Luffy's Arrival!

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Juliet seemed a little disappointed when her punch didn't completely kill the giant, she thought that it would, but it seems that she has underestimated the giant. He was barely moving forward, his irises seemed to be lifeless until it was back again. He was breathing heavily, the whole in his stomach did not help with that. At the very least he was moving his way towards the platform which Juliet thought nothing off since he'll die soon, now replacing her spot was a schibukai.

"At the very least.. Even if it's one of the Warlords.." the giant yelled before smashing his fist onto the pink flamingo only to miss him. The pink warlord laughed hysterically while he was in the air floating by a string.

"Is something wrong, demon?" he asked sadistically.

"My legs won't move.." the giant said before his leg was somehow cut off from his body.

'No doubt, it's the pink man's devil fruit.' Juliet thought

"What a riot!" the bird man said before he turned around in the direction to under the execution platform "Don't you think, Ms. Admiral?" the man asked sticking his tongue out and licking his cheek.

Juliet could only scowl at his action and swiftly turned her head away from the man's eye "Hmph."

"Well, everyone's a critique!'' the bird man known as Doflamingo laughed as the giant's body was falling down limp while all the pirates could only watch in horror as their comrade got defeated so effortlessly.

Then from on top of the dead giant's head, Gecko Moria appeared from his swarm of bats laughing excitedly "If I use his corpse I can create the ultimate zombie warrior!" he exclaimed out loud before continuing his string of 'kishishishishi'

Juliet's eyes twitched at the annoying laughs "I swear.. these warlords will be the end of me." she grumbled.

"You're wide open, Whitebeard!" Vice Admiral Ronse exclaimed behind Whitebeard with his axe drawn, however Whitebeard easily subdues him with his earthquake power, breaking his weapon in the process and sending an earthquake attack to his head breaking his head armor in the process and tossed him into the battlefield where his body lay limp.

"Vice Admiral Ronse!"

The marines marveled at his strength that easily bested a giant. Juliet glared at Whitebeard, she clearly had overestimated him. 'Why did he need to use his devil fruit to defeat him?'

"H-He beat a giant - and a Navy Vice Admiral at that - effortlessly!"

Whitebeard then orders his troops to take advantage of the path Little Oars Jr. gave them and charge into the plaza, which the pirates quickly comply to. During his orders he caught the glare that Juliet sent his way and returned it with a challenging and taunting smirk, in return to that action Juliet drew out her hand and motioned it like a dagger across her throat. Signaling to him that she would be the one who'd take his head.

Meanwhile Doflamingo was being confronted by a pirate commander "Doflamingo! How could you do that to Oars?! I won't let you get away with this!" Doflamingo merely laughed at him under his breath "What's so funny?!"

"You wanna know what's so funny? This feeling of being at the center of an era, that's what! This is the turning point! The most amusing part is that none of you pirates would even dare to come close and attack the pink Admiral - not even your Captain has the courage to do that!" he laughed even louder as his hand gestured to the said Admiral who was having a stare down with Whitebeard.

"Quit spouting nonsense!" the commander shouted swinging his sword at Doflamingo only to have him dodge it.

"Just as I'd expect of the Commander! Doflamingo is running away from him!"

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