You're late!

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Meanwhile at another part of Sabaody, an axe wielding shadowed sighed in irritation "Why am I not surprised. Pinkusagi's late again. If she doesn't hurry there won't be anyone left for her to fight!" he heaved another deep sigh as the man couldn't contact her through his den den mushi "What does Kizaru see in her anyways."

In another grove where the Admiral was...

Her body continued to crack it surprised the supernovas who were still present as she would be hurt of that attack. Just when all her parts have turned to dust her body then had a light emit from where her legs once stood, and slowly the light started to take shape of her body again. Once the light died down Juliet was seen standing casually her body unharmed from the attack that had just been inflicted on her. She stretched her hands earning a satisfying pop from it.

"He has quite good taste in music." she commented as she eyed the man's form jumping from roof to roof away from the scene. Her glowing eyes locked onto his very form as she made quick movements and the next millisecond she was seen in front of Apoo in a backflip position.

"Wha-?" before he could comprehend what was happening she threw a kick at him making him crash down onto the building he was standing on. The impact of her strong kick had effortlessly destroyed the building.

XDrake who was standing nearby watching the whole scene sweated in worry. Faster than he could see he saw a leg in front of him. Next thing he knew he had been kicked across the face and sent into several buildings making them all collapse. Juliet stood there calmly as apart of the building fell behind her.

Her hand was then aimed at Basil, making the said man widen his eyes. "Crash." then an explosion went off on his cross tattoo the impact making him bleed heavily with his chest burnt. He groaned in agonizing pain as his crew watched with faces full of worry. Juliet however, wasn't affected by the pain she had inflicted upon her opponent considering she already learnt her lesson about her sympathy before.

It all happened in slow motion as Basil's body fell to the ground while Juliet's steps were losing in on him. Every step she took, her heels made a clicking sound every time she walked supporting an intimidating image. Every pirate would always remember the sound of her heels before they die.

As she stood in front of Basil who still had a stoic look on despite his fear showing through his eyes. Basil then began to grew weak from her recent attack on him, and now she was planning on eliminating him for good as that same white shockwave attack was in front of him. This time she made sure there were no distractions until...


Juliet looked around trying to pinpoint where that noise was coming from. She turned her head in all directions, but still couldn't find the noise anywhere.


Her fingers dug into her Admiral coat and fished out her pink den den mushi.


But her den den mushi was asleep. "That's strange.."


"Huh? What is going on?"


She then began to inspect her whole body. Checking any pockets she had in her dress.



"Ah, there it is." Juliet said finding her den den mushi in her coat. Instead of her big one, it was her small baby pink den den mushi "How did that get there?"


"Hello this is Juliet!" she answered in her usual cheery tone as the pacifista came at her side. It just recently assisted her into helping her fight with Urouge, Basil and XDrake before her actual fight with them.

"Shorty! You did have your baby snail phone with you!" came a familiar voice from the other line "Why didn't you contact me?!"

"Oh, Sentomaru-kun! It's you!" Juliet said with glee making the other man on the other side shake in irritation.

"Don't just say 'Oh'! You're late again! But you've arrived on the island, right?!"

"Well I did try and contact you upon arrival. And I was actually early!" Juliet cried

"Really? I bet you used to contact me with your big den den mushi again!"

"Huh?" Juliet said in confusion

"I told you once before! That big den den mushi is for official calls from Admirals and that baby one is for missions!" he lectured

"Really...?" Juliet trailed as if hearing it for the first time.

All the supernovas were in pain and they were all on the ground defeated.

"Whatever! Just hurry up and get back to work! We've already identified our targets! Straw Hat Luffy, Captain Kidd, and Trafalgar Law, who do you wanna start with?"

"Did you say.. Luffy..?" Juliet gasped her voice going to a whisper as her eyes were wide.

"Yes! Why! Do you wanna start with him!"


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