Betrayal? Her True Colors

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In an alleyway Juliet was taking things out of her bag and as expected she took out another one of her Admiral jackets that she thought she didn't have. 'Apparently Sakazuki is prepared for any situation I throw at him' she grumbled inaudibly.

"Well better get this show on the road" she changed her clothes to her fighting one, a pink sailor uniform which is most seen when she was fighting, an outfit the pirates grew to hate, slinging her jacket on her shoulders she avoided anyone's eye as she went away from the alleyway bag in hand as she went to go find the Celestial Dragons as her blue eyes literally shined using Haki to track them.

She didn't like the Celestial Dragons one bit, they act all mighty when they can't even fight themselves they have no idea what it is like to really struggle in this world. I have experienced pain and loss. She was known as kind, caring, strong, the things that the Marines aimed for, but ironically didn't achieve because not everybody could be like her all smiley and strong when needs to be - behind that smile lies a past that scarred her for life.

Honestly if anything her past was still with her, she remembered her mother, her father, those filthy pirates. Her Marine cap was placed on her head proudly. She kept walking on the high rooftops ever so casually even with a skirt on she finds it the easiest way to fight.

She narrowed her eyes as she watched a little girl run to her father and they hugging each other, she remembered her father after all she joined the Navy instead of him. When she was little she swore to her mother that one day she would be a Marine to save her family from poverty and let him live an easy going life. She did make that happen, more than she thought, but only one parent could be able to receive that..her father. After years she made sure that he was healthy and had enough money. Even though she brought him a mansion to himself and hired several people to look after him and even threatened some of them to protect her old man with their life.

It had been years ever since she last saw her dad, the last time she saw him was before she joined the Marines, before she had gained fame and power, before meeting Sakazuki, before becoming an Admiral. It's been so long..After this mission Juliet made a mental note to inform her subordinate to give the Fleet Admiral an excuse for her disappearance and give her fiancé an honest answer why she left. She couldn't lie to him. No. It would break everything between them that she's worked so hard for. After this damn mission she was going to visit her father. No excuses this time she was really going to see him again.

Picking up the pace she sped across Sabaody, her eyes suddenly picked up on Groove 31 where people have seem to be scared at a very large man who seemed to be walking rather heavily.

Juliet landed on one of the building tops over seeing the view. Ready to leap in if needed after all this is her job; show these pirates who's boss.

She saw that a woman had accidently bumped into the rather tall man apologizing immediately while the others seem scared of him. The woman then gasped upon seeing the huge male who was panting heavily with his hands clutched on a collar that slaves wore.

Juliet raised an eyebrow at it 'An escaped slave?...' she thought almost cringing at the thought if it exploding after all the villagers were able to afford to lock that collar on her from leaving her 'prison' she somehow sympathized the man, but she kept still.

The man then grabbed the woman by the left lifting her up. Juliet still kept watching waiting to confront him. The woman was screaming for him to let her go

"You gotta help me!" the man begged in his booming voice filled with panic "I'm begging you get it off! Get this thing off of me! I just..I just wanna leave! I just wanna go back home!"

'Filthy pirate already scaring the civilians. I'll just wait to see his next move. His actions are annoying the hell out of me.

"Anybody?! Please get me out of this damn thing! Somebody bring me a damn tool! An axe! A saw! Something to get this thing off me! I just wanna go back home! I don't wanna hurt anybody!"

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