Just a Regular Mission

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Zoro continued to run far away with his group on his back. Then he sensed something going past them and stopped resulting into Usopp falling from his back and land on the ground. Immediately he got up "Thanks for the warning! I thought you were supposed to protect me, you jerk!" Usopp exclaimed with sharp teeth as Zoro's attention was focused on the woman who appeared in front of them.

"Get back!" Zoro ordered his group as Usopp just noticed the woman's presence and mouth hung open in shock. Brook's jaw was also dropped as he recognized the familiar presence.

"Juliet-san.." he gasped as he eyed the figure who stood there with a smile, the scariest part was that it was sincere. Without saying a word she raised her finger in front of Zoro and generated an explosion that was so big that it could be seen by the other groves.

"ZORO!!" Usopp shouted in worry. Zoro cried out in pain as the attack hadn't hit him fully, Usopp prepared his slingshot and aimed it at the woman who was towering over Zoro.

"Who are you?! What are you?! Whatever! Just get the hell away from Zoro!" Usopp threatened as he aimed his slingshot at her.

"Roronoa Zoro! Juliet-san why would you hit him?!" Brook shouted at the girl who's innocent non-threatening smile was still present on her face.

"It's about time you showed up, Pinkusagi-sama." Sentomaru said in annoyance.

"Huh! Pinkusagi..." Robin muttered in surprise. "Hey Usopp! Be careful that woman is a Navy Admiral!" Robin warned.

Brook's jaw dropped as his hair stood up "ADMIRAL?!! JULIET'S AN ADMIRAL?!" Brook screeched in fear as snout was coming out from his nose in the process.

"This is unexpected. You are pirate hunter Zoro. Correct?" she asked while resting her hands on her knees and bending down to Zoro who was groaning in pain "I heard that your reputation as a swordsmen is known war and wide. I have been looking forward to fighting you. Unfortunately I am a bit disappointed at your lack of strength that you have shown me." she added before adjusting her heel above Zoro's back "Well, as you have a 120 million bounty I see no ways of letting you escape." On cue her heel was creating white shockwaves ready to eliminate Zoro.

"JULIET DON'T HURT ZORO!" Luffy yelled as he eyed in horror at the scene. He wanted to see her again, but at what price. The price of all his friends. He was still shocked that the same girl he met in the park and the girl who was about to kill Zoro was the the same person.

"Crap! She can generate explosions and cause destruction! How are we supposed to beat these guys!" Franky yelled also witnessing the scene. "Within a few more cracks and then he's done for!" he continued as the white shockwave grew at an incredibly slow pace forming cracks into the atmosphere.

"ZORO'S IN TROUBLE AND JULIET WOULDN'T LISTEN TO ME! COME ON DO SOMETHING GUYS!" Luffy shouted to Usopp and Brook who were near them. Usopp was sweating and having a major crisis going on in his brain as he hesitated on his next move. "Usopp please!" Luffy exclaimed

Usopp then summoned the courage to aim his slingshot at Juliet who still had her heel aimed towards Zoro. "Get away from him, or else take this!" Usopp yelled as he shot at Juliet, but it went through her. Usopp panicked as he kept shooting on after the other at her but none of it succeeded into even touching her, all of them just went through her.

"I'm sorry about this Juliet!" Brook exclaimed with tears as he drove his sword into Juliet's chest, but his action also seemed to be useless as it again went through her body as if she was just a hologram. "Eh? We can't hurt her! What do we do?!" Brook exclaimed.

"We'll just keep trying! Dammit!" Usopp yelled in determination as he and Brook kept attacking her although it proved to be useless everytime they do attempt to hurt her. Juliet's smile then turned into a as she stared at the two mean attempting to hurt her.

"It's better not to waste your time. I ate the Haka Haka no mi. It allows me to destroy anything I want including myself. My body is able to turn into and create a black hole anytime I wish. As the black hole effect adapts to my body, attacks like yours aren't strong enough to twitch my body. So unless things do get serious around here." she then paused "Let's just say Sabaody and everyone in it will be sucked into space and turned into dust. Anything you see now is just a small portion of what I am capable of."

"Her body can create a Black hole?!!!" Franky exclaimed

Nami covered her hands over her mouth in shock "This is a nightmare! There's nothing we can do!"

"Juliet..." Chopper gasped as his eyes were filled with tears "ZORO TRY TO RUN AWAY!" Zoro was still on the ground. Weak. In pain.

"It's no use the bastard's worn out! He can't save himself!" Sanji exclaimed

Robin them blossomed out her hands and moved Zoro away from Juliet's heel as her other arms tried to carry Zoro a safe distance from her. "Yes! Awesome work Robin!" Usopp cheered. His cheering was cut off when Juliet used her super speed to land her heel on Zoro's back earning a cry of pain from him as they were digging into his back. Right now Juliet was standing on Zoro, one leg holding him down while the other was preparing her attack once again. "S-She just changed places in the blink of an eye!" Usopp said in awe but also mixed with fear and shock.

"I..know..." Brook trailed also aweing.

Robin was struggling to move Zoro with her hands as Zoro was pinned to the ground by Juliet. "It's touching to know that your friends want to rescue you. Also makes me jealous that a situation like this could never happen to me." Juliet trailed in thought of her friends back in HQ. "Well then, Goodbye sir." Juliet said before slamming her attack down at an inhuman speed.

The explosion was huge. Enough to destroy a whole island. The dust was thick.

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