I Can't Get Rid Of Him

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It's time for school and I refuse to get up. Patton is trying to drag me out but I'm clinging to the headboard.

"Why don't you want to go to school?" Patton asks taking a break from pulling on my legs.

"Roman," I say loosening my grip slightly and Patton starts again. I quickly grip tighter again.

"What did Roman do this time?" He asks releasing me again.

"Nothing. He's just always there." I sit up and face him. "Patt I can't get rid of him."

He tilts his head like a dog. "What do you mean?"

"I mean he is always by my side we have every hour but one together and..." I say stopping before I go too far.

He sits on the floor in front of me. "And what?" He asks.

I take a deep a breath. "And he's always in my head! It's annoying I can't stop thinking about him even when I want to." I say falling back into my comforter.

Patton giggles. "It sounds like someones in love."

I sit up quickly. "Don't say that word." I shake my head quickly. "Never say that word."

Patton stands up quickly. "But love is the greatest feeling in the world! Come on you must feel it! You love me, don't you?"

"Well yeah but that's different that's platonic," I say getting up. "You said I'm IN love that's so much more different than loving someone."

"No, it's not it's just a different kind of love. You love me, you love Roman, you love Thomas, and you love mom. See? Not a difference."

I shake my head. "I don't love mom," I state glaring at him because he knew this.

He starts grinning. "You never said you didn't love Roman." I glare at him and chase him upstairs.

I chase him outside and he forces me into the car my bag already in there. "Fuck you, Patton!" I say as he starts heading to school.

When we get there we are met with none other than the prince and the frog. "Hey frog, prince," I say passing them and walking to the vending machines.

When I get back Patton smiles. "Roman I have some amazing news for you." I just ignore him and eat my chips. When I start paying attention to them Roman is smiling with a pink face.

I roll my eyes. "You sick Princey?" I ask crumbling my bag and throwing it away.

The bell rings and it's time for class. We head to English together. "I'm not sick." He says defensively.

"It was a joke Roman, chill," I say walking to my seat him following me closely. "What was Patton saying anyways? I was zoned out of his bullshit."

"He told me this one guy, Sam I think likes me." He points to a guy. "Pretty cute huh?"

I look over and feel my chest hurt but I ignore it. "Cute. Yeah, good luck." I say pulling out our book Romeo and Juliet. We had to read it and act out a scene Mrs. Smith picks for us. Surprise surprise I got Roman.

She picked our partners and I think she did that since we were Romeo and 'Julian' in the school's production.

We read where we left off. Roman stops reading suddenly. "I love spending time with you." I look up and he's looking at me intently.

"Shut the fuck up and read, would you?" I say looking back down my face feeling hotter than usual.

After English, we go to health Roman staying by my side not shutting up. "Roman, can I have one second of silence?"

He nods. "Yes of course sorry." He waits and literally one second later he starts speaking again.

I put my earbuds in and blare my music. "Shut up," I say going to my seat across the room from his. I pull them out. "Finally," I sigh.

That class was more peaceful and now it was time for Math. Roman sat by me in this class and I was ready to shut him up with music. "Hey, Virgil. Health was boring without you..."

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