Arrival at Sabaody

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The Marines positioned themselves in front of the auction house with their guns ready. Inside the auction house there were still three pirate crews still present in there:

"We're just innocent bystanders, why is the Navy treating us like accomplices." Law shrugged not moving from his seat.

"On the upside I got to see Straw Hat Luffy do something crazy so, no complaints there." Kidd commented "Till I'd rather avoid fighting an Admiral."

"Sure." Rayleigh said talking to Luffy "But if you're expecting my help, I've used all my power today. So it's all up to you now. It'll be hard for me to stay if the Navy discovers who I am."

"I don't need a senior citizen to fight for me. The longer we wait the worst it'll get." Kidd smirked before getting up "I'm outta here. If you babies can't handle a few Marines, then sit here while I show how a real man takes care of things." he mocked waving his hands backwards at the two irritating them.

Outside the Navy gripped tighter on their guns as they heard three shouts from the auction house.

"I said I'll do it myself!"

"Stop bickering already..."

"Shut up! Just shut up, you two!"


"You're so noisy..."

"What did you say?"

"Like I said, leave this to me!"

"No! I'll do it!"

Coming from the auction house the Marines can faintly see three silhouettes emerging from the building who were all side by side bickering with one another.

"Don't order me around."

"Take aim!" the Captain commanded "All three of them are captains." on cue all three of them were in clear view of all the Marines ready to take action.

"You guys, stand back!" Luffy ordered cracking his knuckles.

"I said that you two should stay away!" Kidd grunted in irritation

"Try to give me one more order, and I'll take you out first, Eustass!" Law threatened

The Marines then fired cannons towards them "GOMU GOMU NO BALLOON!" Luffy turned his body into a big balloon and deflected the cannon back at the Marines destroying a few cannons.

Kidd used his devil fruit to stop a cannon from hitting him making the cannon float mid air "REPEL!" he directed the cannon ball back at the Marines making them flee away.

"ROOM.." then a blue dome appeared surrounding Law and a Marine "SHAMBLES!" then the cannon ball and the Marine's head swapped places making it explode near the Marines. On Law's hand was the Marine's head who was still alive being tossed up and down by him.

"Fire! Shoot him!" the Captain ordered behind the Marines. Luffy caught all the cannons balls in his fingers made into a net and flung it back to the Marines making them run away. He also did a round house kick to the Marines.

"Don't hesitate! Fire!" They shot more cannons at the pirates. Kidd used his devil fruit to connect all the Marines weapons together "REPEL!" and then he released them back at the Marines making them run away to avoid getting shot or sliced by their own weapons.

The Captain was angry and frustrated not moving from his spot "Impossible! Are these guys really rookies?" he sweated. Later the Marines have surrounded them again threatening to fire their guns. However, the three pirate Captains only smirked.

Law then unsheathed his sword and sliced the Marines, though non of them were dead from the action.

"We were cut!"

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