Red Dog & Pink Rabbit Are Show offs!

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"The giants are coming!"

"Aim for their legs! Bring them down!" the pirates shouted

"You guys.. stand back!" Jozu commanded before coating his hand in diamonds and punched the ice on the ground breaking it.

"What power!"

The ice that broke shattered quite a large amount of the battlefield leaving a large hole in the middle of the war "Get out of the way!" Jozu lifted up the whole thing with his bare hands, Whitebeard looked at him proudly while Sengoku was wary of the situation.

Juliet felt indifferent and unimpressed at his strength not even blinking when he hurled the gigantic iceberg at the Marines causing them to scream at the incoming attack.

"It's a block of ice!"

"It's way too big!"

Indeed it was, towering over the giants and practically everyone. He was thinking about crushing them with that pathetic attack. It showed how much of a coward he is, not attacking them head-on.

The attack shadowed the place of the Admiral's below the platform causing the pink haired girl to look up at the incoming attack completely calm, showing no hint of fear or worry. She tapped her hand on the chair as she leaned onto the side glancing at the Admiral beside her glaring at the boulder above them.

His eyes were narrowed in anger "I swear those two are just.." he grumbled before leaving his seat and stepping forward "They simply went and left their stations! If no one is here.." his hand then started to heat up and became coated in hot blazing magma "Then WHO will protect this area?!" his entire right arm was engulfed in magma and ash ready to deflect the incoming boulder attack.


His arm started to grow hotter and increased it's size the closer the attack came. Juliet moved backwards until she felt her back touch the back of the smooth leather chair, she didn't like the magma not one bit because it always makes her sweat or makes her eyes blind from staring too much. She wiped sweat off her forehead as she observed the scene.

"Dai Funka!" as he launched his large fist at the iceberg it pierced through it effortlessly melting and destroying away all the ice shocking pirates and marines alike. Once the iceberg was fully destroyed his large magma hand still remained in mid-air.

"That enormous ice-block.. He completely vaporized it!

People then started to notice that his attack wasn't done yet as his hand exploded into volcanic projectiles.

"This is bad!"

The sky was then raining with volcanic rocks falling from the sky still covered in thick liquid-y magma, showering down on the pirates as they scrambled to avoid it, most of them having a very hard time. They were all screaming and cursing while trying to save their lives:

"Get out of here!"

"Volcanic rocks!"

"We can't let them hit us!"

"Damn bastard!"

Juliet thought of Sakazuki's attack to be very smart, one of his attacks was like killing two birds with one stone. He had successfully destroyed the ice block and have the pirates scrambling away to avoid his volcanic rocks, during all the chaos of his move one of Whitebeard's ship also got destroyed in the process.

"One of our ships has been hit!"

"Get away from the ships!"

Whitebeard didn't seem too intimidated as one of Sakazuki's volcanic rock came soaring towards him, Whitebeard merely used his weapon and stabbed the rock with a little effort while gritting his teeth at the strength of it "These flames are too flashy."

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