Mission to Sabaody

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Sometimes when I wake up, and I slept really so far. I didn't know why I had that sudden dream of my tragic childhood, but I could still feel the warmth radiating from my mattress. I looked outside the window and it was still dark. My waist and almost my whole body was being wrapped around large bulky hands.

Trying to escape out of the bed earning a stubborn grunt from next to me refusing to release me. Once I did get out of the iron hold and sit up on the bed enjoying the dark of night. I rubbed my eyes staring into the distance in thought.

'Papa..How are you now? I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you. I'm sorry that I'm always so busy..' I immediately stood up but once the covers were off I realized that I wasn't wearing any clothes at all.

I silently screamed trying to cover myself. "Are you trying to seduce me~" Saka-kun said from the bed surprisingly still awake.

"Saka-kun! Why am I naked?!" I whisper shouted covering myself

"Hmph, come back to me Julie...." he begged, which would be a sight for someone except for Juliet because he's mostly known as Akainu the man who's probably the most enthusiastic to capture pirates in the Navy.

Juliet then stepped went back on the bed right next to him awaiting his next move; grabbing her next by surprise and sucked a spot of it until it was bleeding making her groan, but then he smirked. He flipped her so that he has whole body was laying on top of hers, she gasp at what he was about to do. "Please be gentle." (use your imagination on this scene)

Timeskip the next morning...

Two groans as they both had to wake up early because of work again. As Admirals they never had the pleasure of going on holiday. Only Admirals like Gasp has that privilege.

They both got up and went into their own closets after showering, Juliet got out first as a towel was wrapped around her hair and her body exposed. Today she decided to stick with her normal yet casual attire. Unlike all the other female Marines Juliet doesn't like to wear short skirts or even pants instead she wears dresses while fighting. It's not ideal, but it was her style. Like every other Admiral, Captain and Commender they are free to choose their own style as long as it came with the jacket.

Juliet put on a long sleeved dress with floral patterns, laced bottom bit, and it was just a little above the knee. She also added some necklaces on, earrings and added small clips onto her hair for an innocent look and finally she couldn't forget to wear her engagement ring. She looked herself in the mirror. (Outfit on top picture ^^^)

Her dress was kinda tight, but a lot of her curves and just over 60% of her legs. This was what was known as her signature look, all innocent like a child, but also very formal.

She saw the reflection of her soon-to-be-husband in the mirror he too was also wearing his signature look, his crimson, double-breasted suit, decorated with a pink rose on his left buttonhole that I gave him. But unlike many high-ranking Marines, he does not wear a tie, but instead leaves his light colored flower-patterned shirt unbuttoned, showing his muscular neck and part of his tattoo.

I walked over to him from behind and placed the Marine Cap on his head. He looked at the mirror smiling then pulled me into the view as well by the waist then we both took a minute to look at ourselves in the reflection; the perfect image of a strong, famous, Marine couple.

Sakazuki then walked off to the bed where his Admiral coat was resting and surprising beside his laid mine. I quickly trotted over there "Saka-kun where-"

"I found it somewhere. Don't be careless and next time don't lose it." he said firmly, but also with a hint of amusement

"Whatever, it's not like I'm going to get demoted." Sakazuki raised an eyebrow at her "Besides I don't care if I did, that just means I don't have to work so much. The Celestial Dragons are a pain that sometimes I just wish I could just quit and go into retirement."

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