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Below the execution stand the Admirals were calming sitting and waiting for the action to start. Juliet could tell that Kuzan and Borsalino were itching to take action. Even though their bodies show no sign of excitement Juliet could just tell. It was the same emotion she was feeling too except that she was on standby until they need her. Her devil fruit was proven to be useful, but the amount of damage it holds was too risky for the Marines to choose it as an opening attack.

She sat on her chair tapping her finger occasionally on the chair as she waited in anticipation for the pirates to show up. All she could do was observe their troops and listen to the conversation that was going on above her. Sengoku and Garp were arguing with each other up above her. Not many people could hear them as they were whisper shouting but for the Admirals they could hear their whole conversation just fine thanks to their haki.

Sengoku was telling Garp to tell the audience about 'everything', but the old man just declined the order and did as he pleases. Sighing Sengoku went up the stage and orders the executioners to step back a moment before addressing the audience through a Den Den mushi.

Juliet waited for his announcement, although she already knew what it was about she was still intent on listening again. She leaned her head onto her right hand as she put one leg over the other careful not to show her undergarments and listened with an unreadable expression.

"I have an announcement for you all." Sengoku's loud voice boomed as everyone was silent waiting for him to continue. "Portgas D. Ace.. The death of that man today, holds great significance."

Juliet felt an unknown feeling of sadness as the Fleet Admiral spat that 'D' out like it was venom. It was clear that he didn't like D's, but she was sure he would never say that about her. He always have his utmost trust in her, she proved that because she was a D doesn't mean that she was an enemy of the World Government. Although she was labelled as a threat she was still one of their greatest allies. She is god's worst enemy, possessing the power to destroy the world it would be wise to make her stay on the right side to avoid that ever happening. Juliet joined the Marines, the main reason still burned in her memories like a scar left untouched inside her little heart.. mother.

"Ace! Tell me the name of your father!" Sengoku demanded.

First there was silence Juliet knew that his answer wouldn't satisfy Sengoku so she tuned them out and drifted into her own world..

A young child sat on a table going through all her homework. Even when the family had so little, the child would always try her hardest in excelling which she did in school. She was always top of the class and that seemed to annoy people.

As she was finishing off her report with her broken pencil she could hear the door open. The girl immediately abandoned her work and rushed to the door with an excited expression. At the door her mother and father stood there exhaustedly putting the bag of rice on the floor. Their expressions turned happy as the little girl hugged both her parents.

Her mother laughed softly as she patted her daughter's head while her husband tried his best to not pass out from exhaustion on the spot. The little girl helped her parents to the kitchen where her mother began boiling a pot of water to make rice while the girl helped her father to his bedroom. When she got back her mother already had finished and the pot of rice was above the fire.

The girl grabbed a spoon from a wet basket and scooped up a whole plate of rice, once she was satisfied with the amount she took the plate to her parent's room where she left the plate on the side of her father's bed. She went out into the kitchen and ate her small plate of rice in silence.

A cough of fits were heard coming from the kitchen. The little girl peeked her head behind the stove to see her mother coughing violently she was about to go up and help her until she saw that blood was seeping through her mother's hand as she coughed. The girl stood on the ground in shock as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Mother.." the small girl weeped revealing herself to her mother, her mother looked shocked that she had witnessed that.

"Juliet.. I'm.. S-sorry......."

".. a child born, carrying the blood of the most evil man in the world." Sengoku continued before casting his eyes over to Ace "That child was you! I'm sure you already know.. Your father is.. the Pirate King, Gold Roger!" his words echoed through the whole battlefield of silent Government allies. Everyone was at a loss for words and had shocked looks on except the Admirals who remained indifferent. Juliet kept her head high showing no emotion to Sengoku's statement.

She could tell Ace wasn't happy about his father from his soft whimpers she could hear. Then everything was silent. The waters were calm and everyone wouldn't say a word too afraid of the rising tension. The Admirals as expected kept their cool and prepare for any unexpected attacks from the pirates. Juliet's eyes scanned the seas as she could feel that they were close, she then opened she senses to detect any movement or sound from the sea.

"Everyone is so quiet." Hancock noted

"Haha, I know you could cut the tension with a knife-" Doflamingo commented until he was cut off by a loud booming voice through the Den Den Mushi.

"EVERYONE! READY BATTLE STATIONS NOW! WHITEBEARD'S FLEET IS HERE!" Pinkusagi's loud command sounded through all the speakers. Immediately everyone followed her command and prepared themselves and held their guards up. Not a moment later the silhouettes of an entire fleet of pirate ships could be seen from the distance.

All the cannons then were aimed at them. "How did they even get in here?!" Sengoku questioned.

"It's worst them we thought! They've had just about every All-time Captain from the new world with them! We've counted 43 ships in total and there are no signs of Whitebeard or the commanders! Every one of them is a sworn ally of Whitebeard!"

The bubbles under the sea caught the Admirals attention as they looked towards that part of the sea "EVERYONE KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE SEA! HE PLANS TO MAKE HIS ENTRANCE AT THE CENTER OF THE BAY!" Pinkusagi warns.

Soon in the exact place the pink Admiral predicted Whitebeard ship emerged from the water earning his entrance quite a few shocks despite the Admiral's warning beforehand. "It's just as I feared.. Why didn't Usagi-san predict this in the meetings.." Sengoku gritted his teeth before his eyes went onto the said Admiral who looked absolutely calm 'That's right. She missed every strategic meeting.'

When Whitebeard's ship the Moby Dick appeared from the water Juliet noted that it was coated fully to plan a surprise ambush on them from underwater. Seeing all the shocked faces of soldiers made Juliet rather sick on how much Whitebeard was investing into surprising them. "Showoff." Juliet scoffed.

There on the battlefield stood the Mody Dick in all it's glory. The war was about to start. Life or death Juliet had to survive and keep her word to her late mother...

Juliet suggested her parents escape while she stayed. But the next day when Juliet woke up she noticed that she wasn't laying on her mother's lap, but her father's. She stood up immediately and looked around there she saw that they were already on the seas. Juliet screamed and cried out for her mother..

'Promise that you'll always smile even in the darkest times don't let anyone get to you.'

'I promise mom.'

The Admiral's lip then quirked up into a smirk-ish smile showing her pearly whites.

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