What makes me an Admiral

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Sometimes people ask me, how did I become an Admiral? How did I maintain my legendary reputation? How did I even join the Navy in the first place?! I didn't always used to be the kind, innocent girl I was today.

Well this is my backstory:

A little girl was running in the middle of the road in a small town. Unlike other kids she had a different colored hair - it was pink. It was rare seeing any other color than black, brown or blonde in their small town. Due to that Juliet always got picked on by other kids.

There the young pink haired girl was crying her eyes out as she was running away from a group of kids who were hot on her tail. Losing a step Juliet tripped and fell onto the ground before she could collect her thoughts again a big hand came and yanked her hair roughly making tears sting her eyes.

She tried to escape but the whole group already surrounded her making no escape for her. She just stood there taking in all the pain the kids were giving her, some yanked on her hair so hard she felt it would almost come off, others teased and made fun of her:

"Aww, girls are even uglier when they cry." a boy teased

"Stupid pinky! So one will ever love you!" a girl sneered

"Someone like you will never be as strong as my dad! He's a marine! Forget it! Your dream is stupid! There's no way you can become a marine!" the leader, Joseph, said eyes intimidating her crying figure who was now on the ground covering her face with her hands.

"Yeah, they won't accept you!"

"You'll probably become the chore boy or a waitress!"

"B-But..You'll never know until you try right?" Juliet whimpered looking up at the kids

Joseph sneered disgustedly and yanked her whole hair and looked at her with dead serious eyes "I'm just stating the facts someone like you doesn't stand a chance against real pirates." once he said that he tossed her hair and her head on the ground leaving her there and going away with the rest of his gang.

Juliet watched silently as they all left, she didn't do anything but thought about what they said 'Am I not fit to become one?' Juliet thought as she walked silently back home which was on the edge of town.

'Am I really ugly?'

Opening the door to her small little house Juliet went in and saw her mother preparing her dinner, her family wasn't as fortunate as others though. Her parents had financial problems, her dad would work all day and sometimes all night to earn money for their family in the fields while her mother would go to the trade market to sell their crops.

Her family owned a small rice patty. In the village they were one of the poorest. No matter how hard they worked it was never enough for them to afford things that other families in the town could afford.

Her parents paid more than half of their budget for her to go to school, and because of that they couldn't afford any other type of food other than rice, or have a better house. It upset Juliet to know that her education was causing her parents to suffer.

One day she declared to her parents that she would become a Marine and earn lots of money so they could take it easy. Her parents just smiled when she declared that and told her to worry about herself rather than her parents.

Her mother smiled as Juliet came into the kitchen, but frowned once seeing tear stains on her cheeks and her eyes puffy from crying. She cupped her daughter's cheek.

"Juliet. Did they make fun of you again?" she asked sternly

Juliet couldn't lie and slowly nodded her head. She heard her mother mumble a few words under her breath. "Mom. Am I ugly?" Juliet asked teary. Her mother jerked her attention away form her cooking and looked at her. "Please mom, don't lie to me. Everyone in the town hates me. And because of that they hate you and papa too."

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