Action Time

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After her interaction with Teach, Juliet thought it was a good idea to finally relax. After all she had to deal with Celestial Dragons on a weekly basis. Personal bodyguard. Babysitter. Entourage. It was almost like abusing the work of an Admiral using her.

She is also needed in the Marines. Now she is needed more than ever because ever since Teach gave Ace to the Navy and had the title of a shichibukai there was to be a public execution of Gol D. Ace.

She had a war to prepare for. Everyone in the HQ was serious, even so Juliet never let go of her character as she continued to skip to her fiancé's office after her mission. Once the familiar large doors came into view she wasted no time slamming the door open without destroying it, thankfully. Sakazuki would've made her pay for it if she did break it.

The Admiral on the chair had a tick mark appearing at the side of his head at the rude entry. She could tell because his cigar turned hot making more smoke come from his cigar than normal. He turned his chair around and when his eyes pierced into her's they immediately softened upon realizing who it was.


The said girl smiled in response and she advanced toward him with a happy aura around her as she jumped right onto her fiancé and hugged his neck. He didn't seem to mind as he was no used to this attitude coming form her. He stood up from his chair, Juliet was still clinging onto his neck as he walked to the couch area in his office and pried Juliet from his neck and onto the sofa.

Juliet positioned herself in between his legs and played with her hair while he just hugged her small body. Everything was quiet and peaceful in the room until Juliet decided to break the silence "Thanks for bringing my coat for me." she thanked as she still fiddled and played with her light pink hair.

Sakazuki only kissed the top of her forehead for an extra long time making it seem like he was sucking it more than kissing before he pulled away "I knew it would've happened anyway." they then sat in silence the relaxing kind.

"I met some really nice people at Sabaody."

"Not the Celestial Dragons, right." Sakazuki asked releasing a large amount of smoke from his cigar before throwing it away knowing the girl didn't like to smoke.

Juliet only shook her head "Let's see first.."


Back at Sabaody Luffy had been through so much trouble including the fact that he had to save his 'friend' Juliet as well as his other friend Keimi. Hachi kept telling him not to worry about her and never speak of her. This just made the boy confused, Hachi explained to him that she worked for the Marines that included the World Government. The Celestial Dragons were also her boss. It he was to mention her alias which thankfully Luffy wasn't told of then they would be in huge trouble. They knew the Admiral's name, and what she was like beyond her official jacket, that very reason was enough for the Admiral to eliminate them.

Despite all of Hachi's warnings Luffy still spoke and asked freely of Juliet. It was the thought that clouded his mind most. Despite panicking over his mermaid friend's kidnapping he still found himself thinking back to Juliet. A girl that was always on his mind constantly.

In the auction house Luffy was angry as he was walking up the stairs of the auction house towards a celestial dragon. Without hesitation he punched Saint Charloss in the face the impact making him fly across the auction seats causing it to be broken.

Everyone in the auction house was shocked except a few selected people. Despite punching a celestial dragon and having no regrets on that matter Luffy felt like punching him was the only way to see Juliet again.

Hachi who was shot got really scared and shocked while Pappug was producing tears of fear at the scene. Keimi was shell shocked as she witnessed the scene, all color going away from her face.

Luffy's eyes were shadowed, Law smirked at his actions, while Kidd could only grin at the scene with his maniacal face.

"Sorry guys. Punching this guy means a navy Admiral is gonna come here with a warship.." Luffy apologized as all eyes were on him "But don't worry! I am sure Julie will come now!" Luffy grins as all the civilians rushed away and everyone else who didn't know about Juliet stared at him incredulously. "Come at me with all you got Julie!" he seemed to scream at the ceiling.

In Marine HQ

"That brat again. It's just one thing after another..What is with that family?!" Sengoku complained in the important meeting room while Juliet sat on one of the empty chairs already catching on what Sengoku was rambling about, on her lap was Sengoku's precious goat nibbling on her hair playfully and cutely might I add.

"According to our information, it's not just the Straw Hat crew, but Eustass 'Captain' Kid and his crew.. as well as Trafalgar Law and his crew. In all, 13 bounty-heads have been seen. Five of them are rookies with bounties over 100 million. Of course, we're going after Monkey D. Luffy, who intentionally hurt a Tenryubito. We can't get contact with anyone from the Human Shop.. eh, 'Employment Stability Office'. So they've probably all been beaten. Anyway, taking three of the Tenryubito as hostages.. is an unexpected act of hostility." a Marine officer saluted

"Do they have any demands?" Sengoku asked

"No, they haven't made any yet."

Juliet sipped her iced tea "In any case he did hurt the World Nobles, we'd have to take action right, Fleet Admiral-kun?" she asked as her tea cup was in height for the goat to sip her drink or in his case lick from the teacup with his tongue. "You know the worst part of my Monday is.. to hear you complain about yours.." she trailed as she got up and left the goat in her chair to finish off her drink.

"Pinkusagi..." Sengoku trailed

"I'll go, I'll be right back. After all this shouldn't take long. It was my responsibility from the start anyways."

She then walked smoothly out of the room with her jacket on, the officer moved out of her way while she exited the room. When out of there she went into an office and looked for a post it note, finding it in a drawer she wrote a note with a pen that was seen on her desk.

Dear Sak-kun,

I got business in Sabaody I will be back shortly hopefully before the war starts and I will try not to be late. If I am late.. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!

Sign your beloved fiancé 

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