smith." She says continuing role call.

After the role call she goes over the rules of the class, and she gives us our first game/assignment. "Ok this is how it'll work we'll start with Jason, I'll give him a word and he has to say the definition, if he doesn't know or if he gets it wrong then we move on to the next person and so on until someone gets it right.

"Everyone ready?" She asks. "Yes." Everyone says. "Ok the first word is sesquipedalian." "Um, is it a flower?" Jason asks. "No." It moves on down the line and nobody has gotten  it right yet. "Ok, Roman your turn." Mrs. Jenson says. "Um, a person, I don't know." He says and it continues until it reaches me. "Virgil?" She asks desperately for someone to get it right.

My heart starts racing. "" I stutter running the last few words together. "Finally!" She says almost yelling. "That is correct Virgil, very good." The bell rings and I get up to go to P.E.

I run to the locker room put my stuff in there,and then go to the middle school hallways bathroom and change. When I get out into the gym our teacher arrives. "Ok everyone, welcome to gym we'll discuss more after you run 8 laps." He says in a deep loud voice.

After I finish my laps I look around and recognize no one there. 'Good.' I think sighing quietly to myself. Then when I just think I was lucky Roman runs in. "Sorry." He says. I was looking for someone."His eyes meet mine. "Him!" He yells running towards me and tackling me. "Where is it?" "Where's what?" I ask winded. "My book!" He yells. "What book?" I ask. "Don't challenge me you little bitch!" He yells in my face again. I begin to smirk, I know I didn't take anything but I thought it would be fun to mess with him.

"Oh dear don't call me that, that's only reserved for the bedroom." I say with a sly smirk and wink. He looked dumbfounded but then puts on his rough exterior once again. "Don't mess with me, where is my book?" He yells at me again. I push him off blow him a kiss and run into the locker room.

I text Patton and tell him to come help me then I start hyperventilating. A few minutes later he bursts in picks me up and starts hugging me. He starts rubbing my back whispering comforting things to me.

After I start calming down he asks what happened. "M-my nerves just got to me." I say looking down. I look over and notice Roman there. I let go of Patton and run to the bathrooms. I run into the stall and throw up.

Patton's POV

I look over at the guy Virgil looked at before leaving. "What did you do?!" I yell poking him hard in the chest. "Um." He looks down feeling guilty. "I asked where my book was because he took it." "Are you completely certain he took it?" I ask pushing him harder. "Yes, he ran into me then he ran away, and I picked up my stuff and it wasn't there anymore." He said looking into my eyes.

"What's wrong with him?" He asks concerned. "He has serious anxiety." I say. Then Virgil walks in. "Patton, leave him alone." Virgil says walking towards us. "Hey um...Ro-roman, I don't have your book, and sorry for earlier. Both times." He says looking down. "Whatever." He says walking out.

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