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(T.W. [maybe] Blood and harming.)

Virgil's POV

I get woke up by Patton jumping on my bed. "It's Halloween! Are we going to Romans party?" He asks begging me.

I push him off. "Patton yes I told you this already," I say getting up.

I go to my closet and pull out my costume. "So what do you think if my costume?"

Patton gets up and walks over looking at it. "I like it but I don't get why you're dressing up like that I mean it doesn't seem like your first choice.

I smile at him. "Because Roman convinced me to dress up as it."

Roman convinced me to dress up as Prince Charming so we could match but I changed it up. I make my own prince outfit but in black and purple colors instead of red, white, and gold.

"Awe that's cute is he going to be like the light prince of your dreams?" Patton says giggling.

"Yes, he's the light prince just not of my dreams," I say. I don't understand why everyone things me and Roman are together or that I like Roman.

"Whatever you say kiddo, well I'm going to call Logan and Roman and see if they want to eat," Patton says running off.

I go to my bathroom to clean up and throw on a shirt and sweats. I run upstairs to start helping Patton cook.

"Hey Virgil,"I hear mom say behind me.

I spin around. "Yes, Ansia?" I say smiling politely.

She rolls her eyes. "Go help your brother." I nod and head into the kitchen.

A few minutes later I hear a knock and go out to see what it is. "Oh hello dear, you must be Patton's friend." My mom says. I look and see Roman.

"Actually I am friends with Virgil," He says smiling. "May I come in?" She steps aside.

"Roman?" I ask walking slowly towards him. "What're you doing here?"

"Patton invited me." He says looking towards my mom glaring at me.

"Oh, I guess I forgot," I say looking down. "Ansia?"

"What?" Mom says.

"Don't you have work today?" I asked glaring at her.

"No." She says glaring back.

"Well I and Patton are going to a party tonight," I say walking away.

"Get back here," She says angerly. I turn around. "You aren't going anywhere."

"Mother I am going to this party and you can't stop me," I say grabbing Romans arm and stomping off to the kitchen.

Later that day Roman, Logan, Patton, and I head to Romans to set up. When we get to his house we walk in to find Peter.

Patton stomps up to him and pushes him down. "Ow what the fuck dude?!" He yells.

"My brother..." He points to me. "Is saying you aren't leaving him alone you are still bullying him?" Patton says glaring at him. He grabs him by the collar and lifts him off the ground. "I don't care how close you are with Roman if you as much as looks at my brother again I'll kill you got it?" Peter nods and Patton throws him back to the ground.

"Wait you said he only bullied you once," Roman says confused.

"I don't talk about the other times."

"Why not?"

"No reason." He leaves it alone and we start setting up.

"My family's all gone if you were wondering, Virgil," Roman says as we move the DJs equipment in for him.

"Darn I want to see my in-laws," I say jokingly. Roman giggles. "I do want to see Grayson at least," I say laughing.

Once we set everything up everyone starts filling in. "Oh god," I say looking at everyone coming in.

Roman puts a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be okay if you need somewhere to escape go to my room here's one of my keys." He says handing me a key.

"I brought alcohol bitches!" A boy with blonde hair and gray eyes says walking in with bottles of alcohol.

"Roman?" I ask.

"It's fine just don't drink any." He says. "I gotta go will you be okay by yourself?" He asks I nod my head and he walks off to greet people.

I head to the bathroom and put on my costume since I'm the only one without one on. I change and walk out going into the crowd of people.

"Hey cutie who are you with?" Starr comes up to me putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Hey Starr, you I guess?" I say laughing.

"Good job Virgil." She says and she smiles at me. Then she whispers. "Don't worry I know you're gay." I nod and we start talking about Roman and the play.

Eventually Starr leaves me to go talk to other people and i start getting nervous. I look around and i know no ones looking at me but i feel like everyone is.

'Hey buddy I'm back.' My voices start talking.

'This is a great party too bad your making everyone have an awful time.'

'Look everyones looking at you.'

'Awe Virgey's gonna cry.'

I had enough and I run to Romans room trying to twist the knob but find it locked. I unlock it and twist the knob. What i find on the other side is much worse then the party and the voices.

I run heating faint voices calling out to me. I run and run and run and end up back at school. I try and open the doors and surprisingly they're still open. I run to the art room and cry.

'Why are you crying?'

'I thought you didn't like him you coward!'

'Oh wait Virgey likes him.'

'Awe he was making out with another guy.'

'Poor Virgey.'

'Like Roman could ever really like you.'

I go and grab a paper clip from the teachers desk and pick the lock for the box cutters.

I go to the cleaning center and pulling up my shirt.

I start cutting my hip. I slowly pierce my skin and start cutting down. Seeing thick red blood ooze out from the cuts it started staining my hands but I couldn't stop. I contined just wanting to be done with life all together. I cut and cut and cut. My pants and shirt are stained with the thick oozing blood. "Virgil!" Someone screams but I can't stop I just keep going and going until they grab my hand and physically pull the blade out of my hand.

Once that happens I just snap. "AGGGHH!!" I yell falling to the ground feeling every fiber in my body burn. "Fuck Roman and fuck Logan!" I scream and I feel whoever was there wrap my lower half with something so i dont bleed out. I start feeling dizzier and dizzier until the darkness comes I try to hold on for a little longer but soon give up and let the darkness consume me.

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