Preparation for the War

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Juliet didn't waste any time once she got to the Marine warship and started ordering her subordinates around in a panicked voice as it was clear that she was nervously sweating from the fear of being late.. yet again.

Her subordinated reported to her when he saw that the Admiral was slightly calming down fanning her face in distress. "Pinkusagi-sama.." he addressed making the said Admiral look at him with her clear blue eyes "Please calm down." he soothed with his hands in a relaxing manner. Soon enough she found her body turn calmer. She could hear the sighs of relief from all around her subordinates clearly they were frightened when their Admiral showed panic, but in the end they realized she was just like a child.

"Thank you, everyone." Juliet said a hand to her heart feeling her heartbeat pace breathing normally. "Not just for today, but for also participating into the war. It means a lot to me more than you think when you join me. This isn't just Justice we are fighting for, but we are also fighting for each other and what we believe that is right. I am grateful for every Marines or ally that comes to the war. I really am. In case you die in this war just know that a Marine must be willing to die for Justice. Death is an inescapable reality for everyone and Marines die daily, but remember that good deeds live forever." she said looking up to meet all the smiles of her subordinates.

Of course in return she smiled brightly at them. It was genuine. No doubt Pinkusagi's smile was the brightest of them all. The Marines looked up to her, respected her, everyone had a huge respect and trust towards her even. She was trusted by Sengoku - that would explain the reason why Juliet wasn't taken out of the Marines long ago because of her sympathy towards pirates. They didn't like the idea that she would even think about pirates in that way even Sakazuki commented on how 'unexceptable' it was.

At the start it was clear as day that Sakazuki had a deep hatred towards Juliet due to her being a 'D' which was supposed to be god's worst enemy. In the end everyone questioned how the man who had hated the woman most was now engaged with her. The reason behind that is.. only a few know.

During her time as Vice Admiral she was always partnered with Sakazuki, Borsalino and Kuzan much to the dismay of the red Admiral. Later on it was noticed in the Marines on how tolerate Sakazuki had become with the woman. Kuzan was one of the first to notice the relationship change. He wasn't one to express his emotions, but seeing his comrade and the woman who had dubbed him his 'best friend' together hurt him. He never showed nor told anyone on how he truly felt about them.


'Julie.. why did you choose him over me..'

Soon the door slid open as a soldier walked in "So this is where you were?" the soldier said looking at the ground to see a sleeping Admiral who was using his jacket as a blanket as he laid on the floor. "It's time, Akoiji-san." the man saluted.

Akoiji lazily got up from the floor "My, my, my.." he mumbled "Did Julie already bring me lunch?" he asked while taking off his sleeping mask as he got up.

"It has been reported that Pinkusagi-san will be arriving shortly..." the Marine was cut off short as the Admiral patted his shoulder gently.

"Yeah I know. Don't you have a sense of humor?" Aokiji shrugged off lazily as he advanced towards his door.

"But why did you mention Pinkusagi-san?" the marine questioned. The Admiral ignored his question as he stayed silent casting a blank look at the marine. The marine then realized that he asked something which he thought was personal to the Admiral. "Please forgive me for my curiosity!" the Marine bowed

"No need. I'm just looking out for her. She's always been the lazy one." Aokiji said with a wave of his hand and gestured the marine to walk to his assigned spot. The marine in return sweat dropped at the ironic statement he had made.

Meanwhile in the same building another Admiral was being escorted "Please hurry!" the marine said. He was the one assigned to take Admiral Kizaru to his spot.

"It's already noon... and my precious Juliet hasn't arrived yet?.. She's been working so hard lately." Kizaru commented his voice as slow as ever "However, it can't be helped, seeing as Whitebeard is on the move..."

Meanwhile at the port in the Marine base. Pants and a flash of pink and white could be seen dashing through the Base. Pinkusagi's subordinates sigh as they went to prepare themselves for the war with what little time they had considering that their Admiral arrived late. With Juliet she was running around the base with inhuman speed.

She knew she was screwed now. She had been late so many times.. actually she was always late ever since her promotion to Admiral. Her heart was racing fast as she continued to scan the base with her haki as she pin pointed where her fiancé was.

In Sengoku's office, Admiral Akainu was there talking with him about the events that were about to take place. "With Whitebeard in the war we need to have an insider amongst the pirates." Sengoku said.

"I have already token care of that problem." Akainu assured. "Has Juliet arrived yet?" he asked with his hands in his pockets.

"She hasn't arrived..-" Sengoku said but was cut off by the snail near him;

"Sengoku-sama! Juliet-san has just arrived! I repeat she just arrived and now is on her way to her assigned spot!"

Sengoku rubbed his temples "Nevermind. You could manage to escort her to your assigned spot, can you?"

"Knowing her she'd probably get lost. Or most likely procrastinate. I will make sure the both of us arrive at the spot on time." Akainu answered confidently.

Sengoku nodded signalling for Akainu to exit his office. Once he had shut the door a strong force crashed into him luckily he saw it coming and already had the woman he was looking for hugging his side tightly. "Sak-Kun! I am so sorry I'm late!" she apologized as she hugged his arm tighter.

Akainu showed no reaction as he just looked at her before sighing deeply. He removed her from his shoulder and set her down on her two feet. He put his hand on her hand and stared deeply into her eyes. His fiery black eyes were meeting her innocent blue ones. "I could never be mad at you." he then planted a kiss at the top of her forehead putting his hand behind her head pulling her closer. "Let's go. There is an execution about to take place of a very despicable man."

Akainu held his hand out for her to take, Juliet had a moment of hesitation before she snapped out of her thoughts and took ahold of his hand "Alright, let's get ready to fight when the Marines need us."

"You'll be on stand by at the war in order for you to reserve your energy. Whitebeard is a pirate who has the power to destroy the world, but the Marines have one of their own." he squeezed their hands tighter as he said that. Juliet smiled at him before they both headed to their assigned spots in the war. They walked side by side as the sound of their footsteps could be heard in the empty hallway.

"The Navy's greatest combat force, the four admirals.. and the Royal Schibukai..These mighty adversaries are what stand in between the pirates and Marineford." 

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