Back to Hell

353 13 22

Virgil's POV

It's been a few days since New Years and it was time to go into the second semester. I have a new schedule. 1st- English, 2nd- Health  3rd- Math, 4th- History, 5th- Science, 6th- Free Period, 7th- Spanish, 8th- French. Fucking Spanish and French back to back.

I roll out of bed throw on a jacket put some makeup on quickly and brush my teeth. I run upstairs and meet Patton in his car. "We picking up Logan right?" I ask crawling in the back seat.

He smirks at me. "Yes and I assume Roman too?" I frown at him. Roman and I still haven't discussed the "mistake" since New Years.

Patton heads to Logan's and he crawls in the front. Then we head to Roman's he runs out and hops in the back with me. He gives me a smile. "Hello everyone, Logan." Logan rolls his eyes.

"Salutations imbecile." I snicker and Logan smiles at my reaction.

"Really you laugh at THAT?" Roman says looking at me in disbelief.

I smirk. "Logan's logic is true, yours is yours is just...illogical." Logan nods at me.

Roman rolls his eyes and looks out the window not talking. "Woah kiddo why have you been so quiet?" Patton asks Roman breaking Logan and I's conversation.

"Oh, nothing Patton! I am perfectly okay." He looks at me. "What's your schedule?" I show him it. "We have every class but eighth they fucked up my schedule this semester. I nod and we get out heading to the front hall.

Logan and I continue our conversation from earlier while Patton talks to other people and Roman pretends to not be paying attention to me and Logan.

I look at him. "Want to talk with us?"

He looks at me. "No, no I don't want to be apart of your inconsistent murmuring." He says looking away.

Logan snickers. "Do you mean our incoherent murmuring?" Roman looks at us embarrassed and I punch Logan. "Ow," He groans rubbing his arm. "Roman I don't think you'd be interested in our topic if discussion but yes you can join our conversation if you want?" Logan says and I smile at Roman.

Roman looks away then looks back. "Okay," He says walking closer to us. "What are you talking about?"

"We are debating about what is better rap or alternative music," I say rolling my eyes.

Roman looks at Logan shocked. "Rap...?" Logan nods. "Interesting but what about show tunes?"

I frown. "Gross."

Roman points at me. "Don't lie you love show tunes like hmm..." He acts like he's thinking. "DEFYING GRAVITY!" He screams.

I shake my head chuckling. "Shut the hell up, shithead." He frowns. "I'm just kidding!" I say rolling my eyes.

The bell rings and we head to English together. "Ready for Mrs. Smith's first-day game."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I'm scared I'm the only smart on in that class." He hits me lightly.

"Hey, I was close," He says smiling.

"Um, a person, I don't know," I say mimicking him.

He smiles wider. "Why'd you remember that of all things?" I roll my eyes and sit in the back Roman follows me and sits beside me.


"Yes?" He asks looking over at me.

"What are you doing back here? We have like every class together I don't wanna get sick of you before ten."

He rolls his eyes. "Like you could get sick of me."

After seven excruciating hours with Roman, I finally had my eighth hour free from him. I didn't mind his company as much as I thought I would but he stuck to me like glue. He got on my nerves mostly during Spanish.

He knows Spanish fluently and he was saying stuff to me like, 'Te ves hermosa hoy.' And, 'Te amo tanto que nunca sabrás cuánto hago.' He really confused me and when I asked what they meant he'd just spew more words in Spanish.

"Okay everyone let's start with my favorite sentence in French," Our teacher said putting a sentence on the whiteboard. "Je t'aime. That means I love you." She says letting us copy her.

"Je t'aime." We repeat and a couple of the jocks snicker. One raises his hand.

"Yes, Dan?" She asks.

"Is that how you seduced the old gay male prostitutes." I cower at the harsh tone when he says 'gay'.

The teacher gives him a look. He gets up. "Go. To. The. Office. Now!" She says in an angry tone.

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