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Zendaya's p.o.v
I nervously walked up to the large set in front of me. It looked like a real circus with the colour scheme of red and white.

I called over to Darnell, who was still sitting in the car, and beckoned him to come in with me. I had never felt so nervous for an audition as I was today, probably because of how interesting the storyline is.

I took one deep breath before walking inside with Darnell following me close behind.

I saw Micheal and began to walk towards him hiding my nervousness as much as possible.

"Hi!" I exclaimed, catching the attention of Micheal, who smiled happily when he saw me, "This is Darnell, my assistant/best friend."

"Ahh! Zendaya, Darnell. Great to see you, come take a seat. We're just waiting for Zac then we can start our meeting," He replied gesturing to a seat as he sat down on his black directors chair.

I sat down and waited for the meeting to start. Waiting made the suspense build up inside of me and was making me even more nervous.

After a couple minutes of waiting in silence a voice was heard from behind us, "Sorry I'm late!"

I turned around in my seat to see the most handsome man I have ever saw. He had sparkling blue eyes, which I could get lost in for hours. His black hair was slicked back and his smile could brighten up my darkest day.

"Zac! Now we can start the meeting!" Micheal said as Zac sat down.

Please introduce yourselves while I try and find my notepad.

"Hi, I'm Zac Efron," Zac said as once again I became lost in his blue eyes.

"Hey, I'm Zendaya Coleman," I introduced myself, having to pull myself out of the trance I was put in by looking into his eyes, "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too,"  Zac said smiling happily, waiting for Micheal to return.

Soon enough Micheal sat back down and began to jot down notes after asking us questions about ourselves.

"Oh!" I exclaimed remembering what I wanted to give him, as I searched my pocket, "I wanted
to give you this."

I passed him the CD which he placed in his CD player. We sat in silence as my voice rang though our ears. Once it was finished I explained that I sung my own version of rewrite the stars.

"Wow! That was incredible!" Zac complimented me making me blush.

I thanked him and smiled shyly feeling my cheeks redden and become hot.

Regular p.o.v
"Yeah, do you want to hang out on Friday?" Micheal asked making Zendaya jump out from her seat in joy shouting 'yes' repeatedly.

She ran out of the door with a laughing Darnell close behind her. They got into the car and drove away quickly, leaving behind a confused Zac and Micheal.

"She knows she has the part, right?" Zac asked chuckling at his new friend's reaction.

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