Let the War Begin

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Juliet smirked as she saw the Moby Dick in front of them, she fiddled her hands in excitement as their was another ship coming right after the first one, then the last one. There were two ships that looked like fin whales while the biggest ship which held Whitebeard the resemblance of a blue whale. As soon as they emerged from the water the coating popped.

Then she heard a soldier report from the front as he examined the ships with his binoculars "T-That's.. The commander of the First Division, Marco! And all 14 Commanders are here!"

She could tell that Ace was shocked by their arrival. A clank of metal could be heard coming from the top head of the blue whale causing Juliet to look up at it in anticipation. The other three beside her also rested their eyes on that spot waiting for the big man to show himself as well as everyone else. Slowly walking up the steps dramatically slow as his weapon made a clanking noise on every step as his coat was slung on his shoulders.

The man then faced the whole army with his weapon in hand. He then had a short laugh "How many decades since we last met, Sengoku?"

"Whitebeard!" Sengoku said through gritted teeth.

"Make it my beloved son.. is doing well?" immediately after that dry joke Whitebeard let out all the Marine soldiers stated sweating nervously from fear. What do you expect, this is a lot of the marines first time seeing Whitebeard in person including Juliet as well.

Sengoku was panicked "How could you get in here so easily..?!"

Silence was then followed up after Sengoku's unanswered question. Whitebeard then dug his weapon onto the whale to keep it holding as he clenched his fists to launch an attack. He then smirked before punching both of his fists at his sides. From the place where his fist hit cracks started to form and expand from there shocking the Marines as the cracking sound could be heard.

"A crack.. in the air? Where have I seen this before.." Juliet mumbled as she crossed her arms observing his next plan of action. She then spotted the water rising phenomenally as they all started to form into a tsunami. 'His plan of action is to drown Marineford!'

"A seaquake?! He can make even the ocean shake?!" Sengoku exclaimed surprised

"There's one on the other side, too!" someone yelled

"Is this Whitebeard's power?!"

Juliet turned her head from both sides to see a large tsunami planning to drown them. She merely blinked and leaned back on her chair with her arms behind her head lazily. After that move everything was silent again then tremors could be felt from everyone in Marineford.

"What are these tremors?!"

"Here it comes. The seaquake that he set off earlier.. is coming back as a tsunami!" Garp warned as the said disaster is making it's way here causing an earthquake to shake the soldiers. "The earthquake man, who ate the Gura Gura fruit.. 'Whitebeard', Edward Newgate!"

Then on cue the tsunami attacked the bay, the water towering over it.

"It's a tsunami! It's huge!"

"We might have him outnumbered, but don't assure that it guarantees victory.. It's possible that we will be the ones to meet our end!! That man.. has the power to destroy the world! But if things go wrong.. we can always send in the Marine's trump card! That man is not the only one who possess that power!" Sengoku exclaimed as he glared at Whitebeard.

Juliet and the other Admirals all held their signature expression above all the chaos. Juliet sunk deeper into the chair as she knew she would be there for quite a while. All the commanders prepared to charge themselves for battle as they readied their weapons in hand and everyone let out their battle cry.

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