Old Age vs New Age

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The explosion didn't hit it's target, instead somebody kicked her attack away from it's target and instead directing it into the air. The explosion was big enough to send people flying backwards and knocking down a few trees.

The straw hats stood there in awe at the explosion, some also had fear shown on their faces. Luffy however seemed to be the most surprised, his mouth was wide open. His eyes then turned from the explosion to look at the pink haired girl.

She was still standing on Zoro while he still groaned in pain. She then slowly lifted her foot from Zoro's back and stood next to his figure. "I see, now you decide to show up.." Juliet said as she eyed the man in front of her with a calculative look before it turned into a genuine smile "Dark King', Rayleigh.". Even though he was old she'd still recognized him.

"I won't let you take out these youngsters. Their era is only beginning!" Rayleigh said

"What do you mean? Me and these 'youngsters' are in the same generation." Juliet corrected a finger on her cheek.

Rayleigh chuckled "I forgot that you're a young Marine. Guessing someone skipped their childhood."

"Don't provoke me, old man." Juliet said with irritation

"JULIET! RAYLEIGH!" Luffy shouted to the both of them in worry.

"The old geezer saved Zoro.." Franky said with disbelief.

"I-I'm so scared!" Chopper cried "Juliet you need to stop this!"

"So that guy is Dark King.. interesting." Sentomaru commented as he glanced at Juliet and Rayleigh.

"I heard rumors that you were somewhere on the archipelago grove. But all I got was ghost stories. And yet here you are. Sticking your head out for these rookies. You just can't stick those instincts can't you, Rayleigh?" Juliet asked

"It seems like those rookies knows you. And by the looks of it it wasn't on your assault. From what I know this would look bad for you." Rayleigh mocked

"Don't dodge the question. Like they always say 'once a pirate always a pirate.'' Juliet said avoiding rayliegh's question that seemed to be burning under her skin.

"Well I'll just let my question slide from you, I would be more than happy to retire and live off the quiet life, but it's a little hard to do since the Navy keeps hanging wanted posters of me."

"Really? You're a member of the Roger Pirates. Do you think that your crimes could be overlooked? But if we did manage to capture you, that would require some serious preparation on our part. In other words if I do capture you - I'm pinning the action on someone else since I hate doing paperwork. Imagine your paperwork I have to fill in. It could be the only thing that'll kill me in this world." Juliet said rubbing her temple just imagining all the 'preparation'.

"I'm relieved that the old man has still got some power." Usopp said tears of joy streaming from his eyes.

"Not only that, but when we attacked Juliet it went through her, but when Rayleigh attacked it touched her skin!" Brook exclaimed in shock.

"Why don't you be a darling little girl and let these kids go. What's the harm?'' Rayleigh 'suggested' casually.

"Get real old man. Do you have any idea what's going on right now. If I do let them go, I'd had to answer to the Celestial Dragons. And the Navy HQ has to keep them happy and that won't do. Do you have any idea how scary my fiance is? I am not going to deal with his wrath. I'd appreciate it if you didn't interfere." Luffy looked shocked as his eyes were wide.

"HEY USOPP! YOU GUYS!" Luffy shouted "GRAB ZORO AND GET OUT OF THERE!'' his shouts earned the attention of Juliet and Rayleigh. Usopp and Brook went in to swipe Zoro from the ground and ran away from the scene. Juliet just stood still and watched as they flee.

Her gaze then landed on Luffy. For just a moment her eyes softened when she saw his form, but it disappeared as fast as it appeared. "Luffy.. I'm sorry.."


"I have to say he's smart to know when to retreat.'' Juliet said hands in her pockets as she watched the straw hats scramble around and run away. On her palm she generated a black beam with white shockwaves "I won't let you escape." she said before firing it at the group.

But Rayleigh interrupted her beam when he used his sword to cut though her attack. "I won't let you pass!" he said "It's been a long time since I used my sword."

"Neither have I." Juliet said summoning a red blade from her hands and then brought it above her head before bringing it down to clash with Rayleigh. When they clashed their power seemed to be equal as none of them were budging "And here I thought I could get back on time.."

"This is a part of life, Juliet-san." Rayleigh mocked.

Juliet's eyes then twitched "You mat call me by my alias; Pinkusagi!" she shouted as they both exchanged blows with their swords. The sound of metals clashing could be the main sound that was heard.

"Seems like he's the real Dark King." Sentomaru mumbled "This is the first time I have seen the shorty fight anyone. And she's not bad."

Then Rayleigh blocked off a powerful attack from Juliet "As you can see I am not your average Marine. I am more than capable of fighting you." as their weapons clashed again a white lightning shockwave strikes into the air from where their blades met.

"I never said you were weak, Shorty." the old man chuckled lightly.

Juliet ignored the old man's mockery as her sight showed that one of the shichibukai's were helping the straw hats escape. "Bartholomew Kuma." she said lowly as her haki showed that he was separating them into different islands far away. "This is why pirates cannot be trusted - not like I trusted them in the first place anyways."

"I wanted to protect them, but.." Rayleigh trailed before Juliet strikes him with her sword again but he blocked it with his own "The damage on the other side is unusual.. and I want to lend it a hand somehow. It seems that it was your doing. But I don't want to get older."

"But you're already old!" Juliet shouted swinging her blade to him, but he dodged by jumping in the air and landed on the ground again. Once he did land Juliet noticed that he was panting heavily while she barely broke a sweat from fighting him. "Are you really 'Dark King' Rayleigh?" Juliet asked

Suddenly Kuma appeared in front of Rayleigh whispering something to Rayleigh making his eyes widened. "Do you really think I'll believe what you say?" Rayleigh said to Kuma in disbelief

"It's your choice. My position as a Shichibukai is in danger because of this." Kuma replied.

"What do you think your doing, Kuma?" Juliet said narrowing her eyes at him.

"In the government's case, we have no obligation to get along with the navy." Kuma continued saying.

"Enough talking!" then Juliet plunged her sword through Kuma. Then a bright light engulfed them all.

Once it died down Juliet was alone. She was standing in the exact same spot, but Kuma and Rayleigh disappeared from her sight. She scanned the whole island, but found no trace of either of the. Her sword disappeared as her back hit the ground.

Sentomaru's body them advanced towards her "We need to prepare for war against Whitebeard." was all he said.

Juliet groaned and pouted like child "I don't want to!" she said stubbornly as Sentomaru started making his way towards the warship.

"Oh yeah. I just heard Akainu looking for you." he said and that was all it took for Juliet to get off the ground and dash towards the warship with enthusiastic speed.

"Please forgive me!" she yelled as she sprinted for the ship and arrived in a matter of seconds.

"This girl, I wonder just how much power she's holding back." 

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