Luffy Stands Up to Whitebeard!

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Juliet couldn't believe her eyes, the warship had landed on a convenient hole made in the ice that Jozu had smashed earlier and Luffy had survived and now stood on the very top of the warship his eyes onto the execution stage.

"ACE!!!" he yelled, his shout echoing through the whole battlefield.

"LUFFY!!!" his brother shouted back loudly causing Juliet's ears to wince at the volume.

Luffy looked happy to see his brother still alive "ACE!!!" he then let out a laugh in relief "I finally found you! Ace! Wait for me, I'm.."

Then a lot of prisoners were behind him, notorious ones that Juliet had assumed escaped from Impel Down. "Vi'd expect no less from the Navy's full force. They're not to be underestimated." said a large faced guy.

"Get ready for me, world!" a clown exclaimed.

'Who the hell is the clown?' Juliet deadpanned, her attention scanned the people around Luffy, she widened her eyes a little when she spotted Crocodile.

"Ace! I'm here to save you! We're all here to save you!" Luffy exclaimed.

Juliet's teeth were gritted together as her face showed how irritated she was, turning to the old geezer she yelled in his face "GARP! It's your damn family again!"

"Luffy!" Garp yelled, hands on the side of his head.

"Look! It's not only Straw Hat!"


"And even Ivankov from the Revolutionary Army!"

"And behind them is a horde of history's most notorious pirates!"

"They're the Impel Down escapees!"

"The man who everyone talks about. Straw Hat." Mihawk informed monotonously.

"Straw.. Hat..." Moria says in obvious frustration.

"Luffy! I am so glad you are safe!" Hancock gushed with her hands on the side of her head.

"That's one hell of a team he brought with him." Kuzan states.

"I didn't think you'd be letting him live, Julie-Chan..." Borsalino trails sending a questioning look to the female.

Juliet turns her head away from him in frustration "There was an old man in the way, if he wasn't there Straw Hat would've died."

"Hey that's the little brother Ace is always talking about." Marco says

"Now we've got all the Schibukai here, new and old!" Doflamingos announces in glee "And that's the famous troublemaker rookie, Straw Hat?"

"So that's him.. Not only is he the grandson of Garp the Hero.. he's also son of the Revolutionary Dragon.." Sakazuki said in a low but deadly voice before glaring at his very form "We'll have to eliminate him as well."

"Of all the things you could have done, you joined forces with Straw Hat Luffy.. Is this your answer Jinbei?!" Sengoku yelled at the fishman.

"That's right! I quit being a Schibukai!" Jinbei shouted straightforwardly angering the Marines mostly the ones on the execution stage.

"We have to destroy that team as quickly as possible!" Juliet quickly suggests.

"But its not just any team.. Any way you look at it, that's a strange team.. Prisoners working with a leader of the Revolutionary Army.. A bunch of funny looking people, and then there's.. Crocodile. I seriously doubt they all have the same objective. At least, not on this battlefield." Garp informed.

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