Missing you

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Zac's p.o.v
Me and Z have become really close and everyday after work we'll go to either my trailer or her's.

"You all deserve a break! Go see your family for two weeks!" Micheal yelled, so we all started saying bye to everyone. I walked over to Zendaya and said bye to her, I told her that I'll call her and text her.

I left and got into my car and travelled for 3 hours too my house.

Zendaya's p.o.v
When I arrived home I sadly ran up to my room trying to stop myself from crying.

I could hear my family's worried voices coming from downstairs. I grabbed my phone and opened up the new messages I had received.

There were some positive,but most were... to put it simply:hurtful.

From: Unknown number
Zac will never like you!

From: Unknown number
Zac is an incredible actor and deserves more than a black thing like you!

From: Unknown number
I hate you! Zac hates you! Everybody hates you! Your family should be ashamed of you!

I threw my phone on the bed next to me and began to sob. What have I done wrong? I've tried to ignore these messages, but it's too hard!

I didn't hear my mum walk up the stairs, nor her opening the door to my large room. Only when she sat on the bed next to me and pulled me into a tight hug did I notice her.

"Hunny... what's wrong?" She asked me rubbing her palm in circles on my back in a comforting manner, once we let go of our hug.

I shook my head, not wanting to tell her. She nodded understandingly before kissing my forehead and creeping out of the door and down the stairs.

I looked back at my phone and tried to concentrate on the kind comments. I searched up ZacEfron on instgram, when his account came up on my screen, I saw a birthday post for me.

 I searched up ZacEfron on instgram, when his account came up on my screen, I saw a birthday post for me

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I quickly thought of something I thought was cute but is probably really awkward and posted it on twitter.

I quickly thought of something I thought was cute but is probably really awkward and posted it on twitter

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That was probably super cheesy. Ugh!

~Two minuets later~

My phone started playing rewrite the Stars and the name 'Phillip Carlyle' was written across the screen. I giggled and rolled my eyes before answering the face time call.

~In call~
Zac: Hey Z!

Zendaya: Hey Zac! Happy Birthday!

Zac: Thanks! Do you like my new ringtone and name?

Zendaya: (giggles) Yup! Guess I gotta change my name and ringtone now, huh?

Zac: Yeah!

Zendaya: (rolls eyes) Ok, Mr Carlyle (Putting on a posh Anne voice).

Zac: By the way, Miss Wheeler, Thank you for my birthday post.

Zendaya: Welcome...wait
. Were you stalking my account!

Zac: No... well I saw the birthday post and I might of scrolled down to see more.

Zendaya: Oh my god! (She said between laughs)Anyway did you ring for a reason or do you just miss me already?

Zac: I'll have you know that I do miss you, but my family organised a secret party so I've got to go now.

Zendaya: (giggles) Go on Zac, go spend time with your family. Say 'hi' for me!

Zac: Okay, bye Z.

~Off call~

I sighed heavily and lay down on my bed with floral patterns on. Soon enough the hurtful messages began to ring on my phone- tears falling down my face with every buz.

If this is what it's like now... what was it like for Anne? Or anyone like me or her in that time scale?

I sighed again before searching up 'Anne Wheeler' on my phone. The results that came up were shocking. News articles and interviews about her and Phillip's 'disgusting love'.

My thoughts were soon distracted by laughing coming from downstairs. I smiled and wiped my tears before heading down to see what my crazy family was up to.

I know Anne and Phillip weren't real, but I feel like them being real would add more power to this story.

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