Standing up to Juliet!?

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"Not coming from a girl with that look."

Behind Juliet's blank face was an impatient beast raging inside as her operation was taking longer than expected. 'This isn't good! I need to buy time!' Juliet thought as she tapped her foot impatiently on the stall pavement constantly checking her snail phone.

"Shove through!" the pirates yelled as they were going over Oars' corpse until they were interrupted by a large explosion preventing them from going any further.

"This destructive power?!" commander that resembles a human pig exclaimed with wide eyes.

From the smoke appears Juliet surprising both sides of the war, her lip was in a thin line but her angry eyes told another story. "Don't get carried away pirates! I won't let you through that easily!" Juliet exclaimed so that everyone could hear her loud audible voice.

"It's Admiral Pinkusagi!" the pirates gasped in fear, even the pig-like commander.

Juliet ignored them as she saw Luffy in the distance running towards her direction with angry eyes. Thoughts and memories started rushing to her at that very moment.

'It's just I never had fun like this before. When I was a child I never had any fun like this. Thank you guys, Luffy-kun.'

'Shishi no problem'

I don't want to hurt him, but that would mean betraying everything I've worked so hard for and with for almost all my life. Juliet felt a tear threatening to come out as she bit her lip to make sure that she didn't show any of it when against her enemy. Luffy was still on his way towards her and she made no attempts to stop him yet.

Just seeing the determination in Luffy's eyes reminded Juliet of herself. She felt guilt run through her too, betraying them, technically she didn't even make it official she was their friend in the first place yet, but he still lingers her mind the way she always lingered in his.

Juliet felt conflicted with her emotions and her duty, she'd knew that carrying out her duties will one day destroy her like it was right now. On the outside she was someone calm, collected and strong but inside she was conflicted, broken and vulnerable. Another thought crossed her mind though:

'Bring Justice to any pirate who dares go against the Navy.'

Sakazuki always knew what to say to her, or it was just his unusual harsh behavior towards her when they first met, or was it because of how reliable he had been when they were sent on missions together. The days back them were so simple yet complicated for them. Juliet mentally shook her head.

'No time for thoughts like this! I'll have to stop him and buy time even when it means..' Juliet thought as her eyes landed on Luffy '..that I can't repay Luffy for all he's done.'

"Hey it's you! Juliet from Sabaody!" Luffy exclaimed as he was running realizing that girl who was always lingering in his mind. Luffy didn't know why he felt a little relieved to see her unharmed and a little angry that she could just show up after almost killing him back in Sabaody, but he knew one thing was clear at the moment, he needed to get past her if he wanted to save his brother that he knew longer than the pink haired girl.

"The celestial dragons will be on my case if I let you get away again!" Juliet told her usual bright smile in a deep frown, her clenched fist was coated in a bright white aura as she glared at her target "Straw Hat Luffy." her voice void of emotion.

However Luffy still look determined and his speed didn't change one bit making his brother grit his teeth in worry for him and his allies worry for his survival as well.

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