Can I?

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Thomas' POV

I'm sitting on my couch watching Steven Universe with my boyfriend when a sudden ring of the doorbell happens.

I pause the show and go to my door looking through the peephole to see Virgil standing there with his book bag and another bag. I open the door. "Hey, Virgil what's up?" I ask gesturing for him to come inside.

He hesitantly walks in. "May I stay here for a while? You said if I needed anything to come to you and I don't know if this is too much to ask or not and I'm sorry if I ruined your night with your boyfriend." He says rambling on.

I put a hand on his shoulder. "'s fine you're fine. Of course, you can stay here just why now?"

He looks up at me and smiles weakly. "I told Mother I'm gay and she didn't take it very well." He says the corner of his eyes pricked with tears.

I nod wrapping my arms around him. He drops his bags and hugs me. He starts crying hard. I pull us to the ground and he sits on my lap crying into the crook of my neck.

I pet his matted hair shushing him. "It'll be okay Virge just calm down," I whisper as he leans into me more. "How'd you come out?" I ask quietly wiping the tears from his face as he pulls away to look at me.

His breathing seems to become rigid. "Hey, it's okay just calm down," I say taking his hand and putting it on my chest. "Breathe with me." I start doing the breathing exercise I learned from my friends.

We sit there for a few minutes until his breathing normalizes again. My boyfriend walks in at this time. "Hey, can you go for tonight I have to handle something with my son?" I ask him and he nods kissing my cheek and leaving.

"Thank you, Thomas," Virgil says forcing a smile onto his face. I feel a little awkward when he calls me Thomas.

"Of course you are my son after all..." I say trying to find the words for my next sentence. "You can call me Dad you know that right?" I say awkwardly.

He looks at me with an unreadable expression. "Um, can I...get used to you first," He says rubbing the back of his head.

"Of course," I say getting up and grabbing his stuff. "Follow me." I lead him upstairs to a spare room and I open the door. "I know it might not be exactly what you need or want but we can change it later if need be," I say putting his stuff on the bed.

"Thank you...Dad." He says forcing 'dad' out. He walks to his stuff and starts unpacking.

"Anytime Virgil, after your done getting settled I have some pizza downstairs we can that for super," I say closing the door and walking downstairs. I sit on the couch and sigh. I really did miss my kids but I haven't been able to take care of them in eight years. What was I getting myself into? He's a teenager I can't take care of him.

I look up and see Virgil standing in front of me. "Thomas I know you might be stressing about the whole 'having s teenager' thing but I know you can do it. You're a talented responsible man and I'll try to be the best I can. I can take care of myself mostly anyways." He says trying to reassure me. I smile and gesture to the pizza.

He walks over to it and grabs a small slice. He looks at me. "Dig in," I say smiling he nods and begins eating slowly. He takes three bites and looks guilty.

"I can't eat anymore do you want it?" He asks in an almost whisper.

I furrow my eyebrows. "You barely ate Virgil you need to at least finish that piece," I say hoping he doesn't have an eating disorder because he doesn't deserve to go through that.

He nods slightly and slowly eats the rest. "I don't have an eating disorder." He starts walking to me and sitting next to me. "I just feel bad for eating your food is all." He says looking down.

"Virgil, buddy it's fine you live here at the moment I can't starve you. You're my kid and you need to eat because I care about your health." I say walling him in a side hug.

"Thank you." He says quietly curling into a ball beside me.

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