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Roman's POV
I was looking everywhere for Virgil. "Logan? You're friends with Virgil's brother right?"

"Patton yes why?"

I can't answer before I'm pinned to the wall. I open my eyes after I notice they were closed and see Patton.

"Why'd you do it?!" He screams in my face.

"D-do what?" I ask clueless and out of the corner of my eye, I can see Virgil watching.

"You know what you did! Why did you do it? You know about his anxiety! You know he wasn't ready!" Patton screams lifting me off the ground slightly.

"I'm sorry but in my defense, it was a theatre kiss, not a real one!" I snap at him.

"Patton please stop." I hear a voice behind Patton plead. "It's not his fault its just the stupid anxiety kicking in all the time." He says placing a hand on Patton's shoulder.

Patton lets me down. "Sorry Roman." He says putting his hand out.

I shake it. "Its fine you're just protecting your little brother I get it," I say turning my attention to Virgil. "I'm really sorry I did that Virgil."

He looks down then up again. "Its fine Roman just next time let me be ready." He says smirking slightly.

I nod. "Of course of co-"I was cut off by Virgil.

"And make it real next time." He says walking off. I start smiling like an idiot.

"You like him don't you?" Patton asks me grinning.

I feel my face burn up. "W-what no I-i hate him!" I yell running off as the bell rang for my first class.

When I get to my class I see Virgil standing in front of the door blocking my way in. "Why is your face so red?" He asks smirking.

"No reason just got hot running here." 'Damn it my excuses suck.'

"Oh is that so?" Virgil asks smirking. "Well, we were just down the hall unless your weak and can't handle a little jog."

"God damn it Virgil fine your brother said something," I said heading to my seat.

Virgil passes me and whispers. "Sit by me during lunch." He goes and sits down.

I look back at him and nod slightly.
It was lunchtime and now I'd have to go find Virgil and his brother wherever they sat. I found Patton with Logan outside in the alcove.

"Hey Roman whatcha doing here?" Patton asks smiling.

"Where's Virgil?" I ask looking around.

"Why do you ask?" Patton asks giggling.

"He asked me to sit with him," I say looking at Logan confused.

"I don't know."

I wait for Virgil to get here. I wait and wait. It took him fifteen minutes to get to the alcove. I was fuming when I saw him.

"I told you to sit with me Princey, not my brother," Virgil says chuckling.

"You didn't SAY where you SAT you just said sit by YOU! I yell emphasizing certain words.

"I thought you'd know," Virgil says looking slightly guilty. I shake my head. "Art room." He says pulling me away.

Virgil's POV
I pull him to the art room. "Why didn't you just tell me?" He asks playfully glaring.

"I thought it was obvious this is where I like to hang out," I say giving him some money.

"Whats this for?" How asks refusing to take it.

"For having to wait on me take it," I say putting it in his hand.

We sit there talking for the rest of the lunch hour. "Roman I'm tired," I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"Well, we did get up pretty early for rehearsal and get up the bells going to ring any minute." I groan but get up. "Hey, Virgil?" I hum in response. "Can I get your number so we can talk and maybe rehearse more?" He asks quietly.

I smile at him and nod pulling out my phone and he pulls out his. "Give me your phone so I can put it in. I say grabbing his phone and handing mine to him.
The rest of the day was boring and after school, we had to go back to rehearsing. Roman and I go to the art room and rehearse other scenes.

Once that's over me and Patton go home we start preparing dinner while mom is passed out on the floor. "Why does she have to drink?" I ask cutting the vegetables.

"I don't know buddy but she's been like this ever since dad left us," Patton says setting the table.

I nod and continue help prepare dinner. After we're done I go to wake mom up. "Hey mom dinner's ready," I say carefully shaking her awake.

She glares at me. "Fuck off Thomas you think you're better than me and the boys? Well your not your piece of shit I hate you and never want to see you again." She yells at me passing out again.

I walk to the dining room and Patton wraps me in a hug. "Who's Thomas Patt?" I ask tearing up.

"Our dad." He states leading me to the table.

"Why'd he leave?" I ask sitting down slowly.

"He's gay," Patton says serving me my food. I nod.

After dinner, I go down to my room and here a ding from my pocket. I check my phone.

Prince Charming: Hey Sunshine.

Virgil: prince charming really?

Dumbass: Don't change it!

Virgil: too late.

Dumbass: Okay I hope it's good. So anyways how are you this evening?

Virgil: oh great my mom yelled at me thinking I was my gay dad.

Dumbass: What why?

Virgil: intoxicated, listen I gotta go, later.

Dumbass: Goodnight!

I shake my head and put my phone on the charger. I turn on my baby monitor and go take off my makeup then go to bed and drift off to sleep.

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