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"I'm begging you run. Run, Captain Hawkins!" his crew begged in desperation

"Captain Hawkins!"

A man with long blonde hair was reading off his fortune cards predicting the future "Battle: Probability of defeat, 100%.."

"Excuse me sir, do you have a moment?" Juliet asked standing in front of the man offering her sweet signature smile.

"Escape: Probability of success, 12%.."

"I have been looking around for a man named Sentoumaru. Have you maybe perhaps seen him somewhere?" Juliet asked trying to sound sincere.

"Defense: Probability of evasion, 76%.."

"Excuse me, do you know where he is?" she asked still calm and patient

"I do not know that man." he answered only taking one glance at her body from head to toe before looking back at his cards ignoring her. He then placed his final card before facing her "Please ask someone else."

"I've been looking for him all day. I haven't found him yet. But I can't let someone like you roam around free." Juliet stated flattering her eyelashes innocently, however he seemed unamused "Considering there is a significant bounty on your head." she said blu e eyes piercing through his soul "A bounty of 249 million, 'The Mage', Basil Hawkins.. An explosion rivals the speed of light and sound." she talked to him like she was talking to a kid, innocent and kind. "Have you ever experienced an explosion from up close?" she asked her finger next to his head.

Out from her hand came an explosion, one that supposedly hit Basil into the building with the force.

"Captain!" his crew panicked

Meanwhile at the shore some pirates were ready to set sail until a puppet appeared out of nowhere then at the speed of light an explosion went off on the side of the puppet making it slam into a man that it had sent him crashing into a building. Bystanders looked at the even in shock as they could not comprehend what just happened.

"What happened?!"

"Hey, what happened?!"

"I don't know! He just suddenly flew off!"

On a building a supernova that went by the name of Scratchmen Apoo over looking the scene of the Admiral and a fellow supernova. "She is really strong and beautiful." he commented making his crew mate behind him freak out "Hey, is she still gonna fight?!"

Juliet then held her pointing finger directing an explosion to the ruins where she saw Basil. There was lots of smoke, something that Juliet didn't like. It gave her enemy the chance to escape or attack her. From the smoke she could see Basil emerge from it almost unharmed.


"I should have guessed, you are far stronger than I imagine." Basil said nonchalantly before his body transforms into a voodoo like doll. His form loomed over her small body as his hands turned into claws and his body became some what like straw.

"Not to sound rude, but people who are worth over 100 million are complete monsters. Honestly you make me look like an goddess." Juliet commented calmly looking over her shoulder at the tall figure who was threatening to kill her. "Especially you, your pretty scary."

"GOMU NO SOU" Basil's form said then he did some attack swipes, then he realized that the girl was not present there anymore "She vanished!" then it happened so fast when a soft hand was in front of his face making tiny explosions blinding him on the spot while he didn't look hurt by her explosions at all. Soon little puppets came from his body form looking like they took the hit instead considering that they're all burnt from the explosions.

"I honestly don't know what your ability is, but you do have a limit." Juliet said

"He's exceeded his damage limit!"

"He's really gonna die!"

"Your gonna be the first one." Juliet states preparing a in front of him ready to eliminate him. Since after seeing voodoo come from his form it made her want to puke. It certainly was weird. She was about to blast him until a beat distracted her. The sound of symbols on a drum being heard, then came the sound of pianos, then came the saxophone, then the musician started rapping:

Link to the song if you wanna listen: //

(Pretend Juliet is Kizaru) 0:00-1:22

"~Is this music reaching' you?" sang a man from the top of the building.

"~If you hear me, then tune in!"

For some reason Juliet found herself liking the music causing her to stop her attack, sparing Basil..

"~Navy Admiral Pinkusagi!~"

His music was making Basil retreat back to his normal form, him and XDrake were staring at him with shocked looks "He's the roaring tide.."

"~Everybody, listen to my fighting music!~"


Then suddenly Juliet felt her hand slowly cracking, literally! Her hand was cracking so much that detached itself from herself almost like broken glass. She then looked innocently confused and looked at Apoo again "What happened?"

"Here we go!" Apoo shouted banging on his chest and releasing a yellow wave that cracked Juliet's body in half and the force sending her backwards onto the ground. "~Check it out!~" he finished.

Basil and Drake were nervous and shocked that the Admiral would've been beaten so easily as she now laid on the ground, her upper body cracked while the other detached and her arm also laid motionless above her head. All broken like glass.

"That settles it!" Apoo cheered "Well, I doubt a navy admiral would die from something like this, though.." he mumbled then positioned his hands on his hips "Wow, I sure got to see a lot of interesting stuff. Mostly the fair Admiral herself. Well, I'll be getting out of here now." he said before skipping on top of the rooftops and away from the scene.

"Well, now I am not pretty fond on them." Juliet said laying her head on the grass. Then her legs got up on it's own standing tall "Crush." she mumbled and slowly her body started to crack again until there was nothing left, but dust.

A Shattering Admiral (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now