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Roman's POV

I leave the crying Virgil. I am very confused he seemed in a trance until he screamed at me. I'm hurt he thinks of me in that way I feel tears run down my cheeks as I make my way to the office. I quickly wipe them away so there's no evidence of me crying.

I walk into the office and Mrs. Rain greets me with a smile. "Why hello Roman great job in the play. What can I do for you?" She asks hanging up the phone.

"Uh hey, Mrs. Rain and can you tell me what class Patton's in," I asked scratching the back of my head.

"Last name?" She asks typing on her computer.

"Um, Sanders I believe." She continues typing. She nods.

"American History in 306. You might need this." She says handing me a slip for him. I smile and rush to room 306.

Once I get there I don't knock I just burst through the door. "Patton," I say trying to catch my breath. "I need your help. He looks at me shocked.

"Who are you?" The teacher asks upset.

"Roman, here." I hand him the slip.

He looks it over and nods. "Go with him, Patton." Patton hesitantly stands up and walks out with me.

"We start walking to the auditorium. "What's wrong Roman?" Patton asks worriedly.

"I know where Virgil is," I state picking up speed.

"Where?" He asks running to catch up. "And how do you know?"

I slow slightly down for him. "Beneath the auditorium stage and because I hid him," I say looking down feeling slightly sorry.

"Oh well as long as he's okay then it's fine!" Patton says putting on one of his signature smiles.

He follows me until we get into the auditorium. I show him where the hatch is and start leaving. "Where are you going?" Patton asks sounding slightly angry.

"He's mad at me," I state walking off again. Patton grabs my wrist.

"Well, we'll just have to change that." He smiles and opens the hatch to find a worn Virgil asleep. He goes beneath the stage and gently shakes Virgil.

Virgil mumbles something I can't understand. Patton shakes him a little more. He mumbles something more audible this time. "Don't leave me Princey."

I feel my face heat up. 'Quit he hates you and you hate him...a little bit.' I think scolding myself for blushing. I walk down and over to Virgil. "Wake up Angsty Anx!" I scream at him.

He wakes up and jumps hitting his head. "Dammit, Princey!" He says rubbing his head.

"Oh, so that's who you were talking about in your sleep," Patton says smirking.

"What? No like I'd talk about that doofus." Virgil says looking guilty.

"Hey, enough of the hurtful names my ego's taking some mighty damage," I say smiling.

"Look I'm sorry for saying those things Roman I just...I wasn't thinking straight." I burst out laughing. "What? What's so funny?" He asks defensively.

"You aren't..." I begin looking at Virgil for confirmation. He nods. "...straight!" I say laughing a little more. He just shakes his head and chuckles.

"Wait you are gay!" Patton shrieks. "Yes, you guys!" He smiles brightly. "I knew you liked Roman!"

"What?!" Virgil yells looking at the floor. "I don't like Roman!" He says looking back up at Patton.

"Well, he likes you," Patton mumbles. I hear him and glare at him. Virgil seems not to hear him. "Okay Virgil, please you promised not to cut again please tell me what happened," Patton says sitting by Virgil putting an arm over him.

Virgil's POV

I lean into him and start tearing up. I slowly roll up my sleeves. I look over to Roman and he cringes. "Mom..." I start.

"What did your mom do?" Roman asks pulling me up and away from Patton hugging me. "I will battle your demons."

"Very funny Princey," I say pulling away from him reluctantly. "You can't defeat my demons when they're in my head," I said patting his back.

We spent the rest of the day sitting there talking about random things. While Roman is away grabbing us some vending machine food Patton is talking about me coming out.

"So any guy on your mind?" Patton asks smiling. "Likkkkeee Rooomannn?"

"No," I say annoyed. "Sorry but I don't like Roman at all." Patton frowns.

Roman walks in and throws a bag of chips at me. I barely catch it. "Thanks, Roman," I say opening them up. "Well can we go home, Patton?"

"Come to my place guys," Roman says scratching his arm nervously.


"Because I want to hang and I don't want you to see your mom..." He says nervously.

Patton smiles. "I can't I have work today but Virgil you should go."

I glare at him slightly. "I can go home."

Patton frowns slightly. "I don't want you to be home alone with mom please do with him." He pleads.

I roll my eyes. "Sure let's go Princey," I say getting up and walking out.

We start walking to his house. "Okay warning before we go to my house."

"What kind of warning?" I ask worriedly.

"Hey don't worry it's just...I live with my aunt and uncle and I have seven sibling and four cousins. So it's a full house." He says.

"Wow, any more people living there?" I ask sarcastically.

"My dog- Charlie. Okay, so I am the second oldest. The first is my cousin Drey. Then me. After I it's my triplet brothers Jacob, Jermy, and James. Then my little sister April. Then my cousin Athena. Then my twin cousins Skylar and Stephan. Then my twin brothers Radar and Oliver and finally my youngest brother Grayson." He says my head gets clouded with all the names. "Got all that?"

I nod. "Totally." We make it to his house and he lives in Hidden Valley. "Wow, rich boy." He looks embarrassed and opens the door. I hear a bark and a dog jumps on me. I moan. "Ow fuck."

Roman kicks me and he pulls Charlie off. "Ro-ro!" A little boy yells running and tackle hugging him. He looks over to me. "Is that your boyfriend?" He asks giggling.

I look down. "Hey, Gray and no that isn't my boyfriend." He says getting up. He walks over to me and pulls me off the ground. A girl walks in.

"Hey Roman, who's that?" She asks looking me up and down.

"Not his boyfriend," Grayson says frowning.

The girl smiles at Grayson. "Darn Ro he's cute." I look down. She put her hand out to me. "April and you are?"

"V-v-Virgil," I say shaking her hand slightly.

She smiles. "Well sorry for Grayson teasing you."

I chuckle. "It's fine."

"Well come on Virgil." He grabs my hand and pulls me to his room. "Drey and I are the only ones with our own rooms so yeah." He says opening his door.

My jaw drops. His room was very bright. His whole room was whites, reds, and golds. He had a big bed with red white and red sheets and blankets and pillows with golden accents. He had a grand piano by a huge window. He has at least seven mirrors just on his walls. He had Disney posters all over his walls and boxes filled with Playbills. He had a large walk-in closet on the left wall. "Wow.." Is all I can muster.

"Like it?" He asks chuckling. I nod.

"ROMAN!" A woman's voice yells. "GRAYSON SAYS YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!"

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