A Day in the HQ

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A figure or more specifically an Admiral's figure was walking through the Marine's HQ. All the soldiers immediately saluted as the infamous Admiral pass by.

The sound of heels clicking the ground could be heard as the Admiral passed by. None of the soldiers dared to darken her mood. The usual smile on her face was now replaced with an emotionless one.

Making her way to a specific office in the base she angrily blew up the door with an explosion from her bare hands.

Behind the door there stood two men; one who was very annoyed that this was the second door he had to fix this day and the other one seemed all well too happy to see the Admiral.

There was a groan heard from the Fleet Admiral "Juliet-San next time use the door, please." he said his palm over his face.

"Gomen, Fleet Admiral-kun. But I have something very important to discuss about." The Admiral said in a smooth and silky tone.

"If it's about your engagement, we know already." The Vice Admiral also known as Garp waved off smirking a little, he was seated on a couch munching a rice cracker while the Fleet Admiral was behind the desk writing reports.

Hearing this the Admiral's shoulder immediately slumped "What?! How'd you know?!" The Admiral said with disbelief.

"Doesn't everyone know about this?" The Fleet Admiral Sengoku asked now finished with his report and coming over to sit down beside Garp.

"But I don't think either of us told anybody about this." The Admiral known as Juliet said putting a respective finger under her chin. "Nah pretty sure he would just leave me to spread the news. We all know how prideful he is. He's got a reputation to keep after all."

"Anyway anything changed between you two I mean you are engaged." Garp asked as the Admiral was about to leave he office through the hole she made.

"Everything is the same except that I'm moving in with him later." Juliet replied calmly as she slid past the hole avoiding any other embarrassing questions as she was already blushing heavily, but it was unknown to the two admirals.

Making her way to tell her other close friends Juliet had not found any sign of either of them. She sighed as she went outside to check near the warships for the third time that day.

She groaned as she had to check almost every room in the whole Marine HQ. Giving up all hope she went to her office to do her paperwork that she was supposed to finish yesterday, but couldn't get done due to distractions.

She put her arms behind her back as she walked thinking that she could just dump all her paperwork on Doberman - who was a Vice Admiral that used to work as her subordinate during her time in the Vice Admiral rank.

Juliet remembered her time when she was a Vice Admiral, she wasn't confident, but she had the power to be an Admiral. The Navy wasn't sure about her personality, but later on the Marines partnered her with Rear Admiral Doberman who had assisted her to help her be more confident. Juliet smiled at all the times the Rear Admiral had hit her in the back of the head with a giant fan, scolding her not to sympathize with pirates.

During their time everyone but Juliet knew how Doberman felt about the girl. He couldn't take it anymore! He wanted to get away from the crazy girl. It made sense. The first thing you do when you see a ticking bomb is to run away, right? That's what Doberman wanted to do but he could not escape her until she became an Admiral. When she did Doberman couldn't express his gratitude. Heck the second he heard about it he immediately ran for the hills. Due to Juliet's advance in the ranks Doberman has also advanced to being a Vice Admiral, but he would pray to god everyday that 'pinky' would leave him alone.

Before and even now Juliet or commonly known as Admiral Pinkusagi was known as the walking bomb. Everyone was afraid of her accept a selected few. Her Shattering Justice meant that slowly justice is being disregarded by people in the pirate era and it represents her devil fruit ability when she uses it to destroy her foes.

After thinking so much she didn't realize that her body bumped into a large door, but with her carelessness she accidentally broke through it. She blinked as their were her two friends that she was looking for was inside her office completely relaxed.

She took small steps to her friend who was casually seated on her pink sofa "Bor-kun?'' she asked making the man look up "What are you doing in my office?" she asked with confusion.

"Ahh..Julie-chan." Borsalino stretched out her name, luckily Juliet learned to be a very patient woman and just waited for her friend "You look tired."

"Well it's not like I ran a marathon around the HQ looking for you both." Juliet said sarcastically

"Then what were you running?" Borsalino asked stupidly "I was waiting for you to come back from your mission for soooo long now that I even decided to sleep in your room while you were away."

"You?" Juliet questioned but quickly let it go "Nevermind. Is that all you always do when I leave?''

"What else can I do other than to wait for my precious Juliet."

Juliet immediately felt a chill run down her spine as Borsalino turned his head back to reading one of her many books.

Next she looked towards her desk where there was a sign with the words 'shattering justice' written in Kanji was hanging behind her desk her eyes looked down as she spotted her other friend on top of her desk with his sleeping mask on. She sighed as she walked towards him and gently poked him. Slowly he opened his eyes looking up to see the pink haired girl. He smiled unnoticeably and stood up and yawned.

He then got into a lazy position still on her desk body facing towards her he yawned once again into his hand "What happened to the door?''

"I wasn't looking where I was going, ok!" Juliet said in an annoyed tone

"Is it just me or did your fiancé's attitude rub off on you. You don't seem to be the happy-go-lucky girl I knew." Kuzan said scanning her body staying too long than needed to on her breasts and curves.

"So you both.." Juliet trailed pointing at the two fellow Admirals

"We knew. Everyone knows actually." Borsalino trailed emphasizing 'everyone'

"Ever since he proposed to you word spread out like wild fire." Kuzan said with sadness in his eyes that the two other Admirals have failed to notice "I heard a Marine Officer found out about it and next thing you knew everyone is talking about it."

Juliet huffed "Well that 'officer' just ruined the surprise I was gonna tell you. You guys were supposed to be the first to know and yet.." her hands started creating mini explosions "..he ruined the surprise! I'm gonna blown him up when I catch him!" the girl exclaimed evilly and blasted a giant hole in her ceiling, but her friends remained indifferent to her rage.

"Point." Kuzan raised his eyebrow not bothering to move as a large piece fell on top of his head, but he remained indifferent as if it was just a feather.

"I really wanted to see your reactions to that. Now I'll never get to see it." Juliet said glumly in a dark corner

"I don't think we had much of a reaction to it though." Kuzan reassured

A few days ago...

When word got to Borsalino that 'his' precious Juliet had been engaged to his comrade he was immediately shocked, but didn't show any emotion to anyone until he hid under Juliet's desk with a dark cloud raining down on him "Why? Why him of all people?! Why? Is it the end of the world?"

When Borsalino told Kuzan he wasn't really expecting it so he fell on his back from the shock on Juliet's table and fell asleep the whole time just dreaming...All his dreams torn apart the minute Borsalino said that! He felt his world shattering just like her devil fruit.

"Really? Are you sure you didn't at least feel a little surprised by it?" Juliet asked not convinced

The two began to sweat reciting their own memories. They were interrupted when Juliet saw a Marine Warship dock in the HQ, rushing to the window she looked down and smiled brightly upon seeing her lover already spotting her. Rushing out of her office creating a second hole in the process and running down to the docks to greet her lovely fiancé. 

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