Panic attack

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Darnell's p.o.v
It was annoying the fact that both Zac and Zendaya couldn't tell they liked each other. Both of them believed the other was way out of their league.

I walked behind Daya into set and greeted everyone as she copied. I could tell she was looking for one person in particular and it was no question who that was.

As soon as Z's eyes met Zac's she grinned that love-sick-teen grin and walked over to him. That was not what shocked me though, but the way she walked to him. Usually when she walked over to someone she would have a smile on her face and she would walk normally, but not to Zac.

This time her hips swayed as she stepped and she flipped her hair back off her shoulders. Instead of her usual smile in its replace held a grin and her cheeks were red.

This made everyone around the two chuckle at their obliviousness. I sat down next to Austin Johnson and Cameron Seely, the two little girls that played the Barnes kids.

Both Zendaya and Zac had taken a huge liking to the two and always played with them, another thing they had in common.

When the girls saw me sit down they giggled slightly making me turn to them curious.

"What you two laughing at?" I asked them smiling. They turned too me and then too each other before laughing again.

"They're like Anne and Phillip! Though they don't realise the other likes them yet!" Cameron squealed pointing at Zac and Zendaya. This made me smile, come on! Even the two kids realised they liked each other!

"What you all smiling at?" Zac asked us as he and Zendaya walked up to us. He furrowed his eyebrows like Zendaya and they both rolled their eyes at the same time.

"Okay! At first it was cut, but now it's creepy!" I shouted slightly scared at their unised actions.

Everyone around us nodded clearly overhearing the conversation.

"What?" Zendaya asked at the same time as Zac. They both laughed realising what they were doing. They looked at each other and smirked mischievously before winking and running of to opposite sides of the ring climbing up the trapeze ladders.

"Guys! Get down! You don't have your protection gear on!" Hugh panicked looking at the two in fear, as the rest of us looked the same. The pear just rolled their eyes telling us they were fine before jumping and flipping on the equipment.

The two grinned happily before flipping off their trapeze and grabbing on to the ropes on the opposite sides of the room. With the momentum they had created they spun together grabbing each other's waists creating a graceful spiral effect.

Both of them were lowered onto the floor before being smothered in worried hugs.

"That was amazing, but next time put the gear on to stop us having a panic attack!" Micheal gleamed.

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